Convicted Felon, Racist, Rapist, and President Trump Thread

giving the President quite a bit of control
I feel like most of his “power” stems from those people who could impede him choosing instead to do nothing because he’s doing something they personally want.

You know, like gutting wetland protection.
Or also, it appears, some of his power comes from these people who are yelling WE WANT BARABBAS! GIVE US BARABBAS!



Staff member
You think presenting even more evidence is going to make a difference at this point? I've given up on Republicans giving a shit, or their supporters listening to reason.
Oh no, as i've said before, it's about getting the fence sitters, not the cult members.

What i'm excited about is the spin they'll put on actual audio evidence... that's going to be epic amounts of stupid...
The fact is, we need term limits.

The reason none of the Republican's are actually standing up to Trump is because of the optics. They know they need Trump voters to keep their jobs, and they know the only way to please Trump voters is to stand with Trump. All of these people are scared for their jobs. Any dissent gets you named a RINO and reduces your chances for campaign funding. Even Republican's that voted on the presidential war power limits recently were crucified on social media for it.

We need to limit this problem by limiting the length they can hold the job. If they don't have to fear getting fucked over in the next primary, they are less likely to lock step with the party.

It won't happen though, because for some reason we decided that the people that need these limits are the only people that can actually create and vote on making them a law, and that ain't going to happen.


Staff member
The fact is, we need term limits..
I think that there's a solid argument to be made that merely instituting term limits will just leave newly elected officials vulernable to the influences of long-term unelected positions, lobbyists, lawyers, advisors, etc. I'm for term limits, but more needs to be done.

What I think is even more important is stopping the idea that money equals speech. We need to put a stop to the idea that people should be able to spend money to sway the political system because that money is part of their free speech.
If they're still sitting on the fence after all this time, fuck 'em. What the hell is the matter with them!?
Did you miss Tress' post a few days ago? Lesser evil and all that.

And there's likely more people who didn't pay enough attention who are even more vulnerable to that.

And the pepoe who assume that because the right said all those things about Obama that where BS, the left is doing the same about Trump etc.


Staff member
It... I just... what dimension is this? How did I get here? Can someone send me back, please?

So, he's saying that it's okay for politicians to use extortion to fund their campaigns? A mayor up for reelection can withhold building permits unless they get a contribution to their campaign fund? A senator can block legislation until a PAC runs the right campaign ad? I know these things are pretty commonly done, but that doesn't make them legal, and it sure as hell doesn't make them moral.

This is disgusting.
He is basically saying any politician can do something as long as his motivation for the act is in the public good.

Trump extorts Ukraine for his own "personal gain" (which I guess does not count being elected fucking president) = Impeachable

Trump extorts Ukraine because he believes winning the election is in the public interest = Not Impeachable

This is the political world we live in now.


Staff member
Trump extorts Ukraine for his own "personal gain" (which I guess does not count being elected fucking president) = Impeachable
I think you got this point wrong.

Democrat extorts a country for their own personal gain = Impeachable

Trump extorts Ukraine for his own "personal gain" = Unthinkable; Republicans are paragons of virtue and God's chosen, always motivated by the good of the people
I'll repeat what I've said before. Evangelicalism is not Christian. It is a cult of hate and bigotry. Look at the video. Even Trump can't stand them, but they are useful idiots.

Did I offend anyone with that statement? I SURE FUCKING HOPE SO.
I'll repeat what I've said before. Evangelicalism is not Christian. It is a cult of hate and bigotry. Look at the video. Even Trump can't stand them, but they are useful idiots.

Did I offend anyone with that statement? I SURE FUCKING HOPE SO.
I'll offend one step further. They 100% are Christian.
Somehow, not even surprising.
Now, in any normal trial, this would mean he'd have to be excluded from the jury. Same for anyone else involved. And suddenly, there'd be a Democratic majority! :rolleyes::pud:


Staff member
Has he? I've seen plenty of messages saying his question trying to out the WB was rejected, did he really just come out and name him publicly?
When his question was rejected, he stomped out of the senate chamber and held an impromptu press conference, where he identified the whistleblower by name.