Convicted Felon, Racist, Rapist, and President Trump Thread

Apparently Operation Blame the Darkie is underway.
The culmination of four years of policy finally comes to this: "We've been trying not to say it for four years but now we can't hide it any longer...all our social and political problems? It's all the result of Black people. Yes, that's right. You thought it was only about Black people in your neighborhood but now we have damning evidence that Black people have even infiltrated the highest levels of our own government! <startled gasp>"
Anyone have some brain bleach left I can borrow?
Sorry, someone drank all mine already.

Relax, guys i'm sure he'll provide proof, just like when he said his investigators found something interesting about Obama's birth in Hawaii....


Staff member
And, of course, all of my conservative friends spreading it like it's gospel. They are such a gullible bunch.

Oh, and Ahmed Arbrey was filmed breaking into a place and wasn't jogging but running away. No Proof, mind you, but that's what the posts are saying. Whenever a black guy gets killed they always go right to character assassination. Every time. White killers? Mental health or stand your ground.
Oh, and Ahmed Arbrey was filmed breaking into a place and wasn't jogging but running away.
It was not even a break in. It was a house in the process of being built that was not fenced off. He also left after only a moment, without stealing anything.

At most, it was trespassing. I am guilty of walking around unfinished houses in my area too, mostly to try and imagine what it might look like finished. Why he did it? Can't say, but the fact he didn't run off with even a hammer tells me there was no intent to steal. Even so, trespassing on an empty, under construction house isn't grounds for murder.
It was not even a break in. It was a house in the process of being built that was not fenced off. He also left after only a moment, without stealing anything.

At most, it was trespassing. I am guilty of walking around unfinished houses in my area too, mostly to try and imagine what it might look like finished. Why he did it? Can't say, but the fact he didn't run off with even a hammer tells me there was no intent to steal. Even so, trespassing on an empty, under construction house isn't grounds for murder.
Even if he had just knocked over a liquor store, ambushing and shooting him would still be illegal, and still be ethically wrong
Oh, and Ahmed Arbrey was filmed breaking into a place and wasn't jogging but running away. No Proof, mind you, but that's what the posts are saying. Whenever a black guy gets killed they always go right to character assassination. Every time. White killers? Mental health or stand your ground.
This Arbrey case just keeps unfolding into an even bigger and bigger deal, it'll probably end up a landmark like that of James Byrd, Jr.
  • Two White men, Travis and Greg McMichael, accost and kill Arbrey, a Black man, under suspicious circumstances.
  • A third (White*) person, William Bryan, records the entire incident on video for some reason.
  • Police records show zero reported robberies around the date and time of the incident, removing any justification for their actions.
  • Turns out Mr. Bryan also happens to be the McMichaels' lawyer. Mr Bryan has since claimed he has no such relationship with the McMichaels.
  • Bryan intentionally leaks the video because he somehow believes what it shows will exonerate the pair's behavior.
  • He wuz wrong.
And then there's these other videos (Originals are from TikTok so can't embed):'s a reddit version of the two videos concatenated so I can embed it:
(EDIT: Summary of the video...a White man in the South jogs two miles through a residential area while carrying a flat-screen television and is merely greeted with smiles and waves by the locals)

*(if it matters)
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Fuck you, Dolt45! There is no "other side" about wearing masks. No credible medical expert is against wearing masks.

Trump was probably suggesting that after you've worn your mask for a while, just flip it over and wear it with the other side out, thereby doubling its lifespan. It's another example of his great genius at work.

Trump was probably suggesting that after you've worn your mask for a while, just flip it over and wear it with the other side out, thereby doubling its lifespan. It's another example of his great genius at work.

And then, you can wear it back-to-front and turn it inside out again! Four days with one, baby!


Staff member
I love Bernie and I'm disappointed in him. On the other side, Ben Sasse can lick my balls and he didn't show up, either. So those two no-shows cancel each other out.
The measure in question failed by *one* vote.
Yeah, it needed 60 "yea" votes to pass, and it only got 59.
Four Senators failed to vote.
Lamar Alexander (R-TN) - Self-quarantining after a staffer tested positive.
Patty Murray (D-WA) - Reportedly did not vote because she was on an airplane, but allegedly claims she would have voted "yea" if she had been there.
Bernie Sanders (I-VT) - Has not cast any votes since May 4, a query to a Sanders spokesman went unanswered.
Ben Sasse (R-NE) - A query to a Sasse spokesman also went unanswered.

Meanwhile, 10 Democrat Senators actually voted "nay", so it wasn't purely a toe-the-McConnell-line partisan thing.
Tom Carper (D-DE) - Has already gone on record that he wants to strengthen cybersecurity.
Bob Casey (D-PA) - Has repeatedly voted to enhance ability to wiretap.
Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) - This was a surprise. Didn't figure CA would go authoritarian, but has repeatedly voted to enhance ability to wiretap.
Maggie Hassan (D-NH) - No obvious trend I could find other than making it harder to immigrate.
Doug Jones (D-AL) - No, not THAT Doug Jones. Has a surprisingly progressive history (for AL), so voting no is a real puzzler.
Tim Kaine (D-VA) - Has previously criticized PATRIOT act, so why vote no?
Joe Manchin (D-WV) - Has previously voted to enhance ability to wiretap.
Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) - Has previously voted to enhance ability to wiretap.
Mark Warner (D-VA) - Has previously voted to expand FBI surveillance powers.
Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) - Has repeatedly voted to enhance ability to wiretap.

So of the 10 Dems who voted "nay," only three (Hassan, Jones, and Kaine) are a real surprise.
