Convicted Felon, Racist, Rapist, and President Trump Thread

Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) - This was a surprise. Didn't figure CA would go authoritarian, but has repeatedly voted to enhance ability to wiretap.
The feeling out here is that Feinstein no longer represents the largely progressive views of California. She's been getting attacked from the left often. There was a primary challenge from the left last time she was up for election, but it was a weak effort. She's so thoroughly entrenched that it's hard to remove her, even when many people in the state no longer feel she represents California Democrats well. But on the other hand she's usually more in line with people in social issues, so she has some cover. Still, I wouldn't be surprised to see her get challenged again (and perhaps more competently this time) if she does decide to run for another term.

EDIT: Also, it's hard for progressives in California to attack a feminist trailblazer like Feinstein. Even when she votes like this, people give her leeway.


Staff member
The only reason they went after Barr (and not any of the other congresspeople who did insider trading) was so that he would be removed from the intelligence committee and Trump and the DOJ could get someone in there who would sink the whole thing. Again, this is the most transparent administration ever, just not for the reasons they said they would be.


Staff member
Trump Fires Inspector General Ahead Of Damning Whistleblower Complaint About Bogus Coronavirus Cures
"ON FRIDAY, WHILE Rick Bright was in the process of filing what promises to be a damning whistleblower complaint to the Inspector General of the Department of Health and Human Services, President Donald Trump announced that he was firing the inspector general, Christi Grimm, and nominating a handpicked replacement."

<sigh> Here we go again!

Just how many Inspectors General is Trump firing?
President Trump Removes State Department Inspector General Steve Linick

I'm gonna pretend that I am having some sort of acid trip rather than acknowledge cheeto posted a mash up of himself being Bill Pulman in Independence Day.
I'm gonna pretend that I am having some sort of acid trip rather than acknowledge cheeto posted a mash up of himself being Bill Pulman in Independence Day.
A pirated mashup, since I presume he did not license the movie.
But since those rights are owned by Fox, they probably won't press too hard.



Staff member
Barr says he won't let his justice department be used for partisan politics.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

The President's hand puppet thinks he's being fair and impartial by refusing to investigate both sides. Apparently he's thinking along the same lines as Trump does about testing for COVID-19. If you don't investigate, there's no crime! How wonderful to know that the American voter is fully informed by the complete lack of investigation.


Staff member
President Trump openly admits that he fired the Inspector General because Pomeo asked him to. The IG that was investigating Pompeo for a crime was just fired by Trump, because Pompeo asked Trump to do it.


Trump just removed the DoT IG investigating Elaine Chao.
Chao’s husband, Mitch McConnell, has already vetted the replacement.

From the reddit thread about it:
You mean they might probe the tens of millions Mitch McConnell and Elaine Chao inherited from Chao's father, shipping magnate James Chao?
...James Chao, who makes his money from his shipping conglomerate, regulated in the US by the Department of Transportation, led by Elaine Chao?
...The shipping conglomerate deeply entwined with Chinese state-owned enterprises and incredibly close to the Chinese Communist Party?
...The Chinese Communist Party who benefitted massively from China's entry into the WTO and a raft of other policies supported by Mitch McConnell?
...The Mitch McConnell who switched from being a massive China hawk to incredibly pro-China, following a gift of tens of millions from shipping magnate James Chao?
...Those finances?

I've always liked Dan Rather
View attachment 33962
He forgot the last part, "while black".

I mean seriously, Meghan McCain recently complained that Obama was the one to usher in the "culture war" that seems to be consuming us, but lacks any seeming awareness on the reason why. A little hint, Meghan, it was not because of his policies or his speeches, it was for a much more surface level reason. It's why they couldn't let up on his Birth Certificate, and why all his biggest scandals involved tan suits and mustard.
I was literally just reading about this and I honestly wanted to scream.

"Sir, dams just ruptured in Michigan, thousands have been evacuated."

"Didn't they send out absentee ballots to everyone in the state?"

"Well, no sir, they sent out absentee ballot applications like most states."

"Sounds close enough, let's threaten to withhold state funding."

"Sir, people are literally underwater. Sir...?"

Am I right in saying he doesn't have the right to hold up funds? Doesn't Congress have the 'power of the purse'?
Republican controlled Congress gave up that power when they allowed him to just move funds from other departments to his dumb wall. So no, because they are trying to make a very dumb king