Convicted Felon, Racist, Rapist, and President Trump Thread

They don't teach any of that in school. Well, a little in college, but that's optional for any "real degree".
Huh. Must have been my journalism class in high school, then. We had entire lessons on subjective vs. objective, deductive reasoning, ethics, critical thinking and listening, yellow journalism and how to recognize and avoid it, yeah. Good stuff.
Huh. Must have been my journalism class in high school, then. We had entire lessons on subjective vs. objective, deductive reasoning, ethics, critical thinking and listening, yellow journalism and how to recognize and avoid it, yeah. Good stuff.
Got a good bunch of it personally as part of my STEMlord degree. Philosophy 101, American Government, Critical Thinking, and Ethics in Computer Science. "Humanistic" university, though.
And yesterday in Florida he was apparently bragging about having sent federal agents to Portland to "take back control where state and local cops failed." Except, what they've actually managed to do is arrest a prospective renter of space in the federal building for being near the building last night, threaten to send their service dog to a shelter, lie to them about medical certifications that they didn't have, nearly kill them trying to flush the OC gas they used on the person when they were being arrested out of their eyes, refuse to provide them with adequate medical care, and then release them with no charges after trying unsuccessfully to charge them with "chalking on federal property," when they were actually using surveyor's chalk to mark the boundary line of city property. Portland's mayor is completely and utterly incompetent and hasn't done a damn thing for the entire 44 nights of protests except blame protesters for getting tear gassed. The governor hasn't said a word about the federal troops that are roughing up the townsfolk, nor the racist attacks throughout the state, nor the Neo-Nazi "counter protests" that have been popping up, nor the Proud Boys, nor anything else recently. Though, to be fair to her, she is facing a recall attempt from half the state for forcing them to wear masks.
Huh. Must have been my journalism class in high school, then.
Same. In Social Studies in middle school, we did a newspaper segment where we discussed the impact of headline size, layout, the page 3 "Second Front," and as early as 5th grade I remember discussion on how much difference there can be based on how two sentences are constructed, even though both say the same thing.

I don't know about the rest of my classmates, but I also realized that the lessons we learned there apply to more than just newspapers.

Same. In Social Studies in middle school, we did a newspaper segment where we discussed the impact of headline size, layout, the page 3 "Second Front," and as early as 5th grade I remember discussion on how much difference there can be based on how two sentences are constructed, even though both say the same thing.

I don't know about the rest of my classmates, but I also realized that the lessons we learned there apply to more than just newspapers.

Come to think of it, the people who did well in that class tended to go on to do well in life, and the ones who didn't are kind of still living around their childhood* homes, mostly doing meth and watching Fox News.
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He promoted their use from the start, yes?
Doesn't know what everybody is complaining about. Masks are great - that Hydroxychloroquine stuff, dangerous drug, the Democrats have been pushing that and not wearing masks, very dangerous people, Democrats, enemies of the people, fake news media, I was saying the other day, you need to wear masks, because they make everyone so much safer, but no, the lying Democrats don't want you to live, they want this country to fail, but masks, masks are great, love masks, why my uncle even patented several types of masks, brilliant man my uncle, very high IQ just like mine. Did you know the doctors were very impressed when I passed the cognitive skills test at Walter Reed Army hospital, it's because of my very high IQ. Masks are great.


Staff member
Wow, a fascist dictator-wannabe has plans to use military force to control the country? <SARCASM> No one could have predicted that. </SARCASM>
Wow, a fascist dictator-wannabe has plans to use military force to control the country? <SARCASM> No one could have predicted that. </SARCASM>
These armed militias outside the voting booths are just here to ensure safe and fair elections for everyone who votes
for the right party
I'm still amused that people think there's actually going to be an election this November, but that's just me.
The constitution is very clear in that it states that the President and Vice President are normal citizens unless they are re-elected. If the election is canceled, the line of succession will determine who is president after Trump and President are done with their term. This is so clearly stated in the constitution that the current Supreme Court would surely read it as such 9-0. Trump trying to stay in the White House in such a circumstance could be viewed as nothing other than a coup. I will print off and eat these words if Trump cancels the election at all. I do not even believe he has the power to do so anyway!

So be amused all you like, it is a pie-in-the-sky paranoid dystopian fantasy to think the election will be canceled. And I say that as someone vehemently and angrily against Trump right now.
The constitution is very clear in that it states that the President and Vice President are normal citizens unless they are re-elected. If the election is canceled, the line of succession will determine who is president after Trump and President are done with their term. This is so clearly stated in the constitution that the current Supreme Court would surely read it as such 9-0. Trump trying to stay in the White House in such a circumstance could be viewed as nothing other than a coup. I will print off and eat these words if Trump cancels the election at all. I do not even believe he has the power to do so anyway!

So be amused all you like, it is a pie-in-the-sky paranoid dystopian fantasy to think the election will be canceled. And I say that as someone vehemently and angrily against Trump right now.
You know he tacitly declared war on Portland today, right? That's against the constitution too. I don't see the supreme court rushing to stop him, or anything being done to get the feds out of Portland. Wake the fuck up, people. This is not a normal world. We are not living in a constitutional country.

But don't worry. He won't break the constitution literally every single day since he was sworn in because of the emoluments clause. Or any of the other thousands of ways he's broken it. No, he wouldn't dare not give a flying fuck about it. That wouldn't happen, it's unconstitutional.
You know he tacitly declared war on Portland today, right? That's against the constitution too. I don't see the supreme court rushing to stop him, or anything being done to get the feds out of Portland. Wake the fuck up, people. This is not a normal world. We are not living in a constitutional country.

But don't worry. He won't break the constitution literally every single day since he was sworn in because of the emoluments clause. Or any of the other thousands of ways he's broken it. No, he wouldn't dare not give a flying fuck about it. That wouldn't happen, it's unconstitutional.
I agree on the emoluments clause but both that and sending federal troops (in the guise of protecting federal buildings) are leagues away from canceling an election. Trump is a callous, brazen, petty narcissist but there is no way he will get away with canceling an election. Pie-in-the-sky paranoid dystopian fantasy.


Staff member
Yeah, there's precedent for sending in, say, the National Guard, to quell civil unrest. In fact, that's how things were done before municipal police departments were a thing.