Convicted Felon, Racist, Rapist, and President Trump Thread

I thought that too but he wasn't with anyone his age, just an older man who I assume was either his dad or a milo fan.
Likely he is wearing it for his parents. I don't think a 16 year old gives much of a crap about politics, but I have met many parents that will use their kids as walking billboards.
Am I the only one who comes in here and makes sure there's something new in one of the "Funny Picture" threads before opening this one, just to make sure I have something to take the taste of this out of my mouth?
Hey, it worked for Stalin and Mao!
For Stalin it actually DID work to begin with:

Later on it failed like crazy, and for Mao, their "Great Leap Forward" was a complete disaster. But from a "true look at history" perspective, it did work. Stalin's abuses and whatever else you want to call his pre-WWII stuff arguably made it so that Germany didn't literally Blitz over them in Operation Barbarossa. They were peasantville prior to the 5 year plans. Their industrialization TRIPLED (or more) in just the first two of the 5 year plans. Not to say everything was roses. Horrific abuses also happened in those times, as detailed in that article (and many many others), and those should not be forgotten either (like the Ukrainian man-made Famine).

So I'll be the first to pile on evidence that Stalin (and Mao) were complete monsters, but to say those plans (of Stalin's at least) didn't work at all is just false. But even a stopped clock is right twice a day. I guess these were the ones where Stalin was "right" enough.
Am I the only one who comes in here and makes sure there's something new in one of the "Funny Picture" threads before opening this one, just to make sure I have something to take the taste of this out of my mouth?
Usually I do it afterwards to cheer up.
Well, until you get to the part where Trump thinks he can ship non-Mexican illegals back to Mexico as well, just because that's the border they crossed. He's playing a game of Diplomacy Chicken.
Well, until you get to the part where Trump thinks he can ship non-Mexican illegals back to Mexico as well, just because that's the border they crossed. He's playing a game of Diplomacy Chicken.
Which is, you know, SUPER illegal.
I can't fucking believe they're pushing that whole PROFESSIONAL protester thing. That everyone angry at town halls is paid to be there.



Trump administration revokes transgender washroom guidelines.

For God's sake. It doesn't end. It just doesn't end. It's not even this new decree. It's that it'll give bigots a reason to harass and abuse transgenders more now. They'll feel emboldened and think it's okay.

At this point, there really is no hope for the world anymore. It's getting worse and there's really no way to fix it.
I've said Nick that the only good thing about us having enough time to watch Trump mess the fuck out of the US is it's the only thing that's going to save us from the same kind of populist right wing mess here.
For God's sake. It doesn't end. It just doesn't end.
Pretty sure the Founding Fathers said something about he Tree of Liberty needing to be watered with the blood of patriot and tyrants from time to time.

But the thing is, things are getting better all the time... but only because people fight to make it so.

And really, this whole thing if one of the few last efforts by the other side to keep things like they where, borne out of desperation because they're losing. The fact that they need to use masked language proves that.
Say you guys ever notice that only Trumps youngest kid looks like him?
We he did fire his 2nd wife's bodyguard after a policeman gave the wife and the guard a fine for doing something at night on a beach (they claimed she was peeing, i think).
NY Times, CNN, Buzzfeed, Politico all blocked from entering the White House press room.

AP and Time are both boycotting it in protest.

Basically it's just Breitbart and Alex Jones now allowed to cover White House press conferences.

I don't know how much clearer it needs to be but you guys have an anti-democracy dictator in charge.

I doubt even Fox will spin this positively, they are members of the WHCA.
I don't know how much clearer it needs to be but you guys have an anti-democracy dictator in charge.
WE KNOW ALREADY not like we can do anything about it

Let's not forget a quote that at least one person has attributed to Bannon:
Bannon allegedly said:
"I’m a Leninist,” Bannon proudly proclaimed. “Lenin wanted to destroy the state, and that’s my goal too. I want to bring everything crashing down, and destroy all of today’s establishment.”