Convicted Felon, Racist, Rapist, and President Trump Thread


Staff member

Just a reminder, 538 says Trump has a 27% chance of winning a second term.

That may not sound like much, but if I told you I was going to flip two coins, and if they both came up tails, I was going to shoot you in the head... would you still want me to flip those coins?

I've been kind of complacent myself these past couple years, when Beto got within 1% of beating Ted Cruz.

But these last few weeks, I've been interacting with a LOT of people, in person, who I thought were smart enough to know better, who have:
1) openly called the Covid pandemic a hoax, sometimes actually calling it a "plandemic."
2) called me a sucker for wearing a mask, claiming that I was being socially engineered into compliance.
3) expressed dissatisfaction with the post office running so far behind, saying "this is why it's losing so much money!"
4) openly derided the BLM protests as nothing but looters and terrorists
5) straight up openly said they sure hope Trump wins, because Biden will ruin this country.
6) posit that the democrats will stage some kind of health issue with Biden so that they can replace Biden/Harris with a HILLARY CLINTON/BARACK OBAMA (yes, Obama as Veep candidate) at the 11th hour to be their "dream team."

TLDR version: A lot of people are REALLY stupid and really self-centered, and aren't interested in hearing anything bad about Trump, because it doesn't matter. They'll take anything over a Democrat, no matter what. Even Trump. And any time Trump does something jaw-droppingly chillingly embarrasingly stupidly awful, they just plug their ears and think "can't have a Democrat."

Just a reminder, 538 says Trump has a 27% chance of winning a second term.

That may not sound like much, but if I told you I was going to flip two coins, and if they both came up tails, I was going to shoot you in the head... would you still want me to flip those coins?

I've been kind of complacent myself these past couple years, when Beto got within 1% of beating Ted Cruz.

But these last few weeks, I've been interacting with a LOT of people, in person, who I thought were smart enough to know better, who have:
1) openly called the Covid pandemic a hoax, sometimes actually calling it a "plandemic."
2) called me a sucker for wearing a mask, claiming that I was being socially engineered into compliance.
3) expressed dissatisfaction with the post office running so far behind, saying "this is why it's losing so much money!"
4) openly derided the BLM protests as nothing but looters and terrorists
5) straight up openly said they sure hope Trump wins, because Biden will ruin this country.
6) posit that the democrats will stage some kind of health issue with Biden so that they can replace Biden/Harris with a HILLARY CLINTON/BARACK OBAMA (yes, Obama as Veep candidate) at the 11th hour to be their "dream team."

TLDR version: A lot of people are REALLY stupid and really self-centered, and aren't interested in hearing anything bad about Trump, because it doesn't matter. They'll take anything over a Democrat, no matter what. Even Trump. And any time Trump does something jaw-droppingly chillingly embarrasingly stupidly awful, they just plug their ears and think "can't have a Democrat."
The cult of party is worse than cult of personality. It's truly exhausting.
Trump is 10000% going to attempt to do to the FDA what he's doing to the Post Office. He already did it with tests. He wants the FDA to approve whatever bullshit chemical Russia is calling a vaccine, and I'm pretty sure it's not going to happen.
Trump, always giving away the game.
"Fifty-one million ballots are going to be indiscriminitely sent out to people who didn't even ask for them, people who will say, 'Hey, I just got a ballot, that's great, let me vote,' and it's a terrible thing."
Yes, Donald, that's called Democracy.

Also some leaked audio came out that I feel really reinforces the essence of Donald Trump.
“I got many more votes than Romney, many more votes than McCain… we ended up with 11 per cent… and I’ll tell you, it’s much more if you add — many blacks didn’t go out to vote for Hillary [because] they liked me — that was almost as good as getting the vote,” he said.
Yes, because people not voting for your opponent or you means they obviously must like you.
OMFG, I am so sick of Trumps's bullshit. Something that is so fucking easy to prove, and his followers won't even consider that he's lying RIGHT TO THEIR FACE.
OMFG, I am so sick of Trumps's bullshit. Something that is so fucking easy to prove, and his followers won't even consider that he's lying RIGHT TO THEIR FACE.
they’re completely unaware of their bullshit - sorry, no, they are counting on other people being completely unaware of their bullshit. The lawyer for Mr Yo-Semite wants to mock someone for being able to read
Can't make it any more obvious. Here are officers from the DHS openly standing in defense of Proud Boys, in Portland.


And of course they sent in a K9 unit against the black people.
Another bill that will never see a vote in the Senate because Turtle will be too scared about not having full loyalty.

Some Republicans won't want to be seen there, some may be too popular (can't have someone be more popular than Trump), some are too unpopular, some are female and not pretty enough,... It's hard work you know.
Exit polling almost exactly matched election results within a tiny margin of error, until electronic voting machines in the 1990s, then started deviating by huge margins.

I love in that twitter thread that an entire African American community didn't vote for the senate but voted for everything else.
Looks like Kellyanne Conway is out before the election. She is leaving at the end of the month.

For once, this isn't something caused by Trump though, at least, not directly. Earlier, Claudia Conway, Kellyanne's teenage daughter, wrote on twitter that she was devastated that her mom was going to speak for Trump at the RNC. It exploded into her not only saying that her mothers job "ruined her life", saying her parents only want money and fame, but that she was going to push to emancipate from her parents due to what she says was abuse. As soon as this all went public, Kellyanne put in her notice of leaving, and George Conway withdrew from the Lincoln Project.

Talk about drama. I knew that shit was weird with Kellyanne and George being on opposite sides of the Trump train, but adding in a very liberal daughter to the mix was not something I expected, let alone what would tank her WH career.
Talk about drama. I knew that shit was weird with Kellyanne and George being on opposite sides of the Trump train, but adding in a very liberal daughter to the mix was not something I expected, let alone what would tank her WH career.
She's been pretty openly trashing both of her parents for awhile now.
His 2nd term agenda, btw, includes "Teaching American Exceptionalism" in schools, and I just can't. Please GOP, tell me more about how those civil war statues are "To remind us of the mistakes of our past." According to you, we have none.
Ecuador has had 20 constitutions, and none had worked as it should. I think that is because for us (and maybe the rest of south america) "the law" doesn't mean anything really important. We are missing principles. The important thing for most of us is what you can gain and what you can get away with. I wonder if usa is going to end the same way. I always though that all political or economical system work, as long everybody does what they are supposed to do. That has never happened here, and it seems that it is no longer happening over there.