Convicted Felon, Racist, Rapist, and President Trump Thread

Geez. Google says that means "I hope he takes your country out."

That's a little harsh.
She meant to write sorté ( or is it sortè ) and not sorte.

But even then i'm not sure (it's been a while since i paid attention in french class) it's 100% right, since it might sound awkward, like saying "I hope he exits your country!"
I was using the subjunctive to express it as a wish/desire.
Well, i barely remember my native grammar, so i can't tell if it's right with a regular "e".

But the issue is that "sorte" also means sort / type / kind.

Also, forgoing diacritics when using regular keyboards is a trend where i'm from, so i assumed you just did that.
Sorte is perfectly well written like that and definitely doesn't need any accents or diacritics. Both sorté and sortè don't exist in French (it's sorti).
I for one blame google:

So you tried to correct someone who is bilingual by using Google translate? :/
I think this is also partly that (most) American English speakers have no or little understanding of the subjunctive case in their own language (i.e. it is correct to say "If I were to go to the store," not "If I was to go to the store," but most people don't use the former) much less being able to identify it in other languages, and Google Translate is no different. Also, Google Translate is pretty rigid in how it translates (shocker, I know) so adding in "de" to the phrase " J’espère qu’il sorte de ton pays" makes it translate correctly, whereas someone who knows the language would understand the meaning in either version.

p.s. per the newest message, Bonne fête Squidleybits!
I think this is also partly that (most) American English speakers have no or little understanding of the subjunctive case in their own language (i.e. it is correct to say "If I were to go to the store," not "If I was to go to the store," but most people don't use the former) much less being able to identify it in other languages, and Google Translate is no different. Also, Google Translate is pretty rigid in how it translates (shocker, I know) so adding in "de" to the phrase " J’espère qu’il sorte de ton pays" makes it translate correctly, whereas someone who knows the language would understand the meaning in either version.

p.s. per the newest message, Bonne fête Squidleybits!
I mean, that's irrelevant to my point, but sure.
So you tried to correct someone who is bilingual by using Google translate? :/
It's worse then that, for some reason i completely missed the verb parts on wikitionary, even though i visited the page:

But it wasn't just google, the silent "e" made the sentence sound weird to me. But now i'm realising i'm kind of pronouncing it in my head with an american accent, and would probably sound fine in actual french pronunciation.
Also, Google Translate is pretty rigid in how it translates (shocker, I know) so adding in "de" to the phrase " J’espère qu’il sorte de ton pays" makes it translate correctly, whereas someone who knows the language would understand the meaning in either version.
Also, it doesn't have a translation for it as a verb:

but, as i posted above, it does have it with diacritics.

So i assumed she just didn't bother with the diacritic, since we mostly don't even in a lot of semi-official documents.
So since 5,000 people registered to vote in Otisburg, MN and 22,000 people voted for Biden in Otisburg, MI, a massive fraud occured?
A better question would be—how is 22000 votes out of 5000 for Biden an indicator of voter fraud, but 20800 votes out of 5000 for Trump isn’t?

My old boss has made me fear google.
Well, they are one of the most likely to be part of the corporate overlordship in our upcoming cyberpunk future.


Anyway, to clarify, i actually went to google to show Dave that "sorte" also means "leave", but when it didn't i tried with the diacritics, based on what i remember of french from school.

"DO NOT VOTE IN THE GEORGIA RUNOFFS, THE DEEP STATE WILL BE COLLECTING EVERYONE'S INFO. THIS IS A CHARADE, MEANT TO IDENTIFY PEOPLE WHO DON'T VOTE DEMOCRAT," one post read, which also lamented that potential victories for Warnock and Ossoff were a "small price to pay."
Federal judge in PA throws out yet another vote case, and the right loses its mind over "Obama appointee." Never mind that said judge was selected by GOP Senator Toomey, is a member of the Federalist Society, and was unanimously confirmed by voice vote.

Oh, and Sen. Toomey has congratulated President-elect Biden. :rofl: