Convicted Felon, Racist, Rapist, and President Trump Thread

The last kick would be to force the GOP governors to select GOP electors in states Biden won. But that will not happen, cheeto will just keep sucking in money from morons and never admit defeat until inauguration where he will plan s new campaign rally and get arrested.
There is a street in my town that I don't see super often unless I need to drive down that way, and while I'm on it today I notice there is a house that still has its "Trump" yard sign up. It is surrounded by three houses that still have their "Biden" signs up, including one with a large Biden flag in it's window.

Anyway, it must be fun living in that neighborhood.
no biden signs up here..haven't been since a couple days after the election. Everyone here knows he won. The only people with signs still up are hopeful trumpers.


Staff member
Here come the pardons! (This one may not happen, but it's going to be just the start of the pardon-a-palooza.)

I would say it should be removed all together. If there is a system or law in place that is unfairly putting people in jail, or on a death sentence, that problem should be fixed. We shouldn’t have to rely on the favors of one person to right our wrongs. And as we can see it’s typically used for the presidents friends, or people with enough money to get his attention.


Staff member
Told ya. It's going to start now. All the deplorables that backed him or helped him break the laws or just raped the country for their own personal benefit are going to be pardoned and completely get away with it.

And the right will cheer.
... is their really any reason the Biden administration needs to honor these pardons? If they believe the initial pardons to be illegal/illegitimate because they were performed to protect those who committed illegal activities that Trump directly benefited from and knew about, then there really isn't any reason to not just arrest them as soon as Biden takes office and duke it out in the courts.
Now with a tv personality president demanding that he should be the president even if people vote against it, most of the americas have the same political system. How long before Canada can join the rest of us?
... is their really any reason the Biden administration needs to honor these pardons? If they believe the initial pardons to be illegal/illegitimate because they were performed to protect those who committed illegal activities that Trump directly benefited from and knew about, then there really isn't any reason to not just arrest them as soon as Biden takes office and duke it out in the courts.
Even if they do honor them, it's not like they can't arrest him for other charges that may come up after a Biden DOJ looks into Trump and all the stuff Flynn could have been doing for him.
Trump pardoning Flynn might blow up in both their faces.

A pardon would mean the 5th amendment in the plea deal Flynn took for a reduced sentence would no longer apply, and he would be required to testify against trump or be guilty of federal obstruction.
Omg I was going to respond "it doesn't matter though since he can just keep getting pardoned", and then I remembered we're actually getting a new president. Shits nice.
The theory is that at the last minute (Jan. 19?) Trump could resign, hand the keys over to Pence, have him pardon Trump, then go on their merry way.