Convicted Felon, Racist, Rapist, and President Trump Thread

With everything that has happened for some reason I didn’t consider the possibility one of the most horrific things happening until now.
What if one of these thousands of nut jobs assassinates Biden?
With everything that has happened for some reason I didn’t consider the possibility one of the most horrific things happening until now.
What if one of these thousands of nut jobs assassinates Biden?
I've been thinking that, especially in light of Pres. Shitbag tantruming he won't go to the inauguration. Also, given that we are still in a pandemic, rather than having a giant public celebration, it should be small and televised. Biden would still get a bigger crowd than Trump's debacle.
I've been thinking that, especially in light of Pres. Shitbag tantruming he won't go to the inauguration. Also, given that we are still in a pandemic, rather than having a giant public celebration, it should be small and televised. Biden would still get a bigger crowd than Trump's debacle.
Just have Biden announce that he’s closing off any citizen attendance of his inauguration for everyone’s safety, especially if he’s going to tighten Covid restrictions when he gets into office. Trump will use that as fuel for the trumpanzee’s for years, but Biden has nothing to prove.
"Nuke Twitter headquarters! Nuke it! Right now!"
"Sir, we can't nuke them. Their headquarters is in California. Literally millions of people would die."
"*sigh* You have properties there, too."
"Shit, never mind."
It's a Friday Night Massacre in twitter-land. First the whack-a-mole of Trump alts, now Michael Flynn and the kraken herself, Sidney Powell, have been kicked off.


Staff member
So, Google Play took Parler out of the app store, Apple is threatening to do the same (if it hasn't already), but my question is: Who is hosting Parler's servers? And are they willing to stand with all the sedition brewing there?
A good Twitter thread on the lesson that should be learned from the Great Trump Twitter Purge:

Full text in spoiler for long:

The lesson here is not "OMG big tech is more powerful than the president, this isn't how it's supposed to be!" but "Even the president is not exempt from the rules we all agreed to follow, that is exactly how it's supposed to be."

The president is *not* supposed to be more powerful than a company when it comes to managing that company's own affairs. This is a basic bedrock conservative principle, isn't it?

The fact that one president in particular made the decision to run the country through his Twitter account... well, now we're seeing *another* reason that was a bad idea. No other president we've had or will have in the next four years would have been so hurt by a Twitter ban.

Donald Trump, a man who has always believed it is weakness to need another human being, became practically and psychologically dependent on Twitter. He never learned how to actually be president. He just liked commanding things and making announcements.

And he could do both of those things on Twitter, where he got the immediate and sustained psychological gratification of feedback on how much love and attention he was getting for his announcements.

He announced important policy decisions and personnel changes through his own personal Twitter without apprising anyone in advance or doing any of the actual paperwork, leaving his underlings to figure out what he wanted and make it actually happen.

And... that was bad. That was a bad decision on his part and it was bad of his underlings and the rest of the government to prop his lazy and incompetent backside up as he did it.

Twitter cut off much of his limited ability to govern, but that's a him problem, not a Twitter one.

When Trump was running he said that he wouldn't tweet as president because if he won he wouldn't have any more time to tweet. Think how much better off we all might be, him included, if he felt any need to make good on his promises.

Joe Biden, who knows better than most what the job of president is supposed to look like, has made similar statements as rueful jokes, but the thing is, we know he's telling the truth. He is not going to suddenly treat Twitter as a bully pulpit.

He'll have an official government Twitter account for announcements and he'll use his personal account for the kind of bland "Future's So Bright I Gotta Wear Shades" messaging he's been using it for. He won't take sides in celebrity couple breakups. He won't fire people online.

Donald Trump wasn't banned for being Republican or conservative (plenty of both on here still!) but for inciting violence and years of overlooked violations, but imagine Jack Dorsey DID ban Joe Biden just because he doesn't like Joe's politics.

What's this even do to Joe?

I'm not saying I want to live in a world where the platform *where I make my living* is banning people for their politics, but that's not the world we live in.

I'm saying, the implications of Twitter banning a president are almost nothing. This isn't a huge power shift.

Taking Twitter away from Joe Biden wouldn't block any of his policy goals. It wouldn't shift the balance of global power. It wouldn't remove his ability to connect with the people he serves. It wouldn't muzzle his ability to get his message out.

Banning Trump from Twitter, to a huge degree, *stops him from being president* because he doesn't know the actual right way to do things.

But that's a Trump problem, not a Twitter one and not a presidential one.

The internet is the public square and Trump is still welcome there. Twitter is a private business someone built off of the public square. He's worn out his welcome here.

There's nothing chilling or Orwellian or un-American or dangerous or dystopian about that. It's business.


Staff member
I've seen a lot of posts comparing Twitter bans to cake shops, and I think a lot of them missed the chance to make a very important point:

Trump doesn't want Twitter to make him a cake. Trump wants Twitter to make him a cake with a message inciting violence on it.

The homophobic cake shop didn't want to provide any cake to a gay couple, just because they were gay. Twitter was willing to provide service to Trump, as long as he didn't violate their terms of service. Trump could have had as many cakes as he wanted, as long as he didn't expect the staff at Twitter to write obscenities on them.
Here's a thought. All those pardons the orange stain was passing out like candy, they don't cover what happened this week. And by the time charges ARE brought, he'll be gone and there will be no one to save them this time.