Convicted Felon, Racist, Rapist, and President Trump Thread

This is why I don’t think he’ll ever see a day of prison. They can’t keep him safe in a prison setting. Worst case is he’s put under house arrest in trump tower, or somewhere in NY.
House Arrest sends the completely wrong message. It's more likely they'll clear out a wing of the ADX Florence in Colorado until they build something more secure somewhere else and that facility becomes the defacto "Presidental Suite". Another option would be Cheyenne Mountain: it used to be NORAD HQ but it's currently mostly mothballed. I'm pretty sure -inside a fucking bomb shelter in a mountain- is secure enough to contain a presidential prisoner.
House Arrest sends the completely wrong message. It's more likely they'll clear out a wing of the ADX Florence in Colorado until they build something more secure somewhere else and that facility becomes the defacto "Presidental Suite". Another option would be Cheyenne Mountain: it used to be NORAD HQ but it's currently mostly mothballed. I'm pretty sure -inside a fucking bomb shelter in a mountain- is secure enough to contain a presidential prisoner.
My guess is the message it sends is the last thing they’ll care about.


Staff member
I always thought it was an unfortunate coincidence that the Secret Service and the Schutzstaffel had the same abbreviation. These days I'm not so sure it's either.
It’s certainly the dumbest one I’ve ever seen.

I just can’t understand how grown adults are permitted to share this stuff unironically without being publicly and universally jeered.

They're going to start arresting the Disney World character actors and visitors aren't they? Single dad (mom died due ectopic pregnancy at 7 weeks) takes 5 year old daughter to Disney, joins her for the full Disney Princess experience, executed the next day...


Staff member
Tipping a little more towards "darkest."

View attachment 44455

"Come to Florida, where crossdressers can legally be murdered with only a 2/3 majority."

You also missed: Florida schools celebrate Confederate History Month in April

Including a video that says the Civil War should be called "The War to Prevent Southern Independence". Teachers have been warned not to speak out against the video. Teachers unions have told them they can't protect them against DeSantis.

Crazy Pillow Guy, Mike Lindell: I have proof that China interfered in the 2020 presidential election. Prove me wrong & get $5 million. (Now I just need to be sure to only make that data available at a "cyber symposium" I organised where the only other people there will be other election deniers. They won't want to prove me wrong.)

Guy at the symposium: Oh sweet, proof that Joe Biden didn't win the election! Awww, this is easily proven wrong data. Oh well, $5 million is a pretty nice consolation prize.

Mike Lindell: Hey, is that a demonic duck of some sort?

Private arbitration panel: Mike Lindell set up this competion, he set the prize money at $5 million, that guy won according to the rules of the competition. Pay up motherfucker.
