Convicted Felon, Racist, Rapist, and President Trump Thread

That tweet makes it sound like he doesn't get enough sleep lately, that he has trouble stringing words together into coherent sentences that carry meaning and stuff.

That was my take. I want to post that answer to Facebook and ask my relatives who voted for Trump what they think it means.
Kinda tangential, but I've never really liked the concept of the presidential pardon. It seems like it was almost explicitly designed for this exact situation.
Huckabee always seemed more vile to me than Spicer. But maybe that's me projecting my animosity towards her dad onto her.

Probably still deserves it.
As an aspiring press secretary, I feel bad for the guy. Talk about a sisyphean job, both punishment and crime served at the same time :(
In other news, US Intelligence intercepts have revealed that Jeff Sessions discussed Trump campaign-related matters in meetings with the Russian Ambassador (Sergey Kislyak). Sessions testified under oath to Congress during his confirmation hearing that the meetings did not happen, and when they were proven to have happened, defended them by saying they were just social meetings, not official business. Among the issues reportedly discussed were Trump's position on Russia-related issues and prospects for US-Russia relations under a Trump administration.

That's not the big news.

The big news is that this information may have been leaked by Trump himself in order to justify firing Jeff Sessions and replacing him with an AG who will fire Mueller. His remarks about Sessions earlier this week about "if I had known he would recuse himself, I wouldn't have picked him, what he's doing is very unfair to the President" show his unhappiness with the Grand Wizard of the Shire, and he hasn't learned from Comey that firing an investigating official doesn't end the investigation.
I can't help but wonder just how far his staunchest defenders are willing to allow.
Look, sure, he did have sex with those underage girls, but, see, they are very mature for their ages, and his wife was OK with it, and they look over 18, amirite, so, like, this isn't a big deal, really, I mean, he pissed on them, sure, but that's not technically sex, right, and look at Clinton, he didn't leave either did he, so like, err, e-mails and Benghazi, terrible, terrible things happened there, but we're going to make America great again, and I'm sure this is all just the media with their horrible bias blowing shit out of proportion.

Yes, ok, so it turns out he did shoot someone for disagreeing with him, but, well, he's the president, so he's responsible for a lot of lives, right, and one more of a clear traitor - he disagreed with the president, how much clearer can you oppose America - well, that's just an execution, right, I mean, traitors deserve to be punished, isn't that what you've been saying all along but now the shoe's on the other foot and oh ladida this guy shouldn't have been punished for treason, really, how un-American can you be?
Yes, ok, so it turns out he did shoot someone for disagreeing with him, but, well, he's the president, so he's responsible for a lot of lives, right, and one more of a clear traitor - he disagreed with the president, how much clearer can you oppose America - well, that's just an execution, right, I mean, traitors deserve to be punished, isn't that what you've been saying all along but now the shoe's on the other foot and oh ladida this guy shouldn't have been punished for treason, really, how un-American can you be?
Murder is okay, but not cold blooded murder. :facepalm:
I can't help but wonder just how far his staunchest defenders are willing to allow.
There is no limit. "Well, sure, he tore my unborn daughter out of my wife's belly and ate her in front of me, but he's the President, he needs to keep up his strength to deal with them farriners and libruls."
There is no limit. "Well, sure, he tore my unborn daughter out of my wife's belly and ate her in front of me, but he's the President, he needs to keep up his strength to deal with them farriners and libruls."
What we really need is someone to stage a hostile takeover of Murdoch's holdings and then go into the Fox Noise control room one morning and just tell them to shut it all off.
What we really need is someone to stage a hostile takeover of Murdoch's holdings and then go into the Fox Noise control room one morning and just tell them to shut it all off.
Jeff Bezos could afford it. And considering how much Trump already hates him, the impotent rage about it would be even more enjoyable than the people complaining about Jodie Whittaker.
It turns out that Anthony Scaramucci, the new White House Communications Director and the 80's guy with Bone-itis from Futurama, has had possibly illegal dealings with Russian state-run banks.

Scaramucci was involved in a January 16, 2017 meeting between his investment group - SkyBridge Capital - and Kirill Dmitriev, head of the Russian Direct Investment Fund, a state run investment bank that was the subject of sanctions after the 2015 annexation of the Crimea. The sanctions specifically ban Americans from doing business with the entities named, so Scaramucci may have violated the law.
I'm trying to decide if this administration is more or less embarrassing than the whole Nixon debacle. At least Nixon did some GOOD things. No really, look it up.
Gosh it really boils my blood all the people that compare Trump to Reagan, my own mother included.

It usually boils down to an excuse of "Reagan wasn't a politician! He was an actor!" like they envision Trump will metamorphosis into Reagan 2.0. It totally ignores the fact Reagan was interested in politics since the 1950s, became a Governor from 67-75, and even had a FAILED presidential bid in 1976 before finally winning in 1980. He was an "outsider" by the loosest terms possible, and didn't just decide to upgrade from rich guy on the television to President in a single campaign like Trump.
Hey trump is taking all of August off, and what did Reagan do in his first year? He took all of April off! Case closed.