Convicted Felon, Racist, Rapist, and President Trump Thread


Staff member
Have them upgrade the Internet while they're at it.

We don't get our internet through the power company, or even the cable company.

But rest assured, I'm certain our owner is doing everything in his power as we speak to deep fry the goose that lays golden eggs and ruin our no-cost-to-us and redundant-in-case-of-failure internet setup.


Staff member
Ok, so I've been following this Flynn thing a bit. Over the last few days the closest aides to Trump (miller and that British sounding dude) have been getting asked about Flynn and both have given somewhat cryptic responses refusing to say either way.

Then today none other than Kellyanne goes on air and says that Flynn has Trumps "Full Confidence", mere hours before he resigns.

She either got outmanuevered and made to look like an asshole by saying something unreliable again, or messaging within the whitehouse is completely fucked.

Probably both.
Ok, so I've been following this Flynn thing a bit. Over the last few days the closest aides to Trump (miller and that British sounding dude) have been getting asked about Flynn and both have given somewhat cryptic responses refusing to say either way.

Then today none other than Kellyanne goes on air and says that Flynn has Trumps "Full Confidence", mere hours before he resigns.

She either got outmanuevered and made to look like an asshole by saying something unreliable again, or messaging within the whitehouse is completely fucked.

Probably both.
Eh, "full confidence" is frequently politician for "blood in the water". I know in NY and NJ politics, it frequently means that someone's going to jump on the grenade and resign.


Staff member
I dunno. That was not good language for her to use.

And now Patreus is being considered. Just....I mean you can't invent this level of incompetence. No one would believe this if it was in a movie.

Also, in other news, apparently Trump received a classified briefing on the North Korean missile launch in an open restaurant at his resort with lots of random non-cleared civilians.
I dunno. That was not good language for her to use.

And now Patreus is being considered. Just....I mean you can't invent this level of incompetence. No one would believe this if it was in a movie.

Also, in other news, apparently Trump received a classified briefing on the North Korean missile launch in an open restaurant at his resort with lots of random non-cleared civilians.
Yup, in the dining room at Mar-a-lago. Some dude literally took a selfie with the guy holding the nuclear football and put it on Facebook.


Staff member
Honestly that is less concerning to me than random jack offs taking cell phone pictures of a *highly* classified intel briefing



Staff member
Politically he is a horrendous choice because he was actually convicted of the very crime Clinton is suspected of.

I don't think he would actually be bad at the job, but when it comes to a position like that there isn't a 2 strikes rule on major violations of secrecy rules.
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Staff member
He wasn't convicted of a felony. That was the charge brought but he pled down to a misdemeanor iirc.
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If you want to try to look on the bright side, he's unlikely to make the same mistake twice, right? I mean, if there's one guy who's gonna be really motivated to keep his email secure, it'll be Petraeus, right?
I mean, he did give classified intel to his mistress, and she published it, so...
Which is, because we live in crazy land now, still not the worst considering we have a president who can't be given intel reports because our own intelligence officials believe the White House has been compromised by Russia.