Convicted Felon, Racist, Rapist, and President Trump Thread


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I think a big part of the problem is that there's a small sub-set of evangelicals who are obsessed with politics, surrounded by a lot more who just want to avoid politics at all costs, and most of those who want to avoid politics are getting all they know about politics from that small obsessed sub-set. That obsessed group is ill-informed by conservative talk radio. They hear heaping boatloads about politics, but it's just a pile of shit. So they're obsessed with money and fear, all dressed up in faux-righteousness. They don't really know what's going on, but they're fired up about it, and ready to shout down anyone who disagrees.

So, the larger group, that doesn't want to have to do anything with politics, hears about politics from the obsessed, and they get a filtered version of a filtered version. Very often the money and fear gets toned down enough to just sound like retirement planning and concern for family. So the "non-political" group hears about how Trump hates government as much as they do, and that the "never Trumpers" and the "tax loving Democrats" are all against them, and persecuting "good people" just like the Church is persecuted, so they shouldn't believe all the lies they hear. They should listen to the old men of the church, who they've been brought up to trust, because who really wants to deal with politics anyway?

And the dissenters? The ones who have heard enough about politics to know that things are bad? They get shouted down. Anything less than perfection is used as evidence that their position is false. If they can't respond to every talking point from the radio that day, without any chance to check facts, then they obviously don't know what they're talking about. If they become upset, then they're just being emotional and are obviously wrong. There's no way for them to win, especially when the sin card gets pulled out. "But you've lied before. How can you condemn the President for lying when you've lied?", "You've lost your temper. You're not suited to be President, who are you to judge him?"

And so the system perpetuates itself. A majority is convinced that it's best for them to stay out of things, that they want to stay out of things. Manipulated by a minority, who are in turn being manipulated by an even smaller group in power.
I've also said this before, if He were to come back right here, right now, I'd wager everything that the Holy Roller crowd, the *channers, the GamerGaters, and Fox Noise would all denounce Him as a SJW libtard.
I've also said this before, if He were to come back right here, right now, I'd wager everything that the Holy Roller crowd, the *channers, the GamerGaters, and Fox Noise would all denounce Him as a SJW libtard.
While there are many, truly well-meaning, good-minded deeply religious Christians (just like with all other major religions), the vast majority of those who present themselves as religious leaders are far more akin to the Pharisees than to the Apostles.
Christian morals and the parables told by Christ hold a great message of love and acceptance of those who are different, brotherhood in the face of adversity, unity and forgiveness. It's a shame so many self-styled Christians are more concerned with the Old Testament and human interpretations of the texts in a vile ans aggressive light.
It's why Luther and Calvin protested and split from the Church, and not much has changed except there's more than one Church to oppose.
Funny thing about the sermon this weekend at my home church here. Focus was on a little verse in Galatians:

"Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows." (Galatians 6:7, NIV)


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"President Trump can't ban critics from his Twitter account, a federal appeals court ruled Tuesday, saying the 1st Amendment calls for more speech, rather than less, on matters of public concern. The U.S. 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals in Manhattan upheld a lower court judge who said Trump violated the Constitution when he blocked critics." LA Times
It just won't matter. Until we vote out the rapist prick, he'll be immune to consequences because of the spineless Republicans. They really have no morals supporting this horrible person.


Staff member
Or the spineless democrats (*cough*Pelosi*cough*) who refuse to impeach even with a preponderance of evidence.
I don't see how impeaching him means he automatically wins. The Benghazi hearings were way more of a sham and those worked.
But being investigated is only bad for democrats, for republicans is a sign they're doing a great job and it's all a witch hunt... even though one investigation ends in nothing and the other is full of indictments.

tl;dr: Democrats fall in love, Republicans fall in line!
Remember when I told you all that cheeto reclassified nuclear waste so he wouldn't have to pay to clean up its spillage?

Today the Governor of Nevada seems a bit annoyed that improperly labeled nuclear waste was dumped in their state without authorization.
Remember when I told you all that cheeto reclassified nuclear waste so he wouldn't have to pay to clean up its spillage?

Today the Governor of Nevada seems a bit annoyed that improperly labeled nuclear waste was dumped in their state without authorization.
The DoE put the changes into effect one month ago, after announcing them less than six months ago:

The improperly labeled and improperly shipped nuclear materials to Yucca mountain long term nuclear waste storage have been going on since 2013:

Starting under and with half the time span of the "mistake" spent under the previous administration.

While I can understand why the DoE reclassification (by source rather than by radioactivity) is cause for alarm, the two have little to do with each other. Nevada has an agreement, it was violated by the DoE, and the violation is the same whether under the old classification or the new one. The concerning thing, with respect to Nevada, is that they may now be required to take slightly more radioactive secondary waste than before, if their agreement is subject to the new classification. I'd be surprised, though, if the agreement was changeable in this manner, chances are good the classification of waste they accept is spelled out in the agreement itself, and not subject to DoE reclassification attempts.

Blaming the current administration for something the previous administration started, and implying that continuing violations are due to a recent classification change is grasping at straws. Given all the actual bad things the administration is doing it's odd that you feel the need to fabricate such tenuous accusations.

I would be interested in learning the dates and contents of the shipments, though. It sounds like the NRC and Yucca mountain aren't doing their job if the DoE is able to sneak improperly labeled shipments across state lines and into Yucca Mountain for the last 6 years. They got away with it, they'll have to relabel them, and they won't be able to get rid of them (there's no place else for them to go), hopefully they'll get some financial recompense.

All that said, we still don't have a safe, secure place in the US to store high level radioactive waste. It's all still stored on-site at the nuclear power plants, weapons facilities, and other points of use. It's a problem waiting for a solution.

The State department has formed a new committee to examine how the state department will deal with human rights around the world. None of the members have state department experience. All the members can be described as anti LGBQT+
The State department has formed a new committee to examine how the state department will deal with human rights around the world. None of the members have state department experience. All the members can be described as anti LGBQT+
Not only that, but many have direct ties to conservative Christian organizations. In addition to the expected anti-LGBTQ+ policies, they are expected to attack the idea of equal gender and religious freedoms for non-Christians. It’s a committee made to push back at many basic freedoms around the world.
The current USA administration can fit in snugly with Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Iran, China, Niger and co when it comes to human rights. The idea of this US trying to tell anyone else what to do in that respect is laughable.
It has been 192 days since your last Senate confirmed Secretary of Defense, this breaks the previous record for not having a Senate confirmed Secretary of Defense by; 191 days.


Staff member
Trump tweeted asking Democratic congresswomen "Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. "

Reminder that most of the women he's talking about were born in the United States. They didn't come from other countries. Though the US is a totally broken and crime* infested place.

*White collar crime, with the biggest criminal being the US President.


Staff member
Trump tweeted asking Democratic congresswomen "Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. "

Reminder that most of the women he's talking about were born in the United States. They didn't come from other countries. Though the US is a totally broken and crime* infested place.

*White collar crime, with the biggest criminal being the US President.
The link isn't working for me. I found a NYT story about it.

For anyone else who almost asked the same question I was about to, no, Trump definitely meant "go back to your brown country, brown person," and not the big crime-infested american cities (like DC, Baltimore, Chicago, etc), so don't bother extending that particular benefit of the doubt.
The link isn't working for me. I found a NYT story about it.

For anyone else who almost asked the same question I was about to, no, Trump definitely meant "go back to your brown country, brown person," and not the big crime-infested american cities (like DC, Baltimore, Chicago, etc), so don't bother extending that particular benefit of the doubt.
Meanwhile, some Trump supporters are experiencing some real cognitive dissonance.

Who wants to break it to Geraldo that no, Trump really isn't better than that. I don't think he's better than anything.