Do you guys seriously think my agenda is "protecting cosplayers", because that's not the case. As I've said before, this is is about the reputation of geek guys; avoiding hurt feelings for cosplaying girls is of secondary importance. I'm really sick of being stereotyped as a drooling lech simply because I identify myself as a geek guy, and I'm tired of hearing cosplayers complain that no one ever objects to them being sexually objectified. I want geek guys to have a better reputation, so I'm not going to sit and be part of the silent portion of geek guys who don't like it any more than the geek girls do. I'm not sorry I come across as heavy-handed, because you only think I'm over-reacting because I'm reacting at all; speaking out on this issue is so out of the norm it seems unreasonable to do so at all.
I gave Jay a nudge because he has a history of creeping on Kags and other cosplayers. He's openly said that he'd do it again, and only backed down in the cosplay thread when I got mod powers. I preemptively reminded him that this sub-forum has different rules, in case he'd forgotten. Which obviously some people had or they wouldn't have been shocked that I said so. I don't intend to allow anyone to test my patience and see how much they can get away with. If someone besides Jay had made the same comment, I wouldn't have said a thing. However, since it was Jay I decided to head things off at the pass.
There are a lot of cosplayers who don't like sexualized comments to be made about them. They talk about this on Tumblr, Twitter, Facebook and elsewhere, for anyone to see if you care to follow them. Some of the cosplayers who also vlog on Youtube routinely take down old videos when they start to attract only sexual comments. They don't want to hear it, and if they can't control the comments, they shut it out entirely. I don't want my name attached to a place where only the thick-skinned cosplayers feel welcome. I don't want my name attached to a thread full of the objectification of women, although I realize that's been the case for a while, and I'm mad at myself for not doing anything sooner.
The objectification of women (or men) is unacceptable. A lot of abusive talk has gone on in these threads, and I just let it slide because I didn't think I could do anything about it, and I knew trying would cause drama. Well, I don't care anymore that I won't be able to avoid drama, and I'm going to try even if I fail spectacularly and ruin my reputation doing so. I started the cosplay thread because I was bored and enjoyed sharing the photos I found. The more I got to know cosplayers, and the more lewd comments were made, the less I enjoyed sharing. I don't enjoy putting my foot down very much at all, but it's something I feel I must do to adhere to my own moral and ethical standards.
Also, allegations of being sexist? NO. If and when I actually have a different standard for men than I do for women, then you can accuse me of sexism. It just happens that it's far rarer for male cosplayers to be treated like pieces of meat than it is for women cosplayers to be treated that way. Should I fail to respond when a lewd post is made about a male cosplayer, then you can call me out for sexism. Until then it's only your prejudice saying that I only care about the treatment of female cosplayers. If you think I'm going to bow down to pressure because you've called me names? I won't.