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Staff member
Totaled my car last night, going to have to get another. Waiting to see what ill get from insurance. This will put a damper on my summer vacation plans in Dallas and Tennessee. Working a lot. Etc.


Sorry to hear that Shannow :( Good luck with everything.........

Finished week 1 of insanity feel awesome tomo I start week 2.......6 weeks till husband is back and he may have blurted out that he could come home and immediately Deploy to afghanistan so that made me vomit in my mouth a lil bit.....then I freaked out completely and now I'm calm but still wanna throw up in my mouth a lil bit.
Well Happy Easter to everyone though . Hope you all have a blast :)
I have been on here less lately, working on animating for my group film. Our group has the longest film of the year. I signed on for 17seconds of animation, which is only 2nd or 3rd most in our group, but is more than anyone I know in any other group. I have about 6-7 seconds of animation left before I can start clean-up and colouring, so I'm working crazy long hours at the studio. Plus still stressing out over trying to find a co-op placement for the summer.

*EDIT* I re-did the math on my scene lengths. I have no idea how I figured I had 17 seconds. I have 26. I definitely must've made a typo when I was adding up the frame count.


Sorry about the stress :( Good luck though!

Happy Easter to everyone and their families :)
I'm having roast beef, mashed potatoes, a slew of vegetables, and buttered biscuits for dinner tonight. :)

So, your exercise regimen is coming along nicely? :p


I'm having roast beef, mashed potatoes, a slew of vegetables, and buttered biscuits for dinner tonight. :)

So, your exercise regimen is coming along nicely? :p
yes wonderfully I am officially a beach body coach and I have seen results in 7 days very small results but none the less a small change. My blog is going well and I"m on week 2 day 3 starting tomo. Oh and my non smoking is going good to...... Its a good week for me ! Hope eveyrone had a nice Easter!


Just saying Hi real quick. This whole insanity and beach body coach thing is keep me supremely busy! I am almost done week 3 and heading for week 4. Hubby comes home in one more month.

Thank yall for all your support while he's been away. Let me know how you are all doing? Anything new and exciting happening around here?


Volcanos in iceland, and rum in mah belly!

Wait, neither of those are new....

Oh well, good times anyhoo.


Staff member
Just saying Hi real quick. This whole insanity and beach body coach thing is keep me supremely busy! I am almost done week 3 and heading for week 4. Hubby comes home in one more month.

Thank yall for all your support while he's been away. Let me know how you are all doing? Anything new and exciting happening around here?
Vytamindi pummeled a hawk with her car, on purpose, because she's such a hateful person.

And I jogged for half a mile without stopping last week! :D


Just saying Hi real quick. This whole insanity and beach body coach thing is keep me supremely busy! I am almost done week 3 and heading for week 4. Hubby comes home in one more month.

Thank yall for all your support while he's been away. Let me know how you are all doing? Anything new and exciting happening around here?
Vytamindi pummeled a hawk with her car, on purpose, because she's such a hateful person.

And I jogged for half a mile without stopping last week! :D[/QUOTE]

Awesome Job ! Keep me posted about your joggin and keep up the good work :) Almost done week 3 I'm tired but I ain't about to stop hehe.


Well I didn't quite know where to post and I'm slightly out of the loop since i haven't really paid much attention to this site in a few weeks.....How are yall doing? I hope everyone is well .

Just wanted to say Hi really and let yall know I'm still alive. Oh and Only 20 days till my hubby is home sure beats that 85 days from the beginning of when I got here :)

Kitty Sinatra

20 days! The past 20 days have vanished on me like they never existed. I hope these next 20 days likewise fly by for you.

Kitty Sinatra

Aye. Tis me.

I got caught up in a frenzy of name changing a couple weeks back. I don't know who anyone here is anymore. Except Edrondol. That dude's never changed his name.


Been trying to sort some shit out and get into shape lately.
Really that's what I've been doing ....well not trying to sort shit out and get into shape actually doing the work to get in shape. I'm on week 5 of insanity and kicking some serious ass. I'm a beachbody coach if anyone is interested in beachbody products here is my website.

on that note its bed time got a crazy day of ass kicking to do !


Staff member
Good to hear from you. Is exercise all that's keeping you form visiting the forums, or have you been busy with other stuff as well?


Good to hear from you. Is exercise all that's keeping you form visiting the forums, or have you been busy with other stuff as well?
Hey Fig......Yeah its the excercise plan I became a beachbody coach as well and it's taken up so much of my time. I've also been bloggin about my progress and the insanity program at please be kind if you choose to comment LOL .

But yeah I'm on week 5 now of this program and its like a full time job. I have missed you all though. What's new with you ?

---------- Post added at 01:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:05 PM ----------

She saw us all on the pictures thread and was scared away.
Nah Never ! I'm back I promise to always come back and check in :) I'm attached to this place lol !


Staff member
Good to hear from you. Is exercise all that's keeping you form visiting the forums, or have you been busy with other stuff as well?
Hey Fig......Yeah its the excercise plan I became a beachbody coach as well and it's taken up so much of my time. I've also been bloggin about my progress and the insanity program at please be kind if you choose to comment LOL .

But yeah I'm on week 5 now of this program and its like a full time job. I have missed you all though. What's new with you ?

---------- Post added at 01:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:05 PM ----------

She saw us all on the pictures thread and was scared away.
Nah Never ! I'm back I promise to always come back and check in :) I'm attached to this place lol ![/QUOTE]

LOTS of name changes! I had a bunch of people asking me to change their names and I got fed up because I didn't have the time and I put an addon that allows people to do it themselves. Holy crap! I had NO idea the chaos I was unleashing!!
Good to hear from you. Is exercise all that's keeping you form visiting the forums, or have you been busy with other stuff as well?
Hey Fig......Yeah its the excercise plan I became a beachbody coach as well and it's taken up so much of my time. I've also been bloggin about my progress and the insanity program at please be kind if you choose to comment LOL .

But yeah I'm on week 5 now of this program and its like a full time job. I have missed you all though. What's new with you ?

---------- Post added at 01:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:05 PM ----------

She saw us all on the pictures thread and was scared away.
Nah Never ! I'm back I promise to always come back and check in :) I'm attached to this place lol ![/QUOTE]

LOTS of name changes! I had a bunch of people asking me to change their names and I got fed up because I didn't have the time and I put an addon that allows people to do it themselves. Holy crap! I had NO idea the chaos I was unleashing!![/QUOTE]

Great evil have you unleashed upon us mortal fools
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