[Gaming] D&D Jay's Game - She's Dead Jim

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Pfft, like you need our character sheets or something...

The D&D Insider stuff is getting more and more complicated; they have Essentials classes being compatible with 4th Edition, but then they have classes with the same names? It's like you don't know what someone is exactly. You have to select that you're creating a 4E character as some kind of specialty, otherwise it tosses you into Essentials options, with fewer classes.
It needs to be streamlined in a lot of ways, I noticed this especially when building a Wizard.

At no point did it tell me I needed to pick first level rituals, or rituals at other levels, and when I selected the Arcane Familiar feat, it gave me a list of familiar choices but didn't tell me what their benefits were.


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And I still don't know how to share the damn thing.

Here are my changes:

1st Level At-Wills:

Arc Lightning
Freezing Burst


Skewering Spikes
Burning Hands


Hypnotism lets me make an enemy attack another enemy with a +4 power bonus, OR slide it 3 squares. This is better than Charm of Misplaced Wrath, and is an at-will.

Arc Lightning is my single-attack, but it targets 2! Within 20 no less! Bwa ha ha. This also gives us some immediate electricity, which is nice, as fire is too easy to come by.

Freezing Burst is exactly like Scorching Burst, but it slides. So I lose the ability to set things on fire, but a slide is always good.

Skewering Spikes - Same

Burning Hands - Huge target area, and misses are half damage, which is glorious to me.
Everyone, kindly confirm to me how your character looks like. Details will be nice. Earlier rather than later.

(Yes this is part of a plot to kill you)


Freezing Burst is exactly like Scorching Burst, but it slides. So I lose the ability to set things on fire, but a slide is always good.
And if you ever do need to set anything on fire, you have Rathkor, who is amazingly good at that. lol
Added at: 19:58
Rathkor looks exactly like this:


A large lizardman with claws and teeth and reddish-brown scales. That robe is also what my Cloth Armor looks like.

is there anything else specifically you are looking for, Jay?
4'5", 160lbs, ice-blue eyes, golden blonde hair in two thick braids down to the small of her back, fair skin, warpaint of sky blue triangles on her cheeks.

Ultra-nordic, basically. :)
Added at: 21:21

Basically this, although the hairstyle's a bit different.


Staff member
Pretty much his pog. Obnoxious looking. Tuft of chin hair. Slicked back black hair. Crooked nose. Wearing purple robes with gold trim.


Describing the pogs seems to be the theme. lol. i guessed we picked the pogs we felt mostly represented what we thought of our characters. I know I did. even had Doom tweak it a bit to get it more so to what i thought. lol
Incidentally, the last time a DM asked all the players to describe themselves physically, one of the characters ended up on a WANTED poster.
I think Jay actually has something nasty planned. Without Falagar's fire powers, how will we light up the tank?

*adds further details to Wexicerus's character sheet*


Ok, so I have a good news/bad news situation regarding my Thursday Night class.

the Bad News: There is ABSOLUTELY no way for me to get into an earler class, however...

the Good News: Class attendance is NOT manditory.

What this means is I will still be able to attend on time and everything, and as long as I keep up with the reading assignments, no foul. every now and then I won't be able to skip class, for quizes and such, but I will let you guys know in advance when that is going to happen.
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That's good. And thanks for the details folks.

Something to keep us busy:

You character finds themselves in a predicament with the group, time is of the essence and it seems that unless you really try the last second, someone has to be left behind and die. What does your character do? How would they do it? How important is your survival?


Considering the group make-up, I think every one of them would want to live, but none of them would vote Sylvaria to die.
Well, Falafar might.

and depends on the situation. If staying behind meant saving the others, but there was a possibility to teleport back to the others, guess what, Rathkor can teleport. haha. honestly, I imagine everyone ganging up on falagar and forcing him to sacrifice himself. lol

and one more note on my class, i dont know our specific schedual, if we've switched to every week, 3 weeks folowed by one off, or 2 and 2, but if we can avoid playing every single week, that would be good. that way i don't have to skip EVERY thursday class. lol


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Hmmm.. Falagar definitely cares the most about himself, and probably wouldn't overly care if one of the others disappeared. But, he would definitely try to save the other person for the glory and eternal gratitude.


Hey, I have been very generous with the items. That Polyglot Gym is the only item aside from potions I've kept. I would think the goggles would have made up for the gem. also i think the has the thieves gloves.
I'd like to do 2 weeks game, 1 week off.

I'd also like to know just what class lets you skip persistently. And wouldn't it be better to leave early than to miss the entire thing?
I've had classes where all my marks come from 4 tests. As long as you know when the tests are and study for them, there's really no need to go to class.


Thats how a lot of the classes are down here, but there are a few exceptions. and none of my classes record attendance this semester. thank you ratemyprof.com lol

and Esc, it's an English class, so as long as I do the readings, I'm fine.
Damn, I remember ratemyprof.com . I used that religiously in university. I cannot tell you how many classes I dropped once I found out who my prof was in sake for other profs who didn't suck a dick. Amazing site, for sure.

It’s good news Rath that you can get a little bit of leniency on that class and I do think you can always leave a little early once in awhile (especially since end of classes always tend to drag) and some good profs tend to close up early.

As far as the game sessions, there’s no established rule how many before a break or not and if you guys don’t mind, I don’t want to neither impose such a rule. If we had everyone here every single week without fault for a long period of time we can maybe plan such things but as you already know, there’s always something. So, we’ll see. Don’t forget that there will be vacations, real life events that’ll always get in the way. But you can rest assured that if we are to play 3 weeks in a row, if people want to, we can take one week off. We’ll take it as it comes and plan ahead like we did for this week, two weeks ago when we knew some players couldn’t make it tonight.

One thing you’ll need to know, I don’t ANY shortage of storyline and I think we’re already set for all of 2011. We’ll never break because due to content. Heck in the last week I didn’t actively sit down to work on the campaign storyline but simply brainstormed ideas about traps, encounters and sub-stories while stuck in traffic or trying to stay awake during meetings. I had a snowball fight during the weekend and thought of something amazing that may or may not happen. This week alone, I wrote down close to 6 pages of thoughts, and we barely cover 2-3 pages during an entire session on most nights.

One thing is for sure… Dougan’s Hole is just the beginning.
Honestly, I was hankering for D&D this week as well.

But hey, doing taxes was like D&D... except alone... and not fun. I'll get some RPG in today when my cousins come over for added babysitting and we play Gamma World, but I'm eager to get back to beneath Dougan's Hole.


Hey Esc, i keep trying to download session 9 and 10, but every time i click one of the links, it says an error has occurred, i dont know what to do.
Might be a problem with Filefront. Try again later and post if it's still not working. I don't have the mp3s anymore, so I'll have to convert from Ventrilo again if need be, which I won't have a chance to do until later this week.


i'm sorry man, but it's been doing this for days, and i checked and it is still doing it.
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