[Gaming] D&D Jay's Game - She's Dead Jim

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I had a blast.

I hate to keep pushing games, especially when I know I've been the cause of us missing games in the past, but... who's up for this week? I'm okay if we don't, but it'd be cool if we did... But unlike this past session, I'm not pushing it.


I'm up for another game, but if te others want a break, i'll be okay skipping a week.
I might have a date this week. Honestly I could use a break.

Although why you guys are afraid of dying in the wilderness now tat we're in combat is sort of absurd. We ave ALL our dailies and no reason to suspect that we won't be able to sleep immediately in Goodmead.

Also I dunno if you were using the right numbers, Darryl, but Sylvaria should have ad a +2 to endurance from the cloak that probably wasn't on her character sheet at all.
Added at: 01:09
Also, for 100g of ritual cost and 20g each time for components, it probably wouldn't hurt for us to chip in and get a caster the Endure Elements ritual, which protects up to 5 travelers for 8 hours against non-magical weather extremes from -50 to 140 Fahrenheit.


What Doom said. I am counting on us sleeping shortly after getting to Good Mead, but also, we can't garruntee it.
Do we have a ritual?

Gusto, if you're feeling like a break, then let's take a break. I don't want people getting burnt out. Better to have more sessions in the long run. So in that case, let's opt out for this week.

News of your efforts haves reached me and I must congratulate your men as you’ve done very well thus far. He who shall not be named shall be very pleased by your success when I shall report to him and will want you to continue your efforts with vigour. I have sent you a gift as compensation for you efforts to… motivate you further. More men should come available soon once their work in Good Mead’s has been taken care of.



It is certain that the death of Warrik will relieve the fears of the terrorized folk of Dougan's Hole .... however your group remains uneasy.

While the Dragonborn may indeed have been the principle cause of the evils that befell this small town, the carnage seemed to be too widespead and far too efficient to be of his doing alone and a lot of careful planning was invested in this most devious plan.

His letter confirms your suspicions and though they give little indication to where his cohorts are hiding they may have links to the bandit conflict that currently plagues Icewind Dale or perhaps the unwelcomed interest from the shadows... at least for one of you... may have something to do with the sinister plans in regards of the folk of Icewind Dale.

Your time in Dougan's Hole is at an end and your path is clear, Good Mead is your next destination, sister town of Dougan's Hole a one day journey due north upon the icy shores of Lake Redmere.


Dear Helga,

I'm afraid that I may have purposely mislead you and it wouldn't be fair if I kept you in the dark any longer. Especially after the kind services that you and your... band of fellows have provided in getting rid of these unfavorable people that have disrupted our way of things here in Icewind Dale.

It was I whom sent you the bloodstained package to lure you here in Icewind Dale and I did so due to the countless tales Magar has spoken of concerning you. Truth be told, I expected no less from you yet in a way I also expected you to fall within the first night for Magar was a man who's word is not to be taken lightly nor in complete trust. Your quality will be known amongst your enemies before ever you shall meet them.

Just remember one thing, Magar still lives... yet his path is perilous for he has been marked by the Shrouded One, whom will not give up his hunt until Magar or until the Shrounded One is dead.

And while I may profit from Magar death, the way of these up here in the North, I now feel that he does deserves better.

Perhaps you can do this for yourself... or perhaps the future of your dear daughter, Anja?

Okay, now I feel I get Helga's letter a little better.

Can't tell perfectly whose side Flint is on, but I guess we at least know he wants Magar alive. Hopefully the bastard is still in Good Mead.


Right. It's ok guys, I'm back.

...Words cannot express my apology and embarrassment


as the new guy here, is someone gonna tell me who this guy is and why his sudden return is worthy of a Dun Dun Duuunn sting?


(Play this music http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vS8rpt1y6lk)

Hear me now
Oh thou bleak and unbearable world,
Thou art base and debauched as can be;
And a knight with his banners all bravely unfurled
Now hurls down his gauntlet to thee!
I am I, Gaspar Deschain,
The Lord of the Morning, �
My destiny calls and I go,
And the wild winds of fortune
Will carry me onward,
Oh whithersoever they blow.
Whithersoever they blow,
Onward to glory I go!
Also, no, I didn't. I had to miss a couple sessions because my university schedules exams on Thursdays and I was too embarrassed to return. So...a year passed....
Rathkor: After Kratash, Deschain took up that place in Shawn's game. He also played in Julie's game, which I don't know if you were aware of. In any case, he vanished without a word a while ago.

Deschain: You probably should've PMed or Emailed someone on a time when you weren't having exams. I don't remember what happened to your character in Shawn's game, but in Julie's game, I think you were last present when everyone got thrown in jail (you know, when you got Arku killed via chandelier :p). There was a fire in the jail and you got burned alive while the rest of us escaped.


Put while as about a year. I also realized I wouldn't be able to play during the summer due to MCAT classes and being the coward I am, I fled. So...I'm not going to be lynched, right...? You guys don't happen to have space here, would you?
I can't even remember when Julie's game stopped, so you're probably right about it being a year.

You'd have to ask Jay if there's space. Shawn decided to take a break, so our party went from 6 to 5. I know Jay likes keeping our numbers low so we're vulnerable. It's really his call.
Sorry, I'm not looking for any players at this point and time. Just like Goldilocks would say, there aren't too many people, there aren't too few people, the amount of people is just right right now.


just wanted to be sure. that's more tan okay with me. gives me time to try and finish Rathkor's journal


I just want to point out something funny. the one week we decide not to meet, my class that coincides with it gets cancelled. just thought I would share, as i got a good chuckle out of it.
There shall be a switch of characters as Julie is unable to attend any further games. She'll be replaced by HC, who's been very excited in being part of this great group. He's rolled his character and background and will join us as of next session. I'll need the other players to provide him the following :

1. A warm welcome.
2. Discussions about his character and intergration into the group
3. A copy of your Gametable and uploading it somewhere for him to download. This is rather urgent. :)

I'm pretty busy today so, alas, I cannot assist at least Sunday night.
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