News of your efforts haves reached me and I must congratulate your men as you’ve done very well thus far. He who shall not be named shall be very pleased by your success when I shall report to him and will want you to continue your efforts with vigour. I have sent you a gift as compensation for you efforts to… motivate you further. More men should come available soon once their work in Good Mead’s has been taken care of.
It is certain that the death of Warrik will relieve the fears of the terrorized folk of Dougan's Hole .... however your group remains uneasy.
While the Dragonborn may indeed have been the principle cause of the evils that befell this small town, the carnage seemed to be too widespead and far too efficient to be of his doing alone and a lot of careful planning was invested in this most devious plan.
His letter confirms your suspicions and though they give little indication to where his cohorts are hiding they may have links to the bandit conflict that currently plagues Icewind Dale or perhaps the unwelcomed interest from the shadows... at least for one of you... may have something to do with the sinister plans in regards of the folk of Icewind Dale.
Your time in Dougan's Hole is at an end and your path is clear, Good Mead is your next destination, sister town of Dougan's Hole a one day journey due north upon the icy shores of Lake Redmere.
Dear Helga,
I'm afraid that I may have purposely mislead you and it wouldn't be fair if I kept you in the dark any longer. Especially after the kind services that you and your... band of fellows have provided in getting rid of these unfavorable people that have disrupted our way of things here in Icewind Dale.
It was I whom sent you the bloodstained package to lure you here in Icewind Dale and I did so due to the countless tales Magar has spoken of concerning you. Truth be told, I expected no less from you yet in a way I also expected you to fall within the first night for Magar was a man who's word is not to be taken lightly nor in complete trust. Your quality will be known amongst your enemies before ever you shall meet them.
Just remember one thing, Magar still lives... yet his path is perilous for he has been marked by the Shrouded One, whom will not give up his hunt until Magar or until the Shrounded One is dead.
And while I may profit from Magar death, the way of these up here in the North, I now feel that he does deserves better.
Perhaps you can do this for yourself... or perhaps the future of your dear daughter, Anja?