[Gaming] D&D Jay's Game - She's Dead Jim

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We on for Thursday? I'm excited to see wat comes next.

On a completely unrelated note, OMG Doom you still have my DVDs!!!! Gives 'em Baaaaack!!!!!
Tomorrow's encounter shall commence with a dangerous battle against a large undead creature... you want to know more about it? Well take a good look!

Dibs on that mace. :O

Not to make any bold declarations on what this battle will entail, but if it is INDEED a solo, then it's the tank's time to shine. Probably with the benefits of Boundless Endurance keeping me alive.

As far as the mace goes, let's just say a dwarf wielding a 100 pound, 5 foot long unbalanced spiked mace would be interesting to say the least.

That if the party survives Frank the Tank.
Heads up: We're being hit with a major snowstorm and have lost power briefly a couple times. If we're not present tomorrow, that's the reason. Hopefully that won't happen. It's too cold for that shit, and I wanna play. But I'm letting you guys know just in case.


More insight into Rathkor: Ever since this ordeal with Tyrdin's began, he has felt as if we were being led into a trap. For a group of clandestine Satan worshipers, several of their actions seemed to be leading the Louts closer and closer. The mother is serving as bait, the various breadcrumbs almost blatantly leading us straight to them, Rathkor doubts they are sloppy. He is worried about being led into an ambush. Normally he would not involve himself in an obvious trap, but he knows Tyrdin will go with or without him, blinded as he is by his rage. Rathkor has begun to like Tyrdin, and even sees him as a friend. He does not want to see anything bad happen to his friend, so he has decided to tag along and try to act as the voice of reason to balance out Tyrdin's rage.

As for his feelings on the rest of the group at this point, he distrusts the shadowman and questions his motives(which means nothing now that shawn is gone.), He thinks Falagar is an idiot who manages to pull of some truely amazing feats from time to time, but ultimately wouldn't care too much if something happened to him. Respects Helga's combat abilities and has seen hints of a softer side. Thinks Sylvaria is creepy, but still does not want to see any harm come to the child.
Just because we know Shawn's gone doesn't mean our characters know the shadow guy is gone. Not that it's too relevant to Tyrdin right now, but you guys don't know he didn't take anything from you, and we may even be expecting him to pop in again and save our asses against this monster if the situation gets dicey.

Unrelated: I didn't know where else to post this... maybe the Random thread, but I'm posting it here too. Made this off the babysitting from the weekend.

...so, what did you feed these kids?

You guys went to Comet didn't you? Crazy themed pizzas and ping pong galore. I bet.
They had just downed a bunch of pretzels soaked in mustard after cookies-and-cream flavored yogurt.

I considered jacking them up with soda before sending them home to their parents, but I'm too nice :/.


You're right, I know shawn is gone, but Rathkor doesn't. that's why i sepperated that part with parenthises. lol
I dunno if you didn't count all my temp or all my regen, Jay, but I count myself as having gained 66 HP that encounter. :)
We're like 100 odd experience off of level 3. Which sucks because I'll hit an HP total evenly divisible by 4 and my surges could really use the boost.

I'm also taking Bull Charge as my level 3 encounter and retraining my level 1 daily to Villain's Menace, because Bull Charge essentially IS my level 1 daily but with a bit less damage and I can use it as a charge attack.


ok guys, oppinions:

Acid Claw:

2D10 + Charisma & Strength, damages adjacent enemies with my strength modifier, and the Target takes Strength modifier again as acid damage at the start of its next turn.


Ice Dragon's Teeth:

2D8 + Charisma and Strength, and the target is slowed until the end of my next turn.

I'm personally leaning towards Acid Claw, but i'd like input from you guys.
Acid Claw sounds like a winner to me, although there have been a lot of runaways that could've done with some slowing...

Up to you, man.
Obviously, make sure I have your character sheets BY next Wednesday night. I need time to review them and add them accordingly in my iPad.
Ah, and I finally reach where the whole no Encounter powers of the Psychic classes gets good: I pick a third at-will, which can be augmented like my other at-wills. Nice.
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