Dear Cambridge Police...STFU

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A porch is still on the property, and remains distinct from public space. That he is physically "outside" is not by itself enough to be considered public.

Also, you apparently still haven't read the police report, which appears to indicate two things:

-the "crowd" was already outside before Gatea stepped onto his porch, so you're just guessing when you say his shouting drew a crowd
-the language in the report does not give any indication that Gate's was deliberately attempting to incite the crowd

So your "checks" seem to be complete conjecture, which, as your own link points out, the prosecution would need to prove, something which they apparently were not comfortable doing, for whatever reason.

Cuyval Dar

Would you want to be the DA trying to get re-elected while under the spectre of a case involving "the most influential black scholar" calling a white cop racist?
And that was before Obama came in on the side of his old teacher. Unfortunately, if you are rich/famous/influential, you can have any criminal charges dropped or reduced in this country.
I certainly wouldn't want to be the DA prosecuting a case where a police officer decided to arrest a man for no reason beside him being rude in his own house.

I especially wouldn't want to be the DA trying to prove that same man was trying to incite his witnessing and not reacting neighbors to violence through some mysterious means besides asking them to, and that the only way for the officer to prevent the impending race riot was to arrest said man anyway instead of simply leaving that property and driving away.
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