[Crafting] Dirona's projects

I recently finished 2 crochet projects (both cowls) with a lot of sentimental value.

The first was using up the last of the yarn stash I inherited from my grandmother. It's a discontinued colour of a discontinued sub-type. And it's fluffy, and purple and soft and I love it, and I made up the "pattern" as I went.

The second was the first time I used actual wool (alpaca and sheep), and followed a pattern, and used more than one colour. The brown wool is from Alberta from when @Eriol was there recently, and the blue is from here in NS. I'm super pleased with how it turned out. It's warm and fuzzy and I'm super happy with how it turned out.
(Cat tail for scale?)
I've been working on a crochet shawl off and on since mid-September when Eriol gifted me with a big ol' ball of soft purple yarn (equivalent to 4 standard skeins). I finished it this morning, and I'm very happy. Again, I followed a pattern, and counted, and everything! And there a so many errors that probably only I can see.

The whole thing

Left over yarn ball, detail, and cat for scale

Not sure if I'll gift this or keep it, but either way I am very pleased.
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I've been working on a crochet shawl off and on since mid-September when Eriol gifted me with a big ol' ball of soft purple yarn (equivalent to 4 standard skeins). I finished it this morning, and I'm very happy. Again, I followed a pattern, and counted, and everything! And there a so many errors that probably only I can see.

The whole thing
View attachment 43299

Left over yarn ball, detail, and cat for scale
View attachment 43300

Not sure if I'll gift this or keep it, but either way I am very pleased.
Great job! I find shawl patterns generally difficult to follow for some reason, and yours looks great!
Finished the stitching and prepping for framing of the/a gift for my thesis advisor.

First time doing backstitching (the single tread vines and lettering), and even though it is a widely hated stitch on the reddits, I actually really enjoyed it.

I plan to get this one professionally framed, so it will be a bit before that's done. But for now:
I have finished the hat to go with the cowl I made with the fancy Alberta wool.

The band fit eriol, bit the stitch for the body of the hat is less stretchy.

But it fits me!

I ran out of well near the end, so had to substitute white cotton.

I really like how this crochet stitch looks. There's an actual pattern or design to it, it's not just lumps.
Finished the stitching and prepping for framing of the/a gift for my thesis advisor.

First time doing backstitching (the single tread vines and lettering), and even though it is a widely hated stitch on the reddits, I actually really enjoyed it.

I plan to get this one professionally framed, so it will be a bit before that's done. But for now:
View attachment 43570
Behold, a professionally framed piece! This is going to be a gift to my doctorate thesis advisor.
I've been wanting to do more embroidery, so I got brave and bought some patterns off Etsy for snowflake ornaments.

I then went and bought fabric to embroider, ribbon to decorate and make hangers with, printed out the patterns, cut the fabric to the right-ish size, traced the patterns (poorly) onto the fabric with a heat sensitive pen designed for this, and have been stitching away this past week.
I've got 8 stitched, cleaned, and ironed; with another 3 yet to be cleaned, and another 6-7 to be stitched.
Today I did my test run of finishing the pieces in the 3" hoops that I bought for this purpose.

I did the two I like the least (and that I did first, so the embroidery quality itself is not great), and honestly, I actually really like how they turned out - I particularly like the blue one.



More crochet - a shawl I have been working on, off and on, for over a year!
I just finished it on Friday and got it washed and stretched out on Saturday, and gave it away today (pic taken on my ridiculously large desk at work).

It's probably about 6 feet on the long edge. And very soft and fuzzy.

Also, those embroidered snowflakes from Nov. 2023? I made and finished like 24 of them, all different, and gave them to Board members at work as Christmas presents this past year. It took a year for me to get around to finishing all the hoops. The embroidery itself didn't actually take that long.