Do you always have to get the last word?

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Staff member

That's exactly what I did, Gusto! But you guys posted too quickly and now the joke is ruined.
I find it more effective to let the other person have the last word, while he/she knows exactly that's what I'm doing.

"Obviously you feel stronger about this issue than I do, so if it means that much to you, I'll be happy to agree to disagree with you. I won't be replying further to anything else you post."
Honestly I prefer having a little more subtlety to my conversations, at least those that occur in real life, where I can make an expression that could potentially take the place of a few sentences.

Wasabi Poptart

No. Though in my household it usually ends up that way anyhow.
Well I always let my wife think she had the last cold beer in the fridge, but there is always a secret last beer that is only for me, so yes I always have the last beer.
I only need to have the last word if I really strongly believe someone is wrong about something dear to me... otherwise... let the baby have their bottle.
I only need to have the last word if I really strongly believe someone is wrong about something dear to me... otherwise... let the baby have their bottle.
Pretty much this. I couldn't care less most of the time, but if I'm really into a conversation that turns...exciting, I automatically go for "last word".
I find that any conversation where someone feels the need to have the last word is one in which no one is really listening anyway, so no, I don't see a lot of point to it.

Unless the last words can be "your mother". Then, sometimes.

Cobra Star

I used to do it, pretty badly actually. Especially in arguments.

With time I learned to not really care and have a "oh let them think they won" attitude.
I tend to get the last word in during normal conversations. But it is mostly in a sub-conscience manner.

Yeah, Me too.
See ya tomorrow.


Dont mind me. I am home sick with the flu. I feel a little off kilter.

Oh..and it is spelled "Wat?" not "What?".



(No really. I type in 'What?' in google images. This came up.)
I almost never need the last word in arguments. I very much used to be the person that was a total shit**** about things and would never let them drop. Now I don't care.

You know what, I'm offended that dick or cock isn't censored but **** is. That's a God damn double standard.
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