Do you always have to get the last word?

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Normally, yes, (I'm stubborn, I admit it) but it depends on who I'm talking to.
If it's a stupid person, I really won't even bother...

Element 117

I tried to fit the SDF 1 main cannon in there, but I couldn't get the angles right. :(
I would take that as an insult myself.[/QUOTE]

If you're movie Cyclops, yeah. If you're comic Cyclops you're a fucking badass.[/QUOTE]
Movie Cyclops got hit so hard by Dark Phoenix he ended up in the DC universe as a normal human.[/QUOTE]

Movie Cyclops is an insult to the regular one. He's a tactical genius and his blasts are strong enough to blow Wolverine's skin off.
God, that's starting to remind me of that wierd-ass Xenosaga conversation I'd gotten involved in, about the "Womb Laser".
I hated that game. I don't think I made it through the first chapter before going "You know, screw this," and putting it away. I haven't played it since.
I hated that game. I don't think I made it through the first chapter before going "You know, screw this," and putting it away. I haven't played it since.
I think I made it about 6 hours into the first one before dying enough inside to give up. I went in expecting Xenogears, which I suppose was my first mistake.
Yes, and there is a huge difference. Xenogears was hard, but awesome; Xenosaga is just plain fucked up.

To explain about the womb laser: I was talking to someone about the game, asking if it got better, and if the totally obvious "mystery" about KOS-MOS' development was supposed to be a shocking twist later in the game. That started the person I was talking to off on KOS-MOS' "womb laser", as she called it. Apparently late in the game, or ever a later game, KOS-MOS' abdomen opens up and fires some doomsday beam that wipes out the aliens. So I said something like, "Well, you can't have a combat gynoid without internal weaponry, I guess" and she just went on a tear about how awesome it would be to have a 'womb-laser' and, mind you this is a direct quote, "Every lesbian should have one so they can vaporize men."

At which point I was scared to say anything else.
Yes, and there is a huge difference. Xenogears was hard, but awesome; Xenosaga is just plain fucked up.

To explain about the womb laser: I was talking to someone about the game, asking if it got better, and if the totally obvious "mystery" about KOS-MOS' development was supposed to be a shocking twist later in the game. That started the person I was talking to off on KOS-MOS' "womb laser", as she called it. Apparently late in the game, or ever a later game, KOS-MOS' abdomen opens up and fires some doomsday beam that wipes out the aliens. So I said something like, "Well, you can't have a combat gynoid without internal weaponry, I guess" and she just went on a tear about how awesome it would be to have a 'womb-laser' and, mind you this is a direct quote, "Every lesbian should have one so they can vaporize men."

At which point I was scared to say anything else.
The gameplay was really, really wonky. But I endured, I can kill the final boss with little effort. The story was pretty much my drive for completing it.
Let me put it this way: You know early in the game when you have to play tag with the crewmen, and that becomes the key to escaping the Gnosis? I never succeeded.
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