Sims 3 + Sims World Adventure. Played DA but after having played through all the Origin stories it lost its appeal to me.
But i totally approve of you buying Modern Warfare 2
But i totally approve of you buying Modern Warfare 2
You have no soul.So in additon to Modern Warfare 2, I buckled down and bought Dragon Age (against every fiber in my being not to). Turns out I was right. It sucks. Generic graphics and, brother, it is BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRING!
You have no soul.[/QUOTE]So in additon to Modern Warfare 2, I buckled down and bought Dragon Age (against every fiber in my being not to). Turns out I was right. It sucks. Generic graphics and, brother, it is BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRING!
Yes.You stupid fucker. Dragon Age is great.
I was expecting a free roaming world like Oblivion. It's lame. The story is compelling but man, I was expecting better graphics than 2006 at best.
Cause you'd expect a more recent game on the lines of Dragon Age to have good graphics. This seriously looks like Pirates of the Burning Sea, Medieval version. And I'm sorry, when it comes to RPG's, my opinion is that their saving grace is the need for amazing graphics.I never get why people rip on the graphics of this game so much. Looks fine to me o_o
I haven't bothered with the single player yet. In my eyes you buy MW2 for the multiplayer. As for Dragon Age. It's not a terrible RPG, but I fail to see where it's the greatest game ever made like some game reviews are making it out to be. A great game is something like Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. When it came out it was top of the line in story, graphics, music, gamplay...Seriously? Man my eyes must be fucked or something because it looks nearly on par with Oblivion to me. Models a bit less, faces a lot better.
I guess we differ a lot on the RPG basic needs though, since I'd like it to focus on story and gameplay with top of the line graphics as something nice but mediocre being fine enough.
Take Oblivion for example, awesome graphics, lame assed story, mediocre gameplay. The thing that always saves the TES series are the mods and the free roaming/exploring. Else it'd be the shittiest RPG ever made.
On MW2: Awesome single player. Though sadly not more then an afternoon long. Haven't really touched multiplayer yet.
Graphic whore...
screw both I bought Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2. ;-)
Graphic whore...
screw both I bought Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2. ;-)
Graphic whore...
Why would you want to watch TV with the stereo on?Listen here, El Diablo. You may be a fighting chicken and all, but them fightin' words ain't gonna make me change my mind.
I'm implying you put out for hi-def graphics (this was too long for a tag unfortunately)@Lion: Is graphics whore supposed to be an insult or something?
I'm implying you put out for hi-def graphics (this was too long for a tag unfortunately)[/QUOTE]@Lion: Is graphics whore supposed to be an insult or something?
And hookers.
I'm implying you put out for hi-def graphics (this was too long for a tag unfortunately)[/quote]@Lion: Is graphics whore supposed to be an insult or something?
It is kind of funny, I played both games. Dragon Age I enjoyed more in the end, as I always loved classic RPGs, even with all the dialogue. At some points the dialogue did get overly heavy (Orzammar, spent three hours just in the damn city talking to people), but I felt it really let it tell a story rather then just have fight, after fight, after fight.
Sims 3 I enjoyed a ton also, but when something happened that actually annoyed me so much I have yet to go back. I made an amazing house by a river in one of the towns, worked as as a journalist, and finally decided I wanted to get a wife for my little avatar. Met some woman as a protest in front of town hall, she was married already, but I stole her away! muahahahaha, then we got married and I found out she was 5 days away from becoming an elder, and I was still a brand new adult. I was so disappointed by that I actually stopped playing, I was going to be unable to do the things with the character I wanted to do.
It is kind of funny, I played both games. Dragon Age I enjoyed more in the end, as I always loved classic RPGs, even with all the dialogue. At some points the dialogue did get overly heavy (Orzammar, spent three hours just in the damn city talking to people), but I felt it really let it tell a story rather then just have fight, after fight, after fight.
Sims 3 I enjoyed a ton also, but when something happened that actually annoyed me so much I have yet to go back. I made an amazing house by a river in one of the towns, worked as as a journalist, and finally decided I wanted to get a wife for my little avatar. Met some woman as a protest in front of town hall, she was married already, but I stole her away! muahahahaha, then we got married and I found out she was 5 days away from becoming an elder, and I was still a brand new adult. I was so disappointed by that I actually stopped playing, I was going to be unable to do the things with the character I wanted to do.
Oh now that was not a problem. She was married to a guy and lived in the massive beach house in the south. She was a doctor and when we married I got a nice bonus of money in my account and a woman that banked hardcore each time she went to work. If only she was not going to retire in only a few days.A poor cougar at that! You're supposed to bag rich ones, foo!