Drifter's Occasional Art Thread

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Staff member
That's awesome. It looks like the fall is making her vagina very cold, and she's trying to warm it up.
Drawing a bunch of tiger faces as a favor. Sketched out roughs, redrawing to practice with the tablet.

Ugh. I'll fix it later.

So lately I've been browsing Reddit a lot. This is inspired from one of the threads. Be thankful I decided to put it behind a spoiler.

Heh, stricken of context it does seem creepy, doesn't it? Also, I think the thing that really give it an edge is the fact that the baby's face is turned away. I originally intended to draw the baby's face turned up over the shoulder, looking all cutesy and mischievous, but I got lazy so I just hid the face. Almost didn't post it because of the creep factor, but eh, fuck it.
I am pretty sure I know what thread on Reddit gave you that idea. But yeah I could see that this would be very weird to someone who didn't get/know the context behind it.

Have an upvote from me :)
Didn't want to horn in on Allen's action, but the idea of Tress's face hugger chibi-fied caught my fancy. Not sure how I feel about how it turned out, though. Just doesn't look right.

Drifter, your chibis are easily my favorite posts so far. I really think everyone should adopt them for their avatars because they're just fantastic.

The Ewokian Baked Beans though? Your finest work, hands down!
Lulz. This ended up being less a chibi'd avatar and more how I like to imagine Amy spending her leisure hours.

So, I figure this is either going to have you going


You may want to keep that in mind before you hit the spoiler.

Tit elate an ass a lot. The resulting mental image recorded here.


Considering Cheesy's reaction, perhaps it's best to put this behind a spoiler

In actual criticism, it totally has a Hark, A Vagrant thing going for it (cleaner, but similar) and the red scorpion is an absolutely beautiful touch.
Whenever the PVP discussion thread pops up in What's New, I feel the need to check out the comic to see what's going on. This is invariably how i feel when I do. Context for the unfamiliar.

This was a lot funnier in my head. Feeling pretty meh about it. Oh well.
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