but anyways... I guess the whole point of DRM is to prevent casual pirates to pirate games, but with the internet, the casual pirates doesn't even need to pirate since the "big league" will hack anyways and post them on the internet for people to download. So how do you stop them? Catch them, fine them, and jail. Thus far it doesn't really scare some of the big leagues cause people are still pirating music (after all the RIAA has done to many people)
Necro post about leaving your PC vulnerable (turn off anti-virus and firewalls) = no DRM idea.
but I think with the new technology available (internet, streaming, direct downloads) might be the new way of distribution.
Look at the new markets
iTunes - making millions with online sales.
Steam - direct download and verify on the server, sure people can work around that (I don't know but I'm sure someone figure it out) and yet doing pretty well on their sales and make profit.
Physical medias are nice to have (I do have over 900+ DVDs) but maybe the industry have to adapt and find way to still have their DRM but not to annoy customer to no end.
Also physical medias allow pirates to pirate like music. It is easy to rip a CD and upload the contents.
Customers have the responsibility to fight against company via their purchasing power. This method does work. How do you think large organization get special discounts.... mass customer base. The consumer gripes and yet continue to buy games like AC2 so the companies who make these annoying DRM will continue to do so. The rest of us will either "discard" the game forever (those refuse to buy) or have to give in eventually cause the company will continue to do what they want as long there is profit to be made
Is there a happy medium? I don't know. I know personally that games on Steam has made me happy (in the PC realms). Console games are another matter (I usually buy used and sometime new)