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E3 2011




Most of the action takes place next week, but actually Konami's press conference is this evening, in about a half hour.

Thanks to some fortunate volunteer work, I'm really focused on this year's effort, particularly from Nintendo.

Here are the times for the keynotes:
Konami: Thursday, June 2, 5pm PST - http://konami.com/e3/
Microsoft: Monday, June 6, 9:30am PST - http://e3.gamespot.com/press-conference/microsoft-e3/
EA: Monday, June 6, 12:30pm PST - http://e3.gamespot.com/press-conference/ea-e3/
Ubisoft: Monday, June 6, 2:30pm PST - http://e3.gamespot.com/press-conference/ubisoft-e3/
Sony: Monday, June 6, 5pm PST - http://e3.gamespot.com/press-conference/sony-e3/
Nintendo: Tuesday, June 7, 9am PST - http://e3.nintendo.com/
Added at: 18:35
Also, the past couple Konami presentations have been so notoriously bad as to be funny, so that may be worth checking out simply for the unintentional comedy.

And the potential games, of course.




Well, Konami has gone ahead and set a really low bar for the E3 press conferences. Here was what they showed off:

- Spoken mention of a Frogger title for the 3DS for the 30th anniversary.
- Announcement of 3D remake of Metal Gear Solid 3 for 3DS with game footage
- Footage of Pro Evo Soccer 2012
- Footage of NeverDead, a new HD 3rd person shooter where the protagonist can't die and gets routinely dismembered.
- Announcement and footage of HD remakes of Silent Hill 2 and 3
- Announcement and footage of HD remakes for Metal Gear Solid 2 and Peace Walker
- Announcement of HD remakes of Zone of the Enders 1 and 2
- And, the central focus of their entire show: Transfarring, a process developed by Kojima to transfer games and game saves between the PS3 and PSP so you can continue PS3 games on the PSP. Also compatible between PS3 and the upcoming NGP.
- Five second teaser at the end showing the Contra 'C', no word on game or footage.

And that was it. 80% of the time showing off HD remakes of old games, with the majority of the remainder talking about transfarring.




Are they seriously calling it "transfarring"?




Yes, they even created a logo for it.




Oh good grief.


My brain hurts just looking at it.

I sorta like the concept, though. I haven't used Steam Cloud much because most of my gaming is done on one PC. However, transferring a game back and forth between a console and a handheld would be pretty cool... If I felt like buying a game twice, which I don't.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

- Announcement of 3D remake of Metal Gear Solid 3 for 3DS with game footage
- Announcement and footage of HD remakes of Silent Hill 2 and 3
- Announcement and footage of HD remakes for Metal Gear Solid 2 and Peace Walker
- Announcement of HD remakes of Zone of the Enders 1 and 2
That's just...
- Neat idea, but not sure there's a point besides making MGS3 portable. Will MGS really benefit from a dual-screen?
- Well, hell... I really don't want to get suckered into that, but I love Silent Hill 2.
- Meh. Really, really meh.
- I wasn't aware Zone of the Enders had enough of a following to merit this. I haven't played the original in so many years that my memory has probably colored the graphics better than they were. That said, it was about a 4-hour game. That's not worth its half of the eventual $40 price tag.

- And, the central focus of their entire show: Transfarring, a process developed by Kojima to transfer games and game saves between the PS3 and PSP so you can continue PS3 games on the PSP. Also compatible between PS3 and the upcoming NGP.
This is already doable with PSOne Classics; I think they should make it so you can play PSP downloaded games on the PS3 and PSP in the same way, just transferring the game save. To make this a specialty is just stupid; it should be standard. And not have a logo.




I misread that.

I read Transfarting




Gah I want to go. T^T My friend in San Diego got 4 passes, didn't even want to go, and I'm too poor to go.
I want to try out the NGP. :3



I approve of the Silent Hill remakes. They will be welcome. Otherwise, "meh".



Frankie Williamson

So 240 HD remakes of old games.

Who fucking cares?




I'm a bit in the middle, some HD remakes for favorites can be interesting.




What is an HD "remake" are they actually remaking the game from the ground up or are they just doing a little polygon polishing to make it look a little bit better on HD TV's?




What is an HD "remake" are they actually remaking the game from the ground up or are they just doing a little polygon polishing to make it look a little bit better on HD TV's?
The latter for most of it, but I think the 3DS remake is at least getting some serious rework.




New Nikkei article on Wii successor: http://www.nikkei.com/news/headline...19696E2E1E2EB988DE2E1E2E4E0E2E3E38698E2E2E2E2

Magical Google Translate results:

"Wii" successor, the portable game controller
Nintendo is also equipped with touch screen camera functions

2011/6/4 2:09

Nintendo has also released a stationary game machines in mid-2012 "Wii" on the successor, to adopt the new touch panel controller. In addition to the games for a tablet device, such as operations, so that as a handheld game play. 06 Wii was released in the round of boom. Regain lost ground by introducing the successor of increased convenience.

The new controller is equipped with a touch of the screen size of about 6 inches. The controller also has a built-in rechargeable battery, can not be used in situations where the TV can be used like a handheld game controller. When used as stationary, the characters on the screen to move the TV screen, for example, the tap of a finger.

The controller also features a camera. Also likely to include play in the game and appeared to reflect the alter ego of the person who shot feature.

The current Wii's total sales reached 86 million units worldwide, will continue to struggle in the foot. And lack of popular software, feel free to play at a low price exchange site (SNS) and Smartphone (advanced phones), gaming market through the expansion of the background and tablet devices.

Wii worldwide sales for fiscal 2010 is 27 percent compared to last year, down to 1508 million. The new Nintendo Wii game console to be used as a portable, expanding audience.




Black text makes me cry.




Blame magical Google Translator.



I'm actually happy over many of these HD remakes simply because most of them are games I didn't get the chance to play. I do agree it's not a good thing to overdo, though.



Black text makes me cry.
it's okay, it doesn't make any sense anyways.



Frankie Williamson

Man, I am stoked to pay over a hundred dollars for a controller, JUST FUCKING STOKED.

The Wii was the single most expensive dollar per hour of entertainment device I have ever purchased. This new thing will have to be something super special....3-4 years after it's released..before I give a shit.




I'll prolly get 2 during the week it comes out from a friend I know, keep one and sell the other online like I did with the Wii for twice its value.

Then I'll play games for free.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

I was not on-board for HD remakes of old games, because I didn't realize just how bad HDTV made my old games look. I wish I didn't have to sacrifice. We only bought the God of War PS3 collection because we hooked up the PS2 to go through the trilogy again only to find a muddied mess. I don't want to see my beloved Shadow of the Colossus like that (plus never got to play Ico) so I'll be getting that one. Can't say for certain with others.

Wii successor... meh so far. I don't need a DS controller; I have a DS.




Microsoft presser starting in 3 minutes.



Frankie Williamson

Yay, Kinect games that won't play well!


FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK. It better not effect it any way when I play it on PC. Wow, that is the lamest fucking gimmick ever. The LAMEST fucking gimmick ever. I can't wait for all the people bitching about Garrus moving into combat and getting killed when they tell him to move to cover.




On the plus side, I think they've only had to reconnect the controller twice so far.
Added at: 11:57
The voice recognition, if it works, could be pretty sweet.



Frankie Williamson

This Tom Clancy thing is the most tasteless trailer I've ever seen.




WTF did my eyes just see? Mass Effect Kinect?




Frankie Williamson

Good thing that game has incredible autoaiming or he wouldn't have hit shit.
Added at: 11:03
So, did I miss the games portion of this shit or has it all been Kinect bullshit?
Added at: 11:05

Who fucking cares?

Who are the fucking retards cheering for fucking youtube?
Added at: 11:05
At least they got zero cheers for Bing.
Added at: 11:07
This kind of shit is why all the ISPs are banking to fucking rape us.
Added at: 11:09
Tell us this game isn't going to suck ass Dana, tell us a lie.

Oh of course it isn't about the game, this isn't a gaming convention, I forgot.




Ok, I hate to admitt hat UFC shit is nice.

But the Bing shit. Kinect shit and (my eyes can't believe it) Mass Effect Kinect... fuck...



Frankie Williamson

That looks very Unreal enginey. I can't imagine ever using those UFC features. I generally watch UFC's in bars with friends and jugs of beer.

Well, watching Ice T and Cliffy B play video games was fun. Good demonstration. :/
Added at: 11:20
Well, that's as creatively bankrupt as it gets.
Added at: 11:25
HULLO, I'm PETER Molyneux.

Added at: 11:27
Christ it's an on rails kinect shooter?

Fuck the fuck off.
Added at: 11:29
Can I play it without Kinect? If I can't play it without Kinect I don't give a fuck.

Added at: 11:31
Sorry Children, we can't afford a real trip to Disneyland, here's the KINECT version. It's almost as boring as really standing in line.



Frankie Williamson

These children deserve Oscars for pretending that's fun.
Added at: 11:34
Ha ha, I bet they won't show a live demo of the star wars game. Now you too can look like the Star Wars kid at home. God damn it looks shitty.
Added at: 11:35

There's like 2 seconds of input lag. They best fix that shit.
Added at: 11:36
Fuck, this looks worse than the original Red Steel.
Added at: 11:42
I really have nothing negative to say about that Sesame Street Kinect game. That's the kind of thing it should be for.
Added at: 11:45
I call bullshit on that instant avatar function, you couldn't see her ponytail in the picture she took and yet it knows she has one.



Frankie Williamson

Kudo Tsunoda looks like half of the people I arrest.
Added at: 11:50
So far, Non-Kinect Horseshit: Gears of War
Kinect Horseshit: EVERYTHING ELSE

So I guess it's not possible to lose the input lag on Kinect making everything anyone does on it look terrible and awkward.

Except for Dance Central. Why is it the only fucking Kinect game with almost 0 input lag? What are they doing differently?
Added at: 11:59
Wow, so the first ACTUAL videogame shown isn't coming out for over a year and a half. Awesome.
First and LAST it seems.

Microsoft, your pile of shit presser gets a 2/10.




New Halo announced, part of an upcoming trilogy, not developed by Bungie.

I'm not sure what to think.



Frankie Williamson

Isn't 343 made up of a lot of former Bungie guys who were more attached to Halo than to the company they used to work for?

I'm guessing it will be as fucking wanky as possible.



i'm just guessing here but:
dance central is assuming you know the next move in sequence so it animates conntinuously until you make a mistake... so instead of waiting for input it checks if you're out of position which is easier for kinect to detect.




i'm just guessing here but:
dance central is assuming you know the next move in sequence so it animates conntinuously until you make a mistake... so instead of waiting for input it checks if you're out of position which is easier for kinect to detect.
Pretty much. It highlights the body part on the screen that is out of position so you know what you need to work on.
Added at: 13:52
Isn't 343 made up of a lot of former Bungie guys who were more attached to Halo than to the company they used to work for?

I'm guessing it will be as fucking wanky as possible.
Also, the plot will be barely comprehensible and there will be a funky ARG to promote the release of each game.




ME3 drops on March 6.



Frankie Williamson

Whoa, John Ricatello is looking old.




The more I see of The Old Republic, the more I wish it wasn't an MMO. :(



Frankie Williamson

Agreed wholeheartedly.
Added at: 13:53
Hiii, I'm Peetah Mooooah.

I've pierced my nipples with the name of this next game.
Added at: 13:58
Was the closeup of Lil Wayne's teeth necessary?
Added at: 14:04
Didn't they just claim to not have pointless celebrity walkons on stage?



is any shot of lil wayne necessary?

and i was just going to say
Added at: 14:04
Didn't they just claim to not have pointless celebrity walkons on stage?




Reckoning is looking promising.
Added at: 14:11
Though the guy presenting is nervous as fuck.



Frankie Williamson

I had to shit, is this tank game Battlefield 3?

If so, I'm in.




Pretty sure.



Frankie Williamson

Well, this is the first game I've seen today (other than ME3) that has given me a game boner and I usually hate these overblown modern combat games.
Added at: 14:31
They keep calling all this shit Origin. You know what we really need? Another Wing Commander or a Crusader game.
Added at: 14:34
You get a 7/10 EA.




Dear sweet merciful God, please don't let this game end up sucking hard!:




It's an MMO, it probably won't live up to the hype.




And now it's Ubisoft's turn.






Frankie Williamson

Well, 30 seconds in and I am ready to stop watching.
Added at: 15:35
Well this title looks delightful. Go Rayman with a controller.
Added at: 15:39
I really, really want this game.
Added at: 15:42
And I'm ready to stop watching again. Mr. Caffeine? Who. The. Fuck. Thinks. This. Prick. Was. A. Good. Idea?
Added at: 15:45
What the fuck is this shit?
Added at: 15:48
Never before have more people wanted to kick one guy's ass at one time. - Jeff Green



Frankie Williamson

Further Cry
Added at: 15:56
Farcry 3: The Surprise of the Show.

No. It isn't. Really.
Added at: 15:59
"Brothers in Arms has always brought real authentic WW2 action to the video game world."

Added at: 16:04
I hated this douche at first, now I'm starting to feel really bad for him.



"Hey, do you know what Need For Speed REALLY needs? ON FOOT sections! With QUICK TIME EVENTS!"

Edit: And before anyone says it:




Frankie Williamson

Well, after that Ghost Recon demo we're all 12 years older.



"Hey, do you know what Need For Speed REALLY needs? ON FOOT sections! With QUICK TIME EVENTS!"

Edit: And before anyone says it:

I'm liking it. no not 'the runs'.




Coming out of that PSN debacle, Sony better blow shit out of the water tonight.




I don't know what it is about E3 but thinking about it makes me feel like a kid at Christmas. Anyone else get butterflies in their stomach over the announcement of games like Zelda, Battlefield etc...

Man, I can't f-in wait for BF3.




SO any bets on how long Reggie will talk about sales figures tomorrow during the Nintendo Conference?
Added at: 18:44
LOL 3d TV that they totally made just to sell more PS3 3d games.
Added at: 18:53
GD it stop showing 3d games.




Dunno about Nintendo sales figures, but I'm expecting Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures and Pac-Man Vs. to make an appearance at the Nintendo press conference.




Of the Big 3, Sony pretty much pounded MS into the ground, and set a fairly high bar for Nintendo to beat. The pricing and available launch titles for the Vita are pretty aggressive.

Between EA and Ubi, despite all the sports titles from EA, I kind of think EA had it won with ME3, then obliterated all possible competition with BF3. We'll see in the end whether BF3 can match MW3's single-player (they already win in multi-player, IMHO), but as far as impressive E3 showings go, BF3 killed.







The Sony conference basically did nothing but break up repeatedly for me, to the point where I just stopped paying attention.



Frankie Williamson

I didn't see the Sony conference, I was busy SAVING THE FUCKING WORLD from drunks. I still have an erection from the tank battles of Battlefield 3.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

I have no idea what you guys are reacting to. But nothing at E3 has me excited except older games being ported to PS3.



Frankie Williamson

We were watching the big press conferences.



Uncharted 3 looks as freaking awesome as it should.




My summary of yesterday: (watched the GameTrailers stream so some of these were demos not shown in conferences)

Highlights: Skyrim, Rayman, Assassin's Creed.

Maybe/maybe not: Overstrike, Far Cry 3, Twisted Metal, Halo 4, Minecraft Kinect.

Downright awful: Mr Caffeïne Douchebag And His Amazing Flashback Noise, Molyneux' Horse Carriage Simulator(tm), Disneyland Simulator (I mean, seriously? what the hell).

Mediocre: Everything else, I guess.




The biggest thing Nintendo could do today would be to make it known that all those cool games those other publishers are making are going to be on their next console, too.

Because everyone knows they'll be doing their Nintendo stuff on it (and it will still be cool).


Charlie Don't Surf

Charlie Don't Surf

The Nintendo one should be this:




Ruby Rod had me at Earthbound HD.



Frankie Williamson

Here WE FUCKIN' GO! I can't wait to be snarky about Nintendo's shit while Nintendo fans act like it's the second coming of Mario.
Added at: 10:07
"We've pushed back this mediocre looking Wii game to be a Cafe (now called BLIIIMDAMIIINOSOIII) launch title" PREDICTION MADE!




<3 Miyamoto



Frankie Williamson

Is that the reconnect controller moment of Nintendo's presser?

Not likely.




Ooo0h 4 Swords Free Download ftw!



Frankie Williamson

So, their 25th anniversary, Nintendo's letting you buy a bunch of old games all over again. SWEET!




I am way too psyched about a new Luigi's Mansion and I don't even have a 3ds.




Ooo0h 4 Swords Free Download ftw!
Woo! I was right, Four Swords was mentioned... only I thought it would be a key title for the new console.



Frankie Williamson

Is it just me, cause I often feel alone in this, but man, that Mario game looks like trash. It looks slow as shit and awkward as hell.
Added at: 10:40
Ugh, I will never buy one of those.
Added at: 10:41
It will offer more than any digital offering Nintendo has put forth before - Reggie

Added at: 10:45
It has been 45 minutes and they've shown fuck and all. Like 2 NEW 3DS games.

Added at: 10:45
This is worse than Microsoft's Kinect horseshit.




Wii U? Really?
Added at: 10:52
The new controller idea is interesting. I bet Sony and Microsoft try to copy next year. :p




This controller is going to be expensive, but it looks awesome.

If the WiiU has BluRay, I'm definitely buying it.



Frankie Williamson

When I said get ready to pay 100 bucks or more for a controller, man, I was WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY under target.




Smash Bros for 3DS and WiiU, with cross-platform play??????????



Frankie Williamson

Oh good, Nintendo tech demos. As worthless as Sony's with 1/100th the backlash.


Charlie Don't Surf

Charlie Don't Surf

Nintendo's controller is a Sony Vita



Frankie Williamson

Here's a sample of the Ubisoft's PETZ games that will clutter shelves in the near future.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen who is Quiet

Wii U? Now they're naming consoles after siren onomatopoeia?




Oh snap that's a lot of 3rd party support.



Frankie Williamson

So, it'll do cross platform titles that are on the consoles I already own.




I see a lot of penises in Tekken's future.



Frankie Williamson

That's what I thought about that Starfox 3DS face feature.




Is it even going to be possible to use two WiiU controllers on the same system? If they're wirelessly streaming the video content, it may be limited to just one.



Frankie Williamson

I'll believe all this shit they promise when I see it. So far, I see a bunch of concept features and a bunch of 360/PS3 games that'll come out 6-7-8 months later on Wiiu.
Added at: 11:17
And a price tag that'll likely make more than a few people gasp. Nintendo does not lose money on hardware or they wouldn't exist now.




Why is my Pac-Man VS. all dressed up in Miis? I want ghosts and power pellets!



I see a lot of penises in Tekken's future.
what the hell did i miss




Well now there's a ton of crap to get online.




Wii U? Now they're naming consoles after siren onomatopoeia?
Wii Trii is next?

The new controller has some interesting functionality, but it's shape could use some work imo: http://www.gametrailers.com/video/e3-2011-wii-u/715096




what the hell did i miss
During the trailers for 3rd party WiiU titles, they showed Tekken with customizable characters. Including drawing on fighters faces.



Frankie Williamson

Basically Nintendo is adding an Ipad to a controller and people are calling SUPERINNOVATIVEONLYNINTENDOCOULDTHINKOFSUCHTHINGS.




The shoulder buttons on the SNES weren't amazing works of imagination, but Nintendo was the first to have them. The analog stick on the N64 wasn't some new unheard of tech, but Nintendo was the first console maker to make it standard equipment. The motion controls on Wii were similar to what had been done in peripherals, but Nintendo was brave enough to build a system around them.

To me the amazing thing about the WiiU is not that Nintendo thought of something no one else did, but that Nintendo had the guts to make the system no one else has. That's what Nintendo is good at.



Frankie Williamson

TThe analog stick on the N64 wasn't some new unheard of tech, but Nintendo was the first console maker to make it standard equipment.

See also shoulder buttons.




Ahh, yes, the system that killed the analog joystick until Nintendo made it actually work well on a console.



Frankie Williamson

:p That's not the point!



During the trailers for 3rd party WiiU titles, they showed Tekken with customizable characters. Including drawing on fighters faces.
wow. funny because it's true. if you can customize it, expect to find a penis on it. I think I'll go the other way and put up a big sloppy dripping [censored].




Hands on with the bastard child of a Wiimote and an iPad:



Frankie Williamson

Unless it's made of cheapo shitty parts or Nintendo decides to go the razor and blade business model, that thing is going to be the opposite of cheap.
Added at: 14:43
And according to 1up, no HDD for the main console. SD CARDS AGAIN.

Fuck you Nintendo.




:p That's not the point!
Actually, that's exactly the point. The 5200 was a failure that was not copied because it was a broken implementation (the PCjr had analog joysticks as well, but that platform was a failure for other reasons.) Nintendo's controller design was copied because it worked. The 5200's design was nearly forgotten by history because it did not work. After Nintendo put more buttons on the SNES, the Genesis put out a new six button pad. After the N64 showed that (self-centering) analog sticks could work, only then did the Dual-shock controller come out from Sony.

Nintendo didn't create extra buttons, or analog sticks, or motion controls... They just made them work, and well enough that the competition implemented them as well. The big touch-screen tablet controller isn't a Nintendo invention, but they just might be the ones to make it effective for a home console.
Added at: 16:52
And according to 1up, no HDD for the main console. SD CARDS AGAIN.
Yeah, forget that noise. Lack of a hard drive is a huge failure and, if true, shows that Nintendo has no clue how to win back the hardcore gamer.

No HDD + No BluRay = I'm probably not buying this for a while.




Internal flash memory, size unknown. Compatible with SD card storage expansion and external USB hard drives.

So, basically, unknown built-in storage, expandable external storage without the need to release an entire SKU.




external USB hard drives.
This is promising. If I can plug in any USB hard drive and use that for storage, then I'm less worried about this, but cheaping out on internal storage better not mean that Nintendo is putting arbitrarily low limits on the size of downloadable games and content.



Frankie Williamson

They left out that bit of info in the article and that's a little less infuriating. The built in flash memory better be at least multiple gigs.




If Nintendo doesn't release a version of Big Brain Academy for WiiU, I'm going to be disappointed.




I am fairly underwhelmed. While the tech demos were cool, Reggie stressed during the GT interview that almost none of them were actual games, or even games-to-be, just tech demos. In other words, nothing else is being run, or prepped to run, in the memory.

Also, I could do pretty much all of this with a new Vita (which actually had clear launch dates and working title demos) and the PS3 I already have. Unless the WiiU comes in at $250, the value prop is going to be a hard one to make.

I would have said that Nintendo's 1st-party support is a huge plus on their side, but said support hasn't shown up on the 3DS, or even really (at least for the last couple years) on the Wii.
Added at: 19:37
If Nintendo had some clear non-port-looking launch titles definitely in the works, and the console didn't look like it was going to be prohibitively expensive, and Reggie didn't dodge every single question in the GT post-presser interview, I would be a lot more confident that this would be worth it.



Frankie Williamson

Yeah, there were a lot of cross plat games but it looks like no publishers are willing to go exclusive thus far that we've seen.




I likes the WiiU stuff I'm seeing so far. That screen on the handheld is gonna solve a lot of the TV fights at home. :D




Offical WiiU Specs
Hmmm, no mention of Dobly Digital or DTS sound. C'mon Nintendo, stop hating on surround sound! Six-channel PCM is nice, but how about throwing a bone to those of us with older speaker systems?

Unless Nintendo is holding back something, I don't think I'll be buying this at launch.







Nintendo has yet to let me down! The new controller looks funky but I can't wait to see how they utilize it. I just hope that game developers utilize it well... it took a while to see the Wii and DS functions used well, but the games that used them well did great! I'd hate to see that extra screen being used to simply display a map.
Pretty sure there will be a "normal" controller released for the games that obviously won't need that extra screen. Also hope that the battery on the WiiU controller is rechargeable. I can only imagine the battery life on that thing. :confused: Also, I hope they change the name. WiiU sounds terrible, but all-in-all, I can't wait to get my hands on it!

Also... Luigi's Mansion 2??? XD




Nintendo has yet to let me down!
They've let me down plenty. Only two face buttons for the GBA. No headphone jack on the GBA-SP. No digital audio for the Gamecube, and then again none for the Wii. Terrible support for online multiplayer. Eliminating "Player's Choice" titles (which they finally brought back). Multiple counts of short-sightedness about the Wii Shop.

Nothing unforgivable, but a lot of nagging little issues. The WiiU looks great, and I'd love to be able to play my Wii games on my nice HDMI equipped computer monitor (instead of an aging SDTV) but I'm just not seeing enough from the console to make up for the features it lacks that I really want. I'll probably get one at some point, but nothings made me want to rush out and grab one.


Hailey Knight

Hailey Knight

Nothing looks good to me. I am against all these things the developers seem giddy about, like screens on controllers, 3D and motion control handhelds, floor-based hula hoops...

I'm turning into an old man.




PS Vita to cost $249 for the WiFi only model
$299 for the 3G model.

Damn, Sony is playing hard-ball. That may be more tempting to me than a 3DS. As much as I love Nintendo games, the Vita definitely looks like the better hardware. Oh my, that OLED screen, I'm practically drooling at the thought of it.




Nothing looks good to me. I am against all these things the developers seem giddy about, like screens on controllers, 3D and motion control handhelds, floor-based hula hoops...

I'm turning into an old man.
I feel the same way.

Mass Effect 3 did NOT need it and I'm scared the quality of product will be affected by it. Bioware should be 100% focused in providing us an amazing finale to these series, not focusing gimmick products. We'll see but I'm really starting to get nervous about the game now that it has been pushed back and this shit has been added to it.

I'll be honest, I don't want to fucken talk to my screen. I don't want to MOVE. If I was playing Wii Bowling fine. But this is fucken mass effect and whether I can choose to use it or not is completely irrelevant, all I know is they got resources to add that shit to the game, where it could have been elsewhere.




I'm going to be keeping an eye on Far Cry 3. I really enjoyed FC2, it was flawed but I felt like a total bad-ass for well over half the game, and it told an amazing story. This trailer for FC3 looks to have at least that amount of depth to the world.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen who is Quiet




I am in the middle on how I feel about Nintendo's new system. On one hand it is intriguing and I so want to hope for the best from Nintendo but at the same time I have been lied to and let down too often to get my hopes up to high at the moment.



Frankie Williamson

Man, Vanillaware makes some pretty games. This is apparently George Kamitani's spiritual successor to the old D&D Capcom sidescrolling brawlers.




They've let me down plenty. Only two face buttons for the GBA. No headphone jack on the GBA-SP. No digital audio for the Gamecube, and then again none for the Wii. Terrible support for online multiplayer. Eliminating "Player's Choice" titles (which they finally brought back). Multiple counts of short-sightedness about the Wii Shop.
I know a lot of people tend to complain about sound/graphics/etc with Nintendo products, but I love Nintendo for its games and for how innovative they always are.
I admit I didn't have a GBA when they first came out, I was happy with my brick Gameboy for a long while and played with my brothers Gameboy Color (I never had my own! T^T). When GBA-SP came out, I needed one asap and loved it so much that I ended up with 3 colors (OMG they released so many colors!). I never use headphones, so that was cool with me.
Online multiplayer... okay, I kind of wish there was better support for this, but I rarely play online as-is. I have XBL so I can use Netflix, Pandora (music while cleaning, yay! >.>) and every once in a while I'll play a game or two with friends.

So with my gaming style, I love them. I definitely see why others have been upset by Nintendo (3DS game launches, recently... but those games that didn't come out at launch are almost out now, so meh), but I guess I'm just too optimistic for my own good. ;)



Frankie Williamson

I wish Nintendo was AS innovative as they were but they continue to release the same games dressed in different clothes over and over and over again. The innovation is gone.




Everyone has sequels. I don't mind because I love most the series of games, though. I'm always stoked for new Mario and Kirby. And oh hey, new Sonic coming out! And a Halo relaunch! *squee* It'd be nice to see brand new titles, but I do like what's already been announced.

In other news, I NEED a PSVita for Dragon's Crown. Big fan of Muramasa and Odin Sphere, can't wait for Dragon's Crown.






I thought the Kinect was selling.



Man, Vanillaware makes some pretty games. This is apparently George Kamitani's spiritual successor to the old D&D Capcom sidescrolling brawlers.
I have to say, that's probably the most interesting thing I've seen in this whole thread. Thanks for the post.



Frankie Williamson

I thought the Kinect was selling.
It is, very well.




I've been watching trailers and gameplay for Zelda: Skyward Sword. I like the art style, except for humans. The environments, the enemies, the animals are all pretty good, but people, especially Link, just look creepy and wrong. Link looks especially horrible when he's trying to emote. It's just sad.

Here's what I want Nintendo to do with the Zelda series: make Ganon the hero. Make up some plot bullshit about the triforce of wisdom being destroyed, resetting history. Wisdom is blue and the source of water in the world, so the world is largely desert, instead of forest. (And not just bland sandy desert, either, there are a lot of different types of desert in the world to make the place more interesting.) So with no wisdom guiding the royal family of Hyrule, they've become despots ruling with an iron fist, and Link is imprisoned as a rabble rouser. So Ganondorf remains to be the hero, and is faced with the horrible choice of trying to restore the world, knowing that restoring the triforce of Wisdom will bring back Ganon as the evil villain.



Frankie Williamson

That would be rad, but it also wouldn't be a retread of the very first Legend of Zelda, so it'll never happen.




I'm not interested in this game, but the video is pretty fantastic. :)




If every Zelda game counts as a retread of the very first Legend of Zelda, then every adventure/RPG game created over the past 25 years is the same. Sure, the basic structure of the game is the same. Protagonist in green outfit, princess needs saving at some point, use sword + tools to navigate dungeons to save her, and fight bosses (the most frequent of which is Ganon). But hey, that's the genre, and it's fun.



I'm not interested in this game, but the video is pretty fantastic. :)
Christopher Lloyd can make anything awesome.



I'm not interested in this game, but the video is pretty fantastic. :)
He was definitely channeling his Fester in that video. Which is not a complaint ;)




Sweet jesus... make me die.



Frankie Williamson

Nintendo's upcoming lineup for the next year or so.


Wii Play™: Motion

June 13
Mystery Case Files™:
The Malgrave Incident™

June 27
Kirby™ Wii

Fortune Street™

The Legend of Zelda™: Skyward Sword
Mario Party™ 9

Rhythm Heaven™

Holy fucking shit Nintendo, that is some seriously weak shit. I'ma say it, to me the Wii is the worst console I've ever owned and I own a fucking 3DO.




Yeah, at least the 3DO had games.

So it's like Golden Axe, in glorious high-res art with an anime-ish style?
I'm SO fucking there!

El-Shaddai looks really awesome too!




Those sorceress tits are awesome. Every woman on this planet needs to aspire that level of ripeness.




No multi-touch Nintendo? Seriously?
Mario facepalm.gif
