That's not the point!
Actually, that's exactly the point. The 5200 was a
failure that was not copied because it was a broken implementation (the PCjr had analog joysticks as well, but that platform was a failure for other reasons.) Nintendo's controller design was copied because it worked. The 5200's design was nearly forgotten by history because it did not work. After Nintendo put more buttons on the SNES, the Genesis put out a new six button pad. After the N64 showed that (self-centering) analog sticks could work, only then did the Dual-shock controller come out from Sony.
Nintendo didn't create extra buttons, or analog sticks, or motion controls... They just made them work, and well enough that the competition implemented them as well. The big touch-screen tablet controller isn't a Nintendo invention, but they just might be the ones to make it effective for a home console.
Added at: 16:52
And according to 1up, no HDD for the main console. SD CARDS AGAIN.
Yeah, forget that noise. Lack of a hard drive is a
huge failure and, if true, shows that Nintendo has no clue how to win back the hardcore gamer.
No HDD + No BluRay = I'm probably not buying this for a while.