Elemental Invasions. The Shattering Nears.

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Rumor has it, if you close a rift of each elemental type in level appropriate zones (there are elemental rifts in Northrend), you will get a feat of strength.
I hate this event, it's basically sitting at a spawn point waiting for elementals to spawn, at least on my main server. Maybe I'll try again in a few days when the hubbub dies down.
Don't forget to dance in the graveyard for the costume and achievement.
I did that earlier on my Alliance Paladin, and plan to do it later for a few of the alts. Though I already got it on all my Horde from last year.

Also make sure to buy the flowers if you like fluff items. They are the only fluff item from the Day of the Dead event that last all year.
Don't forget to dance in the graveyard for the costume and achievement.
I did that earlier on my Alliance Paladin, and plan to do it later for a few of the alts. Though I already got it on all my Horde from last year.

Also make sure to buy the flowers if you like fluff items. They are the only fluff item from the Day of the Dead event that last all year.[/QUOTE]

I did it while dressed as a cultist and wearing the billboard. It added a nice touch to the cult quest line.
Can we still pick up the actual costume? Sombrero and mariachi outfit?
Well that kind of depends what you mean by the costume. The only costumes during the event are the undead mariachi buff you get while dancing, which lasts 12 hours, and the little mask, which expires once the event is over.

If you want the whole mariachi outfit to keep year around you have to go to older content outside of the event, you can ask Piotyr to make you the suit and then do this quest to get the hat.
Yes, I was thinking about the Don Carlos costume. I thought he was only in game during the Day of the Dead... wrong again. I'll have to get that costume together some time.


Staff member

I wish it were easier to be able to get to these gates. There's always fucktard ninjas who don't give a shit how long you've been there.
Here is some information from MMO-Champion on what is enabled. So far it looks like 2-3 additional quests and an increased rate of spawn on the rifts.
I'm half dissapointed that my title will be available in Cata, but still. Running around as a Draenei Field Marshal again has been so amazingly fun. I'm trying to make sure I grab any feats that come my way. In the 5+ years I've played, the only one I missed was the Gnomeregan Feat.
Phase 4: Stormwind, Ironforge, Orgrimmar and Thunder Bluff are under attack. Successfully defend them, and you can fight mini-bosses in instances.

Also, 4.0.3 should be dropping tomorrow.

EDIT: The mini-bosses drop ilvl 251 loot, which is equivalent to ICC-10.
I just ran all four bosses. They are basically treated like heroic bosses (decently strong ones) and give Justice Points plus one 251 ilevel item. On my first run (Theradras) I got the tanking shield, so a nice little upgrade. I wanted to roll on a great healer neck later on when we beat Flamelash but decided to let one of the casters in the group take it since I already got the one item I really wanted.

You might not see me a lot now since I will be working on some of these bosses on my Hordies, since they go pretty fast. Not Coren or HH fast, but fact enough that it's silly to skip them.
Got a spirit cloth robe (that was still leaps and bounds better than what I had prior), and a caster DPS neck. Wiped once on Gahz'rilla and once on Sarsarun just learning the mechanics.

Idiot hunter stole an item from Baerdog, though.
Of the bosses, I'd say Kaiju Gahz'rilla is the toughest, by far.

It is possible to avoid getting knocked in the air, though, if you move right as the animation starts.
I would recommend not taking "Damn hunters" seriously, as I don't care that much about pixels, but I do like making fun of 75% of the people who play hunters, who still roll on str gear at 80. (statistic clearly pulled out of thin air :p)
I've played a hunter since the December after WoW launched. I don't know how many times I've been called a damn hunter when joining a pug raid or party, then going on to out the most damage.


I leveled a pally tank up to the 40's by running pugs. And OH MY GOD, I had trouble with hunters in nearly every instance.

I apologized to my guild for the ass-hattery of my class.
The only thing particularly annoying about a bad hunter as opposed to a bad almost any other class is the sheer amount of items they can roll need on that they have absolutely no use for.
Patch 4.0.3 was released yesterday, and as of this morning the PTR got shattered. So, it looks like the actual shattering is about a week away, barring major bugs in the 4.0.3/a data.
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