Okay, I'm now all caught up. And I don't really see how Vince is an asshole, Charlie. Yeah, he's probably the least entertaining character (mostly because they play him up TOO much as: a) loved by everyone and b) so frigging loveable), but he's hardly an asshole. He's bent over backwards and endlessly helped out his friends. And, as far as recent episodes, it's clear that he has very little else in life outside of his friends/entourage. Something that he's starting to realize, now.
I wasn't crazy about the Ashley character at first, but like E, she's starting to grow on me. She has that kind of free spirit/childlike kind of personality to her, which is great for E, who is crazy uptight so often.
Yeah, I don't see things going well with Drama and Turtle's gal. Given the show is about the closeknit friendship among the four (or five, if you count Ari) of them, it won't be Drama's fault if something bad goes down, if anything. It'll either be a) nothing bad happens at all, b) Turtle gets insanely jealous to the point she dumps him or c) she gets weird with Drama and the plug is pulled, as a result.