Epic Poop thread: Poop harder!

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I have to poo so bad!

Coincidentally reading this thread from the bathroom :thumbsup:
I have to poo so bad!

This morning I took a break from playing Fallout 3 to let 3 things fall out IFYOUKNOWWHATIMEAN.
I have to poo so bad!

Gusto said:
This morning I took a break from playing Fallout 3 to let 3 things fall out IFYOUKNOWWHATIMEAN.
You just hit puberty and you're a freak like me? AWESOME!
I have to poo so bad!

The best compilation Mr. Lahey's Shit Analogies that YouTube apparently has to offer.:

I have to poo so bad!

This makes me want to make a de-motivational poster.

Join us and talk about shit

it's the shit!

We browse while we poo!

I have to poo so bad!

CrimsonSoul said:
We browse while we poo!
Not all of us, thank you very much. I prefer Los Angeles magazine when I'm on the pot.

Cuyval Dar

I have to poo so bad!

Man, I post from my porcelain throne all of the time.
Nothing wrong with that.

Philosopher B.

I have to poo so bad!

Hey guys what up I just dropped a massive New Jersey. It smelled like smokestacks and corruption.


I have to poo so bad!

Toasting in epic bread.

BeeTeeDubs: I'm a bit constipated myself. I neeeeeed to recreate Lincoln's cabin in my white commode.


I have to poo so bad!

The guys at the station just south of us got a 9-1-1 call one night for...... constipation. The patient wanted to go to the ER (and by state law we cannot refuse any person who wants to go to the ER) so they took her. I was in our truck when they arrived at the hospital and heard the following radio traffic-
"Dispatch- Rescue [XYZ] has arrived at [ER]. We'll be out of service for decon."

Of course when they returned to quarters, I had to call them an laugh at them about it and my medic fried says,
"Yeeeaah- she wasn't quite as constipated as she thought"


I have to poo so bad!

I never buy shampoo...

I insist on the real thing.

I just expelled the biggest sticky red-black clump of uterine lining just now. Boy, that really took a while! Now I'm posting as I wrap up my bloody tampon.

Oh wait, wrong thread?

CrimsonSoul said:
Yeah you need to put that in the period thread, ZM, not the poop thread.
I thought this was the "TMI about what I do on the toilet" thread. Sexist!
ZenMonkey said:
I just expelled the biggest sticky red-black clump of uterine lining just now. Boy, that really took a while! Now I'm posting as I wrap up my bloody tampon.

Oh wait, wrong thread?

ZenMonkey said:
I just expelled the biggest sticky red-black clump of uterine lining just now. Boy, that really took a while! Now I'm posting as I wrap up my bloody tampon.

Oh wait, wrong thread?
:clap: :rofl: :thumbsup:
Man, I'm glad France has been getting more normal lately. On my week-long vacation to France, I've only been forced to use a French toilet (also known as a Turkish toilet, thoguh I've never seen them in Turkey) once.

Y'know, the

type. Ugh.
If you want to pee, you stand o nthe two foot rests facing the wall.. If you want to shit, you squat with your feet on the foot rests, facing the camera. Either way, you'll spray whatever's coming out all over your shoes the first time you try.
So it's entirely possible to poop all over yourself if you have the squirts of something. I guess it works on your leg strength though.
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