Facebook - Love it or Leave it?

Are you going to leave Facebook, and if so, where will you go?

  • Yes - explain in thread

    Votes: 6 17.1%
  • No - explain in thread

    Votes: 14 40.0%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 6 17.1%
  • I don't use socail networking sites

    Votes: 7 20.0%
  • Brue

    Votes: 5 14.3%

  • Total voters
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I see no reason to leave Facebook. If I really wanted to be a private person, I would never have made a profile. Honestly, I don't see the big deal about the privacy issue. If you don't want people to know stuff, don't put it out there for people to see. 10 seconds of research should net you enough information on what setting will allow who to see what.

The comments on this are funnier than the facebook post.

xasp42 says:
June 7, 2010 at 6:16 am

wait… which country was this person travelling to, i wonder?

stackmonster says:
June 7, 2010 at 6:31 am

The States.
PC says:
June 7, 2010 at 6:56 am

thats a continent…
Srsly? says:
June 7, 2010 at 7:01 am

Yes, that’s right. The United States is a continent and America is the country. Thus Canada is a country in the States.
rikii says:
June 7, 2010 at 7:08 am

A continent? The States refers to the United States of America, which is a country. North-America is a continent.
poloport says:
June 7, 2010 at 10:07 am

Actually north-america is not a continent. It’s a part of the American continent


Staff member
I see no reason to leave Facebook. If I really wanted to be a private person, I would never have made a profile. Honestly, I don't see the big deal about the privacy issue. If you don't want people to know stuff, don't put it out there for people to see. 10 seconds of research should net you enough information on what setting will allow who to see what.
The one thing that bothers me about having my parents and older relatives as friends is that they all bitch about the privacy issues that have been brought up, but none think to simply leave facebook. They claim it's not an important part of their lives but can't bear to part with this horrible monster that's robbing them of their privacy.


I have never posted anything that I would worry about other people seeing, you know, since it's a social network. What is the concern people have about privacy issues because I am obviously missing something.


Staff member
I have never posted anything that I would worry about other people seeing, you know, since it's a social network. What is the concern people have about privacy issues because I am obviously missing something.
There's been a lot of concern about the privacy settings and the personalized ads or something. I don't know... I never had any problem hiding information I didn't want seen.
Well, sometimes the information you think will be ok to share blows up.....on your face. Ify'knowwhatImean.
We as forumites have certainly had better.

I can't cite any examples right now but Allen and I often embarrass Seej in front of her parents.


I dont interact much with the forumites I have friended on facebook unless they are also on irc.


I dont think that makes us a clique I still dont talk to them much on facebook. No one from the forum really responds to my facebook things. Nothing I can do about that.
*chuckles* My department is in the middle of trying to stop our guys from putting any allusions to who we work for on any kind of social networking site. We can't even use the department's name, logo or anything like that.

My facebook page is something like an F-U to that policy, at least in the photos section. I'm not trying to hide anything, because I have nothing to hide.
No, they tend to get sullen and not say ANYTHING. New Supreme Court ruling says that's NOT invoking their right to remain silent - they have to actually tell you that they don't want to say anything to you.
One thing I can't talk about just yet that's come together for 4 Winds Fantasy Gaming is essentially because of Facebook.
No, they tend to get sullen and not say ANYTHING. New Supreme Court ruling says that's NOT invoking their right to remain silent - they have to actually tell you that they don't want to say anything to you.

wait, but why would that be necessary? Was that to clear up that people were invoking that right or...something else that I'm not seeing? And what happens if someone just doesn't say anything? Does that get counted as something?
No, they tend to get sullen and not say ANYTHING. New Supreme Court ruling says that's NOT invoking their right to remain silent - they have to actually tell you that they don't want to say anything to you.

wait, but why would that be necessary? Was that to clear up that people were invoking that right or...something else that I'm not seeing? And what happens if someone just doesn't say anything? Does that get counted as something?
Because before, it was kind of vague. If an arrestee didn't say anything, it was just generally ASSUMED, but never put into legal precedent that if they kept their mouth shut, they were invoking their right to not self-incriminate. However, this got put to the test by some detectives who kept asking questions of a silent suspect until he confessed to a murder.

Once it hit the Supreme Court, they ruled that a subject has to SPECIFICALLY invoke the right to remain silent. Otherwise, they're allowed to be treated as hostile and questioned until evidence comes forth like manna from the heavens.

But as soon as they say that they want to see a lawyer or that they want to remain silent, then it has been invoked, and questioning MUST cease at that point. The only way it can continue is if they decide later that they wish to waive their rights, usually heavily documented.
Or because they're gonna turn in a bigger fish in exchange for a lesser sentence, right? RIGHT!? TV DOESN'T LIE ON EVERYTHING, RIGHT?!
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