Gusto said:
chakz said:
If scott has trouble with commitments like this, he should figure out some way to deal with it.
This is absolutely true.
Or maybe he could stop making commitments and focus on his
It's a lesson I would have hoped he'd learned from his Penny Arcade buddies by now. It's only been 11 years.

hahaha! Tycho and Gabe learned very early on that they are not good at some stuff, and they outsourced it to other more capable fellows. I think if Scott took a gamble and hired someone to handle a lot of this (and bug him to give content for some things like assetbar, or just raided his desk once a week) then he'd increase his income enough to pay for the help.
PA now employs many, many people. If it weren't for them, PA wouldn't have grown past the stage where Scott's at right now. Tycho and Gabe were terrible at business (they lost the copyright to their earlier strips due to a bad decision many years ago, for instance - fortunately they got them back), and wouldn't have gotten all the game comic deals without their team, and so forth. They absolutely could not have created and managed PAX and Child's Play without their team, etc.
While they are the public face, PA is a full-fledged business.