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Fate of the Rogue's Gallery




I understand there was enough momentum against post counts that they are gone for good. While DB queries could be made to grab that information, if post counts are deemed by the community to be an inherently bad metric, then one could argue they shouldn't be used for the Rogue's Gallery even if they can be teased out of the database.

However, I'm not ready to give up on the Rogue's Gallery, and I'm starting to wonder why I wanted one in the first place.

Part of it was the small amount of fun at simply ranking (and rankling) people - it's not a good thing to be at the top of the Rogue's gallery, but one does want to appear on it. This is why it's the Rogue's Gallery. It actually does serve to discourage top posters, and encourage people who don't appear on it to post a little more. Except, of course, for the outliers (there will always be outliers in any system).

Part of it was also as a "yearbook" of sorts. I enjoy looking at the few Rogue's Gallerys we've had and seeing the icons and people move and change. It's also been nice to track people who may have suddenly dropped off unnoticed. It has a historical context and charm that appeals to me.

So, two questions:
  1. Do you like the Rogue's Gallery, what about it was attractive to you, and would you like to see more? (Poll, discuss)
  2. Should we limit it, and how (if not by post count)? (Discuss)
A rogue's gallery of more than 40-50 people becomes uninteresting. I suppose part of the draw was as a trophy of sorts - is there a method we can use to limit it while retaining that positive aspect of it? Given that it wouldn't be a negative thing to be at the 'top' should the name be changed from Rogue's Gallery to something else?

I'm willing to do the work of collecting avatars, arranging it, etc if it still has value - but probably not if it is so watered down that it retains little value or meaning.





This might be more work, or not if the numbers can be pulled straight from the SQL, but perhaps instead of post count, you could use number of visits to their profile page.

That way it retains its "popularity contest" appeal while being harder to futz.




Yeah, kinda, but I'm not sure how you'd pull it off without it just being a popularity/shouting contest.




I wouldn't mind seeing it but I am not sure how to do it properly without post counts


Rob King

Rob King

I like the idea. I don't think I've been around for any previous rogues gallery, but it seems fun.

Not sure how you could rank users if not by post count. Doing it via nominations and subsequent voting might be an idea, but then it's even more of a popularity contest. But if that's not a huge issue, maybe there could be a campaigning week of some sort, and at the end the community chooses the top twenty users or something?

I am unhelpful. But I try.

At least my mother is proud of me.


Cuyval Dar

I like the Rogue's Gallery, but it would end up as a popularity contest if there was community voting.




I like the Rogue's Gallery, but it would end up as a popularity contest if there was community voting.
Yeah, I am really not in favor of that. The Gallery was fun when it was simply based off post counts, but I think it may have had its day at this point.


Rob King

Rob King

I like the Rogue's Gallery, but it would end up as a popularity contest if there was community voting.
Yeah, I am really not in favor of that. The Gallery was fun when it was simply based off post counts, but I think it may have had its day at this point.[/QUOTE]

Maybe I just don't understand, but I would prefer a popularity contest over the post count. Especially since (for some) the post count is just plain masturbatory.




Previously when people bawwed about being left off, it was more or less an objective issue.

I can only imagine the bawwing if people lose a subjective popularity contest. Also, do we really need more ways to point out the best known/liked posters? Aren't we trying to encourage new, lesser known people to post more instead?




Let it die. As Zen pointed out, its time has past.




Just to add, stieny, nothing against the Rogue's Galleries you've made in the past. I'm happy to have that one as a souvenir that was briefly available to buy.




A Rogue's Gallery seems to be something that everyone kinda knows already. It's an antiquated idea to keep it explicit and set.

Let it be relegated to the wiki and have that be what goes down in the annals of history.




I'm sure my opinion is obvious.

Keep it as it was. Most active posters were the ones in the Gallery.




Meh, let the past be the past.




Instead of top posters, why don't you do something like "Best Haircut" or "Most Likely To Eat a Chinchilla Before January"? Dumb shit like that. It'd be amusing.




Cause then, we'd have the problem, that's already been addressed, of whiny emo crying about being "not popular enough".




Instead of top posters, why don't you do something like "Best Haircut" or "Most Likely To Eat a Chinchilla Before January"? Dumb shit like that. It'd be amusing.
This one might actually be fun ;)




^ See above.


Cuyval Dar

It seems to me that the loudest objectors are those who would not be on it anyway, whether it be because of post count or popularity.

Yes, Shego, I'm looking at you. And I don't mean the former in your case.




Whether or not Shego is popular, you certainly have to admit she's notable.



Make it a vote.

Everyone nominates a user in a thread.


Cuyval Dar

Whether or not Shego is popular, you certainly have to admit she's notable.
Granted. But she would not make my top 10 list of posters I keep coming back to see.




Fair enough.


Rob King

Rob King

Or, a thought:

If we were going to do post counts, and you were going to have to pull the data from ... somewhere anyways, is there any way to count the number of posts over a given time period?

That might make things more interesting, while keeping it true to it's past. I'm not sure I understand why people would call it antiquated and decide it belongs in the past. I mean, it's only fun, and the removal of post counts needs only be a minor hiccup.




Whether or not Shego is popular, you certainly have to admit she's notable.
Granted. But she would not make my top 10 list of posters I keep coming back to see.[/QUOTE]

Let's not start a hate-on here. I'd like the thread to be around tomorrow in General, not Flame War so other regulars can weigh in.


---------- Post added at 08:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:59 PM ----------

Or, a thought:

If we were going to do post counts, and you were going to have to pull the data from ... somewhere anyways, is there any way to count the number of posts over a given time period?

That might make things more interesting, while keeping it true to it's past. I'm not sure I understand why people would call it antiquated and decide it belongs in the past. I mean, it's only fun, and the removal of post counts needs only be a minor hiccup.

I was considering that, and if we went to post counts I think going with post counts over the last month, or 6 months, or whatever would be better than lifetime post counts. Still using evil post counts though, so...





Why, what you are proposing would only lead to a hate-on, anyways. Let it die.




Not sure how it would lead to "hate" if it was simply post count based.




Not sure how it would lead to "hate" if it was simply post count based.
Maybe because the post counts were wiped out and have even less meaning now?

Like I said, I'm pretty meh on the whole thing. If that makes me unpopular, meh. :)




there are no post counts, and its good riddance that they are gone.




Why, what you are proposing would only lead to a hate-on, anyways. Let it die.
Would it?

The last few have only resulted in mild amusement and light hearted ribbing.





That Occasional Poster is a clever fella with strong convictions. Class act.




HOWEVER, during the transfer a few things hiccuped which resulted in ZenMonkey's and Edrondol's posts becoming corrupted and not properly connected to their accounts.
Eh, don't worry about that on my account; I'm fine being left off the Gallery. But thanks. ;)

The last few have only resulted in mild amusement and light hearted ribbing.
My memory is that there was also whining (either joking or joking-but-not-really) about having been left off.




Thats what I am seeing happening..silly whining and stupidity.


Cuyval Dar

I see complaining about losing the Gallery.




I'm still bitter that I didn't make it back on HP with my 50 or so posts :(




Man, I thought we were going to be talking about Flash villains. :(




I enjoyed the Rogues Gallery. It emphasized to me how we're a community, made up of individuals but merged into a collective (if a rather disjointed one).

To that end, would it be possible to put ALL the avatars from ALL users into the Gallery? That way it's no longer a popularity contest, you could just list all the avatars in alphabetical order. And put out a warning two weeks in advance, anyone without an avatar but wants to get into the Gallery should avatar up, stat.




I enjoyed the Rogues Gallery. It emphasized to me how we're a community, made up of individuals but merged into a collective (if a rather disjointed one).

To that end, would it be possible to put ALL the avatars from ALL users into the Gallery? That way it's no longer a popularity contest, you could just list all the avatars in alphabetical order. And put out a warning two weeks in advance, anyone without an avatar but wants to get into the Gallery should avatar up, stat.
All avatars were lost during transfer, only the people who actually bothered to put one back have one. So it'd be 700+ spots of empty spaces.[/QUOTE]

That being said, I have all the avatars I used to make the DURR mosaic, which was the beginning of April 2009, so if anyone needs an avatar from the old forum from that time, let me know.





I enjoyed the Rogues Gallery. It emphasized to me how we're a community, made up of individuals but merged into a collective (if a rather disjointed one).

To that end, would it be possible to put ALL the avatars from ALL users into the Gallery? That way it's no longer a popularity contest, you could just list all the avatars in alphabetical order. And put out a warning two weeks in advance, anyone without an avatar but wants to get into the Gallery should avatar up, stat.
All avatars were lost during transfer, only the people who actually bothered to put one back have one. So it'd be 700+ spots of empty spaces.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, which is why Steiney would need to remind people to start using an avatar if they want to be in the Gallery. If someone uses no avatar then I wouldn't really expect a blank space for them in the Rogues Gallery, they'd just be left out.


Occasional Poster

Actually this is flawed, the number 1 most visited profile (by hundreds of visits) is Occasional Poster. Why? Spambots, that's why. His name is so generic it receives the most hits from bots, heh.
I was wondering about that! :paranoid:

I'm lucky that I did not leave my e-mail public lol



Actually this is flawed, the number 1 most visited profile (by hundreds of visits) is Occasional Poster. Why? Spambots, that's why. His name is so generic it receives the most hits from bots, heh.
I was wondering about that! :paranoid:

I'm lucky that I did not leave my e-mail public lol[/QUOTE]That went to your wiki page


Kitty Sinatra

which reminds me. The wiki is turning into the "popularity contest" suggested for the new rogues gallery. The users who actually have a page are the competitors, but those users whose pages actually say something are the finalists.

The winner's the one with the longest page.




which reminds me. The wiki is turning into the "popularity contest" suggested for the new rogues gallery. The users who actually have a page are the competitors, but those users whose pages actually say something are the finalists.

The winner's the one with the longest page.
Nate vs Lever posted to user's wiki page in 3...2...




which reminds me. The wiki is turning into the "popularity contest" suggested for the new rogues gallery. The users who actually have a page are the competitors, but those users whose pages actually say something are the finalists.

The winner's the one with the longest page.
Heh, I can foresee some users adding the "Better Nate than never"




I still want post counts back, so sure.




It's really sad how much people are getting emotionally invested in post counts and being popular on the forum. I still say go with the "Person Most Likely...". You can keep doing more, use different people, and people won't get butthurt about not "making it".


Rob King

Rob King

Regarding the Wiki becoming a popularity contest ... I really don't see that.



It's really sad how much people are getting emotionally invested in post counts and being popular on the forum. I still say go with the "Person Most Likely...". You can keep doing more, use different people, and people won't get butthurt about not "making it".
i kinda like events where everyone can participate, like the avatar weeks, rather than an exclusionary set.




It's really sad how much people are getting emotionally invested in post counts and being popular on the forum. I still say go with the "Person Most Likely...". You can keep doing more, use different people, and people won't get butthurt about not "making it".
"Really sad" based off what exactly?




It's really sad how much people are getting emotionally invested in post counts and being popular on the forum. I still say go with the "Person Most Likely...". You can keep doing more, use different people, and people won't get butthurt about not "making it".
i kinda like events where everyone can participate, like the avatar weeks, rather than an exclusionary set.[/QUOTE]

Of course--that's the best option and the best course (when and what is the next one?). But I think Steinman making a stupid list every once in a while with some lame jokes shouldn't destroy the egos of forum dwellers. But then again, sometimes I misplace the stock people take in internet.

And, Sheg--based off people's responses that I read in this thread. Then again, I only skimmed through a chunk of it, so I could be WAY off base. But it seems people actually give a shit about post counts and having rank in one of the inane cliques.




This thread was simple Juski:

Should we bring back the little Mosaic with the top 10-20 posters in it? I said yes.

Some others said that it couldnt' be done due to no more post count. Amorous said it could be done by checking the logs.

Finally, maybe one or two people said they wanted post counts back. I disagreed.




well, I think that if I want to see who the top posters are, I can just read the forum. I was on one of the rogues galleries once, if i recall, but meh, who cares?




well, I think that if I want to see who the top posters are, I can just read the forum. I was on one of the rogues galleries once, if i recall, but meh, who cares?




Juski, my friend, the only popular person here is your mom.




well, I think that if I want to see who the top posters are, I can just read the forum. I was on one of the rogues galleries once, if i recall, but meh, who cares?
Again, it's not about reinstating post counts. It's just a mosaic of pictures of the most frequent posters.



well, I think that if I want to see who the top posters are, I can just read the forum. I was on one of the rogues galleries once, if i recall, but meh, who cares?
Again, it's not about reinstating post counts. It's just a mosaic of pictures of the most frequent posters.[/QUOTE]

and it's lame. like your mom.




My post said nothing about post counts, or bringing them back.

But, correct me if I'm wrong, the Rogues Gallery is just list of the top posters, and part of the discussion was about how such a list might be compiled, right? So posting frequency is part of the equation.

and If I want to see who the loudmouths are (including myself in that number), I just need to, you know, read the forum.




I wholehaertedly agree with Tin on this. I could be wrong, but at this point, it just seems like a thing where those top posters can go and look at it and feel special and supieror. Let it go, and let it die. Solves the stupidity, and prevents more bitching as well.


Kitty Sinatra

it just seems like a thing where those top posters can go and look at it and feel special and supieror.
Really? Hey Bubble, I got a question for you: Did topping the rogue's gallery make you feel superior?

PS. I'm betting his answer's gonna totally be "No."

Even better, here's a question for all of us who hit the rogue's gallery: Did being on the rogue's gallery make you feel superior to those below you?

PS. I'm betting the answers are gonna totally be a unanimous "No."




it just seems like a thing where those top posters can go and look at it and feel special and supieror.
Really? Hey Bubble, I got a question for you: Did topping the rogue's gallery make you feel superior?

PS. I'm betting his answer's gonna totally be "No."

Even better, here's a question for all of us who hit the rogue's gallery: Did being on the rogue's gallery make you feel superior to those below you?

PS. I'm betting the answers are gonna totally be a unanimous "No."[/QUOTE]
I'll chime in a "no" on feeling superior.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

it was more or less: hey look, there's my avatar on a list of top posters. I guess I really post a lot. okay. now to do something that matters: read marmaduke:coffee:




I felt a little superior.





I wholehaertedly agree with Tin on this. I could be wrong, but at this point, it just seems like a thing where those top posters can go and look at it and feel special and supieror. Let it go, and let it die. Solves the stupidity, and prevents more bitching as well.
The only real bitching here, is all the people who seem to have a problem with the mosaic being made.

Also, the poll results are pretty obvious.


Fun Size

Fun Size

I only feel superior to Crone's mom. And then only using when using the word "superior" to mean "on top of".



My post said nothing about post counts, or bringing them back.

But, correct me if I'm wrong, the Rogues Gallery is just list of the top posters, and part of the discussion was about how such a list might be compiled, right? So posting frequency is part of the equation.

and If I want to see who the loudmouths are (including myself in that number), I just need to, you know, read the forum.

It also guarantees that it wont be just the same few faces there, as people´s participation does change from time to time (heck, I doubt my post count is even 1% of my astronomical numbers before), so there is nothing wrong with a "top participators Rogue gallery"




I still say it would be a valid alternative to use the number of times someone's profile has been viewed. I know the board keeps track of that.




I wholehaertedly agree with Tin on this. I could be wrong, but at this point, it just seems like a thing where those top posters can go and look at it and feel special and supieror. Let it go, and let it die. Solves the stupidity, and prevents more bitching as well.
The only real bitching here, is all the people who seem to have a problem with the mosaic being made.

Also, the poll results are pretty obvious.[/QUOTE]

I am more of a meh, on it. But that is just my opinion. Did not think it was really bitching, as such. I say its time has past, and to really let it die.




My post said nothing about post counts, or bringing them back.

But, correct me if I'm wrong, the Rogues Gallery is just list of the top posters, and part of the discussion was about how such a list might be compiled, right? So posting frequency is part of the equation.

and If I want to see who the loudmouths are (including myself in that number), I just need to, you know, read the forum.

It also guarantees that it wont be just the same few faces there, as people´s participation does change from time to time (heck, I doubt my post count is even 1% of my astronomical numbers before), so there is nothing wrong with a "top participators Rogue gallery"[/QUOTE]

The same members would be in the Gallery with that rule.



I only feel superior to Crone's mom. And then only using when using the word "superior" to mean "on top of".
/spilt coffee laughing.


General Specific

General Specific

As I have been reading through this thread for the first time now, I would like to point out that I was the one to introduce the "Better Nate than Lever" joke to the forum. I've not checked the wiki, so don't know if I even have a page, much less been properly credited.

I know we are a bit past that now, but I figured it was better late than never. :D


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

citation needed




If that's the case I would like everyone to know that I have introduced bacon as an avatar to this website


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

I would like everyone that my penis is widely known as the "Fifth Beatle"




I have seen photos with it and a moptop




I wholehaertedly agree with Tin on this. I could be wrong, but at this point, it just seems like a thing where those top posters can go and look at it and feel special and supieror. Let it go, and let it die. Solves the stupidity, and prevents more bitching as well.
The only real bitching here, is all the people who seem to have a problem with the mosaic being made.

Also, the poll results are pretty obvious.[/QUOTE]

I'm not bitching, for the record. My vote is "meh" for, and "meh" against.




Yet it was necessary for those to voice the fact that it wasn't "necessary"? Doesn't seem a very "meh" mentality.




Dang, Shego, why the hard-on for the Rogue's Gallery?


Kitty Sinatra

perhaps it makes her feel superior . . . but I'd lose my bet so it can't be that. I'm a winner. Really, I am.




Yet it was necessary for those to voice the fact that it wasn't "necessary"? Doesn't seem a very "meh" mentality.
It's called conversation. I engage in less than life-altering conversation from time to time. ;)




Sounded like "whining" to me.




nah..whining is that sound a girl makes when I tie her up, put the ball gag in, and then go out for a beer.

Look back at my posts. I never complained about the rogue's gallery. My level of input rose no higher than "meh, who cares".

I think you're letting your deep personal attachment to being one of the 'cool kids' affect how you're reading my posts ;)


General Specific

General Specific

It puts the lotion on the skin or else it gets the hose again.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

I have seen photos with it and a moptop
it drives Calleja wild:unibrow:




Dang, Shego, why the hard-on for the Rogue's Gallery?
Says the only person to have ever paid money for a printed version...






nah..whining is that sound a girl makes when I tie her up, put the ball gag in, and then go out for a beer.

Look back at my posts. I never complained about the rogue's gallery. My level of input rose no higher than "meh, who cares".

I think you're letting your deep personal attachment to being one of the 'cool kids' affect how you're reading my posts ;)
I think you think these posts are about you. :slywink:




Says the only person to have ever paid money for a printed version...
Sure, it was a nice souvenir (especially since I hear the Halforum store is gone and I never got a mug), but do you see me screaming for one now?




nah..whining is that sound a girl makes when I tie her up, put the ball gag in, and then go out for a beer.

Look back at my posts. I never complained about the rogue's gallery. My level of input rose no higher than "meh, who cares".

I think you're letting your deep personal attachment to being one of the 'cool kids' affect how you're reading my posts ;)
There it is, right there.



Dang, Shego, why the hard-on?
quote of the fucking era.



What have I done?!?

Wow, what have I wrought?

I made the first rogue's gallery back in the halfpixel forums simply because I thought it would be pretty cool (I think I've still got the original .psdfile somewhere on my old computer.) The general response was "huh. that's pretty cool." Stienman decided to make the creation of rogue's galleries into something of a tradition, which was also generally thought to be pretty cool.

And now, after I leave for a while, people start getting all uptight about potential popularity contests and users getting offended. The thing is, this is the internet. Some people will get offended no matter WHAT you do. There's no point in worrying about that too much.

So, my opinion? Make the rogue's gallery, Stienman.

It's pretty cool.



Thinking about it, I wonder if there's a mod that can generate vBulletin stats akin to mircstats.

It could have like, Top posters, Most profile views, Most active topics, Most topic starters, something like that.. hmmm..
So does this mean we'll need to come up with a mathematical formula that encompasses all of these variables, so as to calculate a rogue's gallery worthiness quotient?

Because that would be awesome.


Kitty Sinatra

It'd be more than awesome. It would be mathtacular. Maybe even statistarific



Okay, so I'm thinking, if the rogue's gallery worthiness quotient is "Q"
and a user's:

number of posts = N
number of topics started = S
total number of posts in topics started = T
profiles views = V

Then the formula should be something like:
Q= 15V + N/2 + (1.5T)/S

What say you?


Kitty Sinatra

I say I wish I started the Say Something About the Previous Poster thread and none others, posted prodigiously in them, and directed bots to my profile page.

I did none of those things, so I'm a'gonna lose this popularity mathturbation.



I say I wish I started the Say Something About the Previous Poster thread and none others, posted prodigiously in them, and directed bots to my profile page.

I did none of those things, so I'm a'gonna lose this popularity mathturbation.
Well, you should have thought ahead, shouldn't you?

(or we could just entirely ignore the hall of meh).


Kitty Sinatra

Foresight is not my forte.

But this is:




I like the popularity contest idea. Even though I don't post as much as some people here, I have a powerful campaigning weapon: boobs. They've won me votes before, and they will win me votes again.




I like the popularity contest idea. Even though I don't post as much as some people here, I have a powerful campaigning weapon: boobs. They've won me votes before, and they will win me votes again.

Thats what you are.




I like the popularity contest idea. Even though I don't post as much as some people here, I have a powerful campaigning weapon: boobs. They've won me votes before, and they will win me votes again.

Thats what you are.[/QUOTE]

Nah, just borderline slutty.


Allen who is Quiet

Allen, who is Quiet

I'd like to announce that I'm dropping out of the running. The Fifth Beatle and I have no chance now




Okay, so I'm thinking, if the rogue's gallery worthiness quotient is "Q"
and a user's:

number of posts = N
number of topics started = S
total number of posts in topics started = T
profiles views = V

Then the formula should be something like:
Q= 15V + N/2 + (1.5T)/S

What say you?
S should be multiplied by the topic's rating.





I like the popularity contest idea. Even though I don't post as much as some people here, I have a powerful campaigning weapon: boobs. They've won me votes before, and they will win me votes again.

Thats what you are.[/QUOTE]

Nah, just borderline slutty.[/QUOTE]

Oh. Well, carry on then.




I like the popularity contest idea. Even though I don't post as much as some people here, I have a powerful campaigning weapon: boobs. They've won me votes before, and they will win me votes again.
*takes off fedora*

I remember...



Okay, so I'm thinking, if the rogue's gallery worthiness quotient is "Q"
and a user's:

number of posts = N
number of topics started = S
total number of posts in topics started = T
profiles views = V

Then the formula should be something like:
Q= 15V + N/2 + (1.5T)/S

What say you?
S should be multiplied by the topic's rating.


Ooh, nice idea. So, how to work that in...


Cuyval Dar

Okay, so I'm thinking, if the rogue's gallery worthiness quotient is "Q"
and a user's:

number of posts = N
number of topics started = S
total number of posts in topics started = T
profiles views = V

Then the formula should be something like:
Q= 15V + N/2 + (1.5T)/S

What say you?
S should be multiplied by the topic's rating.


Ooh, nice idea. So, how to work that in...[/QUOTE]
Math always solves everything. This way, no one thing can determine Rogues Gallery placement. I might also suggest the addition of the # of people on your friends list to it, and possibly some aspect of the social groups, perhaps the #of members in social groups you started.




It was cool being on it (and a little embarrassing once I hit the top 5....) but I wouldn't be heartbroken if it never happened again. If another one was made, I would appreciate the time and effort put into such an endeavor, but I don't think we really need it.



Nah, just borderline slutty.
oh what will it take?




Nah, just borderline slutty.
oh what will it take?[/QUOTE]

Two shots of Patron. :uhhuh:




:confused: Where'd my post go? I swear I posted in here!

Anyway, eh, for popularity contests, there's karma, and a million other things. For top posts, eh.

Being on top made me feel vastly superior to any and all here, save Sera, Shego and Crone. 'Cause I'd fear for my life if I said I felt superior to any of them :-P


Kitty Sinatra

Smurf you Bubble. I thought we were friends and then you go and answer my question in exactly the way that discredits my theory. :humph:




For me, the Rogue's Gallery has already served it's purpose. Yeah, I'm being kinda selfish about it. :)



Well, let those who like it, enjoy it.




Yes, they must have their little validations, dont they?




Yes, they must have their little validations, dont they?



Yes, they must have their little validations, dont they?




I think I am thankful youtube is blocked at work.



I figured it out!

You know what would solve all of this? Include all the top posters/mods/etc., but also make a thread entitled "who wants to be in the rogue's gallery?" Anyone who responds, gets in.

I mean, it's not like the rogue's gallery is supposed to be a competition. It's just the forum's equivalent of a family portrait.



I figured it out!

You know what would solve all of this? Include all the top posters/mods/etc., but also make a thread entitled "who wants to be in the rogue's gallery?" Anyone who responds, gets in.

I mean, it's not like the rogue's gallery is supposed to be a competition. It's just the forum's equivalent of a family portrait.
we already have a family portrait made by NR. It was pretty sweet :cool:

Though we could do another one, any willing artists out there?



Do you have a link to the original?



i can't find the origional but heres what it looked like http://www.cafepress.com/Halforum.365152781



i can't find the origional but heres what it looked like http://www.cafepress.com/Halforum.365152781
That is pretty awesome.




I still love that image.




i'd have probably bought that shirt if I was on it :)




I... do not know if I ever saw that.





I had never seen that before. Damn, it's awesome. And I'm even on there (I think). Cool.


Cuyval Dar

i'd have probably bought that shirt if I was on it :)

I kind of agree with those who propose a "family portrait" sort of thing. Then no one gets slighted by noninclusion.
The only problem with that, is that it would be way too big, and a pain in the ass to make.

That is why I like the equation previously posted.



Rogues gallery? Okay. I want to be the Joker!

Oh wait..you mean here.... Nevermind. ;)


Rob King

Rob King

For me, the Rogue's Gallery has already served it's purpose. Yeah, I'm being kinda selfish about it. :)
I've read a lot of posts in this thread this way.




For me, the Rogue's Gallery has already served it's purpose. Yeah, I'm being kinda selfish about it. :)
I've read a lot of posts in this thread this way.[/QUOTE]

Is my honesty refreshing? :)

No, it was nice to see my avatar "climbing the ranks" during Halfpixel and whatnot, but once I hit the Top Ten at Halforum, everyone pretty much knew who I was.

So yeah, personally, I don't need the validation of the Gallery anymore. :uhhuh:



For me, the Rogue's Gallery has already served it's purpose. Yeah, I'm being kinda selfish about it. :)
I've read a lot of posts in this thread this way.[/QUOTE]

Is my honesty refreshing? :)

No, it was nice to see my avatar "climbing the ranks" during Halfpixel and whatnot, but once I hit the Top Ten at Halforum, everyone pretty much knew who I was.

So yeah, personally, I don't need the validation of the Gallery anymore. :uhhuh:[/QUOTE]And Im so bloody old here (in forum years, not real life old ala Dave) that no matter if I post or not, Im still that ugly water stain on the forum wall that looks like Jesus in a Chewbacca suit.




I have that tshirt! But I got coffee or something on it and now it's my carwashing/chore/hang out at home shirt. :waah: But I still love it.
