Fate of the Rogue's Gallery

Do you want to see Rogue's Galleries for this new forum?

  • Yes

    Votes: 23 71.9%
  • No

    Votes: 9 28.1%

  • Total voters
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I understand there was enough momentum against post counts that they are gone for good. While DB queries could be made to grab that information, if post counts are deemed by the community to be an inherently bad metric, then one could argue they shouldn't be used for the Rogue's Gallery even if they can be teased out of the database.

However, I'm not ready to give up on the Rogue's Gallery, and I'm starting to wonder why I wanted one in the first place.

Part of it was the small amount of fun at simply ranking (and rankling) people - it's not a good thing to be at the top of the Rogue's gallery, but one does want to appear on it. This is why it's the Rogue's Gallery. It actually does serve to discourage top posters, and encourage people who don't appear on it to post a little more. Except, of course, for the outliers (there will always be outliers in any system).

Part of it was also as a "yearbook" of sorts. I enjoy looking at the few Rogue's Gallerys we've had and seeing the icons and people move and change. It's also been nice to track people who may have suddenly dropped off unnoticed. It has a historical context and charm that appeals to me.

So, two questions:
  1. Do you like the Rogue's Gallery, what about it was attractive to you, and would you like to see more? (Poll, discuss)
  2. Should we limit it, and how (if not by post count)? (Discuss)
A rogue's gallery of more than 40-50 people becomes uninteresting. I suppose part of the draw was as a trophy of sorts - is there a method we can use to limit it while retaining that positive aspect of it? Given that it wouldn't be a negative thing to be at the 'top' should the name be changed from Rogue's Gallery to something else?

I'm willing to do the work of collecting avatars, arranging it, etc if it still has value - but probably not if it is so watered down that it retains little value or meaning.



Staff member
This might be more work, or not if the numbers can be pulled straight from the SQL, but perhaps instead of post count, you could use number of visits to their profile page.

That way it retains its "popularity contest" appeal while being harder to futz.
Yeah, kinda, but I'm not sure how you'd pull it off without it just being a popularity/shouting contest.
I like the idea. I don't think I've been around for any previous rogues gallery, but it seems fun.

Not sure how you could rank users if not by post count. Doing it via nominations and subsequent voting might be an idea, but then it's even more of a popularity contest. But if that's not a huge issue, maybe there could be a campaigning week of some sort, and at the end the community chooses the top twenty users or something?

I am unhelpful. But I try.

At least my mother is proud of me.

Cuyval Dar

I like the Rogue's Gallery, but it would end up as a popularity contest if there was community voting.
I like the Rogue's Gallery, but it would end up as a popularity contest if there was community voting.
Yeah, I am really not in favor of that. The Gallery was fun when it was simply based off post counts, but I think it may have had its day at this point.
I like the Rogue's Gallery, but it would end up as a popularity contest if there was community voting.
Yeah, I am really not in favor of that. The Gallery was fun when it was simply based off post counts, but I think it may have had its day at this point.[/QUOTE]

Maybe I just don't understand, but I would prefer a popularity contest over the post count. Especially since (for some) the post count is just plain masturbatory.
Previously when people bawwed about being left off, it was more or less an objective issue.

I can only imagine the bawwing if people lose a subjective popularity contest. Also, do we really need more ways to point out the best known/liked posters? Aren't we trying to encourage new, lesser known people to post more instead?
Just to add, stieny, nothing against the Rogue's Galleries you've made in the past. I'm happy to have that one as a souvenir that was briefly available to buy.
A Rogue's Gallery seems to be something that everyone kinda knows already. It's an antiquated idea to keep it explicit and set.

Let it be relegated to the wiki and have that be what goes down in the annals of history.


Staff member
Instead of top posters, why don't you do something like "Best Haircut" or "Most Likely To Eat a Chinchilla Before January"? Dumb shit like that. It'd be amusing.
Cause then, we'd have the problem, that's already been addressed, of whiny emo crying about being "not popular enough".

Cuyval Dar

It seems to me that the loudest objectors are those who would not be on it anyway, whether it be because of post count or popularity.

Yes, Shego, I'm looking at you. And I don't mean the former in your case.
Or, a thought:

If we were going to do post counts, and you were going to have to pull the data from ... somewhere anyways, is there any way to count the number of posts over a given time period?

That might make things more interesting, while keeping it true to it's past. I'm not sure I understand why people would call it antiquated and decide it belongs in the past. I mean, it's only fun, and the removal of post counts needs only be a minor hiccup.
Whether or not Shego is popular, you certainly have to admit she's notable.
Granted. But she would not make my top 10 list of posters I keep coming back to see.[/QUOTE]

Let's not start a hate-on here. I'd like the thread to be around tomorrow in General, not Flame War so other regulars can weigh in.


---------- Post added at 08:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:59 PM ----------

Or, a thought:

If we were going to do post counts, and you were going to have to pull the data from ... somewhere anyways, is there any way to count the number of posts over a given time period?

That might make things more interesting, while keeping it true to it's past. I'm not sure I understand why people would call it antiquated and decide it belongs in the past. I mean, it's only fun, and the removal of post counts needs only be a minor hiccup.

I was considering that, and if we went to post counts I think going with post counts over the last month, or 6 months, or whatever would be better than lifetime post counts. Still using evil post counts though, so...

HOWEVER, during the transfer a few things hiccuped which resulted in ZenMonkey's and Edrondol's posts becoming corrupted and not properly connected to their accounts.
Eh, don't worry about that on my account; I'm fine being left off the Gallery. But thanks. ;)

The last few have only resulted in mild amusement and light hearted ribbing.
My memory is that there was also whining (either joking or joking-but-not-really) about having been left off.
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