Favourite Halforum Memories

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Staff member
This is an embarrassing thing to admit. It's more of a personal memory related to Halforums. Back when the site shut down and Halforum began, things were just so fun and new. All the threads were interesting to me. It was really hard to sign out for the night or before class, because it was just nonstop fun and hilarity. Around final exam time, I had to give Jake my password and make him change it so I couldn't post. It was literally the only way I was going to pass. After that, things kind of got normal again, and it was easier to come and go normally. But man... those few weeks...

I remember that Crone made a post about what a time sink this place was, and she announced she was leaving for a while. She had a weird blue avatar of a face or something at the time.
Am I getting hugs because people feel sorry for me? I get out in the sunlight now, I promise!


Staff member
I gotta say it was the time Bengo was posting libelous shit about me and trying his damnedest to ruin my good name over the most minor dispute, and this forum had my back, creating a pro-Zap blog. It got a bit over the top, but it was incredibly touching that there were so many people who stood up for me against a troll and bully.

It's also a bit crazy, but the days before this forum was born was kind of an exciting adventure. I opened up my forum over at the now-defunct Bomb Shelter Comics after the Halfpixel nuke, and there was a dedicated group trying to track down everyone so we could regroup. Back then, we felt tighter than ever, and it felt so rewarding to be a part of that.

It's the stuff like that makes this place and this community so important to me.
This is an embarrassing thing to admit. It's more of a personal memory related to Halforums. Back when the site shut down and Halforum began, things were just so fun and new. All the threads were interesting to me. It was really hard to sign out for the night or before class, because it was just nonstop fun and hilarity. Around final exam time, I had to give Jake my password and make him change it so I couldn't post. It was literally the only way I was going to pass. After that, things kind of got normal again, and it was easier to come and go normally. But man... those few weeks...

I remember that Crone made a post about what a time sink this place was, and she announced she was leaving for a while. She had a weird blue avatar of a face or something at the time.

...I miss Vytamindi.
More random doodle/PS shit I found:

Here's something I did when Chazwozel still had a shark avatar, I forget how it came up:

I like telling you guys stories.

Though I haven't done that much lately. Chaz made me kinda paranoid about it. It's very easy to have that stuff tossed back in a mean way.
Everytime I've gotten a Like/hugs/love it/funny/pun/informative/bro-fist on one of my comments. I just like it when people value what I think.

...SHUT-UP! I ain't cryin' or nothing.
Getting postcards!
Taking Doc to the museum with my kids and feeding him fancy Bagel Bites for lunch.
Getting to be friends with ZenMonkey even if we haven't met irl.
All of the support of everyone doing HalFitness.
I've missed those simile table flips :sohappy:

And the threads where we discuss how on earth people find our forum with terms like minotaur penis and My Little Pony porn comics. Especially that last one, I mean sure, who doesn't like My Little Pony porn comics, but I don't think we ever found out where this started or who posted it the first time for My Little Pony porn comics to show up in the search results.
The thread about the minotaur penis was also hilarious, when people started to post all kinds of punny reply's
OH! I know this sounds self centered but I also liked doing the video for the Jay show!

AND my locked thread with the Barbie girl. That thread was hostile but hilariously so.
Getting Podded in EvE together
Discussing steak
Discussing pizza
Discussing chili
Every time I discovered a new webcomic or comic through someone's rec that I gave at least a shot to
The political threads (no joke, they're usually pretty fun)

And that I somehow got into a flame war for defending Charlie. It's a weird thing to remember fondly, especially given how annoyed I was at the time, but in retrospect it was pretty funny.
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