Feels as if I'm in the outside group here

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First off I want to say that all of you are great people here and my main internet forum home since the move from Kurt'z debacle place. ( I still dont see why you guys post his comics here when you consider him a douche).

Even in the old forum I felt like an outsider looking in and not part of the 'in group' which seems to have exponentially grown with my last days of being away from here due to a busy fall semester.

Just feel a bit lonely out here on the edge. It feels like you guys have this little click here and when someone isnt in it that individual feels a bit out in the cold.

Perhaps this is a manbraw thread perhaps it isnt.

You guys are all great as I said before and I consider you an extension of my internet family even though I may not get along with you all.

It just all feels like you all know each other and I'm always 'out' there.

BTw I also need a new avatar so I'm up for suggestions.
Just feel a bit lonely out here on the edge. It feels like you guys have this little click here and when someone isnt in it that individual feels a bit out in the cold.
In that case, we'll treat you like everyone else on the forum.

It's "clique" ;)


You'll find there are several cliques, its easy to get lost on the outside.

You just gotta kinda carve out a space for youself, I think.
To be fair, even I feel a bit part of the outside group sometimes.
Just post more, follow the threads you're interested in, see who you like and you don't, goof around a bit in the silliers threads with the people you like, and soon, you'll have a whole slew of in-jokes all your own (well, hopefully shared with a couple of forumites, or it won't be that much fun :-P).

To be fair, there are several clicques here, it's not all one big band :-P
If you want to join the secret HF cabal, you've got to give a blood oath first.

Or, in lieu of that, simply make more threads with polls.


Staff member
1. Make a highly controversial post, then defend it through a flame war.
2. Apologize, wait a day, make posts in other threads.
3. Continue posting.
4. Ta-da! You are now on the up-and-up on the fast track to the "in crowd!"
5. 1-4 - QFT
6. ^^ This.
7. In before "profit."
8. ...
9. Profit.


Staff member
are we really having this thread right now?

---------- Post added at 01:56 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:55 AM ----------

No you can't be apart of my polygamy with Juski and Callelayayayyaya.
you said it baby


are we really having this thread right now?

here's a theory. people make threads you do not like. Instead of trying to sway them to post only things you approve of, you could have spent that twenty minutes watching high quality porn and getting a rise out of your ventures. Besides, I like imagining you nude and having sex more than imagining you being mildly sullen at a forum.
I don't really feel like I'm in, although I felt a lot more 'out' a few months ago. I just started contributing to threads more. An important thing for me was to turn down the diplomatic. I don't like to argue typically, but if you don't speak what you feel, you won't find people who think similarly.

You might piss some people off, but if you're polite, the only people you'll piss off weren't worth walking on eggshells for in the first place.

Not to say that I've been all polite, but except for a few incidents where I've overreacted or lost my cool, I can honestly say that I feel like I've done alright.


Staff member
are we really having this thread right now?

here's a theory. people make threads you do not like. Instead of trying to sway them to post only things you approve of, you could have spent that twenty minutes watching high quality porn and getting a rise out of your ventures. Besides, I like imagining you nude and having sex more than imagining you being mildly sullen at a forum.[/QUOTE]

I understand your point (and that porn idea...maybe not so bad right now, actually) but there's a big difference between people posting about subjects I personally don't bother with (see--most of the gaming subforum, comics subforums, introduction subforums, etc) and people posting blatant bawws for attention.

This dude needs to do one thing--make himself a notable poster, not post a whinny for help so that all the forum softies go gush e-love on him.

However--I admit, I was being snarky for being snarky. And I really should be getting some coursework done...pornhub will have to wait a half hour :(
are we really having this thread right now?
For at least the third time from the same person? Yes.

Dude, we (meaning the forum AND the mods) tried, and you know it. It's your turn to figure it out now.

Also, changing your handle every time you feel put upon probably isn't doing your "nobody loves me here" bit any good.
are we really having this thread right now?
For at least the third time from the same person? Yes.

Dude, we (meaning the forum AND the mods) tried, and you know it. It's your turn to figure it out now.

Also, changing your handle every time you feel put upon probably isn't doing your "nobody loves me here" bit any good.[/QUOTE]

Yeah isn't this like your....sixth new name, V?


Yo, Blackcat, I'm really happy for you and imma let you finish, but Mav had one of the greatest Baawww threads of all time.


are we really having this thread right now?
For at least the third time from the same person? Yes.

Dude, we (meaning the forum AND the mods) tried, and you know it. It's your turn to figure it out now.

Also, changing your handle every time you feel put upon probably isn't doing your "nobody loves me here" bit any good.[/QUOTE]

wait, this is an alt?

dammit I owe El Juski an apology.

*drags El Juski into a locked room.*


Pick a name, and stick with it. Not easy, I know, but some of us have used the same name for years and years (I've been Mav since I first started playing games online and using chatrooms back in 1997). Make a name for yourself (i.e. stand out from the crowd). Talk to people, hang out in IRC, participate in the contests, hang out in Vent, listen/participate in the podcasts, etc.

Just my two cents


are we really having this thread right now?
For at least the third time from the same person? Yes.

Dude, we (meaning the forum AND the mods) tried, and you know it. It's your turn to figure it out now.

Also, changing your handle every time you feel put upon probably isn't doing your "nobody loves me here" bit any good.[/QUOTE]

wait, this is an alt?

dammit I owe El Juski an apology.

*drags El Juski into a locked room.*[/QUOTE]

Can I have his kidneys?
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