Feels as if I'm in the outside group here

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Zen hates you two; she was all snuggled on my hip and I laughed so hard I knocked her off.

Also, that tears it, I'm grabbing the Young Frankenstein DVD now.

Kitty Sinatra

So who is Black Cat? Is he one of my forgotten alts that's taken a life of its own?


I didn't even read the full topic, I'm too cool for it. Just felt like posting to let you know that you don't need a group... hell, I'm my own group! No one else is neato enough to be included. I have a secret handshake and everything. just for me.


Get your mind out of the gutter.


Staff member
I was once on the outside.

ZenMonkey was once on the outside.

We ALL used to be there. Join us. JOOOOOIIIIIIIN USSSSSSSS!


Staff member
Wait wait wait. So, if I am reading this right, people feel the need to be the part of some clique....in an online forum? Really? Has that what this has come to?

Wow. :puke:
are we really having this thread right now?
For at least the third time from the same person? Yes.

Dude, we (meaning the forum AND the mods) tried, and you know it. It's your turn to figure it out now.

Also, changing your handle every time you feel put upon probably isn't doing your "nobody loves me here" bit any good.[/QUOTE]

What were his previous handles?
Confession: I STILL have trouble recognizing Dave without his Red Dwarf avatar.

Hell, I sometimes go around wondering where that nice Edrondol fellow disappeared to.

And I'd say we, on the whole, are a pretty easy bunch to get along with. Don't be too big an idiot, don't be too big an ass, and we can all talk about things to our hearts' content. So don't worry about being "in" or "out," just post when you want to and enjoy yourself here.


Wait wait wait. So, if I am reading this right, people feel the need to be the part of some clique....in an online forum? Really? Has that what this has come to?

Wow. :puke:
Says the guy who's post count could choke a whale?[/QUOTE]Heh, post counts are nothing.... Gasbandit, I and the old gang could easily rack up over 10,000 posts over some political issues.

Thank god that post counts are gone, because fuck that "ITS OVER 9000!" stchick whenever my post count went over 9000 in a new forum got old by the time we moved to halfpixel.
Dave was Edrondol???


Doubt it... Im lurking more than posting, I just search my name to see if theres anyone calling me, check if theres any interesting thread, play conquest, go bak to my daily routine of brazilian beer, monkeys and underage prostitutes.
I'm not in a clique, don't post remarkably often, and yet seem to be fairly well-known on the forums. There's hope for you all!


Put it away, Julio, he's not saying he's better, he's pointing out how much time Shannow spends on the forum.:p
I'm not in a clique, don't post remarkably often, and yet seem to be fairly well-known on the forums. There's hope for you all!
Well, you're also...
1. Female
2. Attractive
3. Not shy about being female and attractive

These make a difference, undeniably.


I'm not in a clique, don't post remarkably often, and yet seem to be fairly well-known on the forums. There's hope for you all!
Three factors-

1) Being a girl
2) Being different and interesting
3) Making me waste hours of my life from the collective second of watching your dog gif.
I'm not in a clique, don't post remarkably often, and yet seem to be fairly well-known on the forums. There's hope for you all!
Well, you're also...
1. Female
2. Attractive
3. Not shy about being female and attractive

These make a difference, undeniably.[/QUOTE]

Okay, BlackCat... Here's what you have to do.

1) Find a picture of an attractive female
2) Tell all these suckers that it's you
3) ??????????

(Hey, it worked well enough for me.... ;) )
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