Fight For This Present I Will Give You

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I will bitch slap any of your past, present or future ex-girlfriend/boyfriend of your choice?


Write you a corny Halloween poem.


Staff member
Awe, they don't deserve any slap. I am considering the Halloween poem though.

Still, the X-factor is missing here, gentlemen.
I will post in nothing but quotes from Achewood for a week, while keeping said posts relevant to the conversation at hand.


with the name change. I don't know who is who anymore. so I'll just watch the mayhem!
I find it amusing the amounts of hoops you people are willing to jump through for the promise of some nebulous thing. It could simply be pos rep for all you know.


Staff member
Man, Little Sin is rocking on the effort....but mein gott, Fun Size is hitting me right in my X-Zone. And three pages and a drawing...

:( this is getting somewhat difficult.

Calleja is out of the running though.
3 pages, drawing, and MAYBE SOMETHING EXTRA.

what could that extra thing be?

a book?

a mixed CD of jams?

maybe a coupon!

there's only one way to find out!


Staff member
Heeheehee thumbs up to the wicked Jam, Sin d ^__^ b

I'm going to have to give multiple presents, I think. BUT TO WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
If I know you the way I think I do, the only way to win this thread is to be the one who doesn't get involved.

I'll give you a knowing smile.
He really should have used "whom". And he's an English major! Oh, the shame. The shame. How will he look his fellow baristas in the eye now!?


Staff member
Not a major, I have a degree. And yes, as the direct object of the sentence, it would be to whom. To whom? Not Calleja.


Staff member
Oh Bumble and Goose, I didn't realize last night that you both had things to offer as well...

:3 curioser and curioser.
This is going to sound petty buuuuut...

No Positive Rep for that? I mean, c'mon guys...I had to listen to 'Mandy' 10 times to get this thing right. That was torturous. :p Then I had to sing it!


Is that better :)
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