Former President and Convicted Felon Trump Thread

And the hits keep coming as there's a leaked draft of a country-wide religious freedom order. Which basically gives people the right to discriminate against others based on their religion. This is similar to a state-wide order a year or two ago. I can't remember which state and I don't even know if the order was eventually revoked. I remember there was HUGE controversy and many major businesses pulled work out of the state. Now we're gonna do that across the whole country for extra fun time! Yay!
lol it was Indiana and the guy who ordered it is the vice president now.
No, Indiana's law was a state version of the federal Religious Freedom Restoration Act that's been around since the 90's. This is a federal version of a few recently attempted state laws that deal specifically with beliefs about marriage and gender.
No, they are. There are people with double nationalities facing serious issues right now. They've waffled a bit and are now letting the mthrough, but at first, having both passports still meant no entry. Which was ridiculous.
Where are you seeing this? Because the only citizen detainment I can find is the usual stuff they've been doing for years, not related in particular to the Muslim Ban.
Where are you seeing this? Because the only citizen detainment I can find is the usual stuff they've been doing for years, not related in particular to the Muslim Ban.
Belgian media about someone who's US/Iranian and was put back on the plane he came from to Brussels.
Belgian media about someone who's US/Iranian and was put back on the plane he came from to Brussels.
Couldn't find that particular story, but it led me to the right place. Dual citizens have been getting the same mixed messages as green card holders. Supposedly so long as their passport isn't from one of the seven then they'd be okay, but that doesn't appear to be what's being implemented. Probably because none of this was run by any legal filter whatsoever.
As reported last week by the Russian media, Bannon lifted economic sanctions today against Russia.
My news feed is saying they lifted some of them so American businesses could continue technology sales imported into Russia. So, not as big a deal as your comment would suggest, but it is still softening the stance a bit.
You guys need to start linking to what you're talking about for those of us not watching the news at the same time as you. I'm here having to play the pronoun game wondering who "she" is.


“Mohanad Shareef Hammadi, 25, a former resident of Iraq, was sentenced to life in federal prison, and Waad Ramadan Alwan, 31, a former resident of Iraq, was sentenced to 40 years in federal prison.” The two men lived in Bowling Green, Kentucky and according to the release “admitted using improvised explosive devices (IEDs) against U.S. soldiers in Iraq and who attempted to send weapons and money to Al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI) for the purpose of killing U.S. soldiers.”

that's it. no 6 month ban. obviously no massacre.
Wow, after all the Bowling Green, never forget, people are actling like it never happened.

In alternative news, how many timelines has Kellyanne Conway experienced and when will she be doing an autobiographical reboot of Sliders?
She claims she meant to say 'terrorist' rather than 'massacre':
Alternate Truth said:
“I bet it’s brand new information to people that President Obama had a six-month ban on the Iraqi refugee program after two Iraqis came here to this country, were radicalized and they were the masterminds behind the Bowling Green terrorists,” Conway said during an exchange on the program. “Most people don’t know that because it didn’t get covered.”
So her big revelation was supposed to be that the terrorists were the masterminds behind themselves?

"Yo, dawg. I heard Bowling Green had terrorists. So I put some terrorists in their terrorists so they can terrorist while they terrorist."
Is it just me or does Trump's presidency feel more like a corporate takeover of America?
Are you just now getting wind of this? I assumed the moment Trump took office, he would put together a team that would automatically grant US Citizenship to all businesses under Citizens United/Corporate Personhood, thereby allowing them to vote, get married, apply for financial aid, etc.

Congress removes transparency regulations for money given to countries by oil companies.

Heh: The SEC rule, the White House said, would “impose unreasonable compliance costs on American energy companies that are not justified by quantifiable benefits” and could put those companies at a disadvantage to their foreign competitors.

Because sending a table with how much money you got from where is so much effort and expense. I mean it's not like they already have a system in place to see how money moves around in the company...
Are you just now getting wind of this? I assumed the moment Trump took office, he would put together a team that would automatically grant US Citizenship to all businesses under Citizens United/Corporate Personhood, thereby allowing them to vote, get married, apply for financial aid, etc.

Canada probably isn't drowning in this political septic tank 24/7 like the U.S.