Former President and Convicted Felon Trump Thread

The way I've heard it explained is that the NFL as an organization isn't tax exempt anymore, but they also don't pay income taxes in a normal fashion. Effectively, it's a co-operative between all the owners. So the NFL organization takes in all the money, the owners each get a share, and they pay taxes on their share. So the income is taxed, just not at the organizational level.

Though I don't know if that's still the case.
Well it's been leaked that the issue that sparked Tillerson to call trump a
Tillerson said:
fucking moron
is that trump wants to increase the USA nuclear arsenal by a factor of 10.
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Every time Trump says something to the news or twitter there should be an expiry date of 2020 on it. Just to remind people that this shit isn't permanent. However, 2020 seems so far away.

I've been avoiding the major news outlets for nearly a decade (for my mental health), but I can't get away from Trump and I am sick of it.
So what's the deal with the nuclear stuff? There was this: Trump Wanted Tenfold Increase in Nuclear Arsenal, Surprising Military
President Donald Trump said he wanted what amounted to a nearly tenfold increase in the U.S. nuclear arsenal during a gathering this past summer of the nation’s highest-ranking national security leaders, according to three officials who were in the room.
I think that somewhere in the reporting it's said that the original meeting being reported on was in July.

And then this (Reuters) : Trump denies seeking nearly tenfold increase in U.S. nuclear arsenal
U.S. President Donald Trump on Wednesday denied a report from NBC News that he told his national security advisers in July he wanted to increase the country’s nuclear arsenal by nearly tenfold, saying he argued for its modernization.
I assume that the first story I linked is the "right" one, as it's NBC, and it's what comes up in Google.
I suppose, if I wanted to be charitable, that Trump was presented with "we had 40K A-bombs in the '60s, and we only have some 4K now", and said "I want us to have as much power as we did back then", by which he didn't necessarily mean he wanted to build another 36K bombs, but perhaps he wanted to be sure we still had the same nuclear capabilities in terms of total strength etc, and thus to modernize the bombs we have?*

I mean, even so, it's still kind of useless since destroying the world once over is quite enough, really, but at least it makes sense.

*"We" as in the USA. I know I'm not an American, but writing about "your" bombs get aggressive quickly.
The 45th president wants 45 thousand nukes.

And when that was leaked it seamed reasonable to people that Tillerson would call him a moron over it.

That's the most plausible reason for his denial.

He is terrified that the moron label will stick.


Staff member
Trump is threatening to pull FEMA and any troops helping out of Puerto Rico. It's a "take my ball and go home" moment but instead of not being able to play, Americans are dying.
Trump is threatening to pull FEMA and any troops helping out of Puerto Rico. It's a "take my ball and go home" moment but instead of not being able to play, Americans are dying.

Well three strikes and your out right? Not white, don't like him, can't vote for him.
I suppose, if I wanted to be charitable, that Trump was presented with "we had 40K A-bombs in the '60s, and we only have some 4K now", and said "I want us to have as much power as we did back then", by which he didn't necessarily mean he wanted to build another 36K bombs, but perhaps he wanted to be sure we still had the same nuclear capabilities in terms of total strength etc, and thus to modernize the bombs we have?
Yeah, that would be charitable, but it would go against everything Trump has ever done, long before he became president. All his building, all his investments, his shows, etc. are always about having the "biggest" and the "most", but never the BEST. He's the kind of person who thinks if he can only make you look at the surface, you won't see how shoddy and weak everything is underneath.

Don't you know the Trump-to-English Tweet Translation?

"Trust me." = Lies
"Believe me." = Verify
"I'm the smartest man in the room."= "I wouldn't be the smartest man in an empty room."
"Fake news" = Absolutely true
RaNdom CapItalIzaTioN = You can send someone to school, you can't make them learn.
"SAD." = "The preceding was probably a right protected by our Amendments or the government, which I would happily take away from you with a tweet, if I could."
I can't even make it to what Trump is talking about because that's not how sentences work.
This is actually a huge issue for me these days. I can't stand listening to him talk, but when I try to read a transcript it's like a random word generator, only all the words are dumb.
Trump is threatening to pull FEMA and any troops helping out of Puerto Rico. It's a "take my ball and go home" moment but instead of not being able to play, Americans are dying.
And what was this news cover for? Oh, hey... Trump has signed a new executive order thoroughly trashing the ACA. Who needs congress when you can just unilaterally declare that something is the way you want it to be, amirite?
And what was this news cover for? Oh, hey... Trump has signed a new executive order thoroughly trashing the ACA. Who needs congress when you can just unilaterally declare that something is the way you want it to be, amirite?
What, like DACA you mean? Not like this is the first time, nor will it be the last. That your Supreme Court hasn't thrashed almost everything that such an order can do already is amazing to me.
... didn't we do that already in another thread almost a year ago?
Hey I'm just trying to distract from the fact that the man who once said he could bang a woman anytime he wanted but only if she got an HIV test first now controls 4500 nuclear weapons
I suddenly had this mental image of Trump going on one final meltdown, and demanding the nuclear button/football/whatever that'll launch the US's nukes every which way, which'll obviously lead to retaliatory strikes from Russia and China and maybe North Korea, etc. And he keeps muttering that he's going to "burn them all... burn them all... burn them all..."

And then, while Trump's back is turned, a Secret Service agent quietly draws his gun...
I suddenly had this mental image of Trump going on one final meltdown, and demanding the nuclear button/football/whatever that'll launch the US's nukes every which way, which'll obviously lead to retaliatory strikes from Russia and China and maybe North Korea, etc. And he keeps muttering that he's going to "burn them all... burn them all... burn them all..."

And then, while Trump's back is turned, a Secret Service agent quietly draws his gun...
I suddenly had this mental image of Trump going on one final meltdown, and demanding the nuclear button/football/whatever that'll launch the US's nukes every which way, which'll obviously lead to retaliatory strikes from Russia and China and maybe North Korea, etc. And he keeps muttering that he's going to "burn them all... burn them all... burn them all..."

And then, while Trump's back is turned, a Secret Service agent quietly draws his gun...
Apparently Matthis, McMaster and Kelly have all casually discussed tackling trump should he move towards the nuclear football.