[Funny] Funny Pictures! (Keep em clean, folks!)

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You've probably seen it before, but I haven't. Spoilered due to image height, which means you'll have to click it again to blow it up big enough since the spoiler shrinks it. Luck you!



Staff member
Yeah, whoops.[DOUBLEPOST=1378226904,1378226842][/DOUBLEPOST]
You've probably seen it before, but I haven't. Spoilered due to image height, which means you'll have to click it again to blow it up big enough since the spoiler shrinks it. Luck you!

I think it was originally a GIF slideshow.
You've probably seen it before, but I haven't. Spoilered due to image height, which means you'll have to click it again to blow it up big enough since the spoiler shrinks it. Luck you!
The animated .GIF version is much easier to post.
I think it was originally a GIF slideshow.
Ding ding ding! Ninja'd!
(because he probably didn't go look for the .GIF first)

I knew it was a gif, but it's easier to choose my own pace with a strip format. If animated gifs were better for this sort of thing, we'd see most webcomics in that format.


Staff member
A staircase in the Tokyo airport. You trip, fall, and tumble down the stairs to land in a painful heap on the tile floor below. Rubbing your bruises, you look back at the stairs to see...

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