[Funny] Funny Pictures! (Keep em clean, folks!)

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That's odd, I just posted the exact same picture at the exact same time in the other thread.

But yeah, people abandoned their cars overnight in the storm, because a bus jackknifed around 5pm and there was nowhere else to go.


Don't think of it as 36 accounts. Think of it as one guild.

See? So much easier.
I think the bigger question is: Why is Psyduck getting surprise buttsex from Bulbasaur?
And why is the surprise buttsecks picture the only one with the name of an actual Pokemon? (And not the name of either of the Pokemon in the picture)

By the way, speaking of Pokemon knockoffs, I came across this recently:
C'mon guys, take it easy on the poor guy... that was an actual legit philosophical idea back when he was still studying under Professors D. Scotus, W. of Ockham and T. Aquinas...

Of course even they where talking about the existence of order instead of a simple natural phenomenon, but let's not ask Bill to strain his head with that...


Staff member
Since then he's stated that yes, he knows the moon caused the tides. But how do you explain the Moon? Mars doesn't have it. Venus doesn't have it. How do you explain that? Huh? HUH?!?

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