[Funny] Funny Pictures! (Keep em clean, folks!)

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Represents a butthole. Depends on location, too - in the south of France, with it's higher north African muslim immigrant population, they tend towards the bottom of the foot and the open palm in your face as insulting.
My first reaction was, "Oh come on, we all know Pooh would be gunning for Rabbit!" But then upon careful consideration, I realized that Pooh couldn't take down Rabbit, and Eeyore would practically lay down and let him, "Oh, all right. It was bound to happen eventually anyway."


Staff member
That's awesome. I guess that's in direct response to that popular "world according to..." map series that made the internet circuit? I love that they busted the stereotype. Though, to be fair, the same group did maps for the UK and some other regions.
Wait, boxing day? There's no way you're American.

Also love the image tag, "It's not our fault we caught a group on their way home from a geography bee. And they taught us that Uzbekistan is one of the world's two doubly-landlocked countries!"
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