I saw that yesterday, and thought, "how topical." But then I found out it's from 2018 and thought, "How had I not seen this yet?"Jonathan Coulton channels Schoolhouse Rock:
Yes, yes it does.
People like TiggerReally, why not Tigger? He's the dumbest, orangest one in the hundred acre wood.
--Patrick"It is my express opinion that the remaining incumbent OCISO* staff is being systematically targeted for removal from the Office of Administration,"[...]"In addition, habitually being hostile to incumbent OCISO staff has become a staple tactic for the new leadership... it has forced the majority of [senior civil servant] OCISO staff to resign."
The mechanics of the decision came as a real surprise to observers.
....Well that sucksBelgium was not included. You have to pay extra to get that DLC.