Funny (political, religious) pictures

How many golden idols worshiping Trump need to be made before Evangelicals realize he's evil?
Dude, the prophecies in Revelations are unfolding in front of their eyes, and still they cannot see. Even The Omen (1976) said:
When the Jews return to Zion
When a comet rips the sky
When the Holy Roman Empire rises
Then you and I must die
From the Eternal Sea, He rises
creating armies on either shore
turning man against his brother
'til man exists no more.

Dude, the prophecies in Revelations are unfolding in front of their eyes, and still they cannot see. Even The Omen (1976) said:

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I just want to point out, they absolutely see this. They want it. The whole reason crazy Christian nationalists want to see Palestine destroyed is they believe it's one of the prophecies of the end times and that they want to bring about Armageddon, which they believe they will benefit from.
Oh, I know that some of the people voting against the interests of literally everybody else are doing so because they believe they are "helping" by accelerating the advent of the End Times/Second Coming because they want Jesus to hurry up and pull His sandals on and come down here and just solve everything for them already, but I view these people with the same sort of SMH that I do whenever I see someone with a bumper sticker that says, "Kill 'em all, and let God sort 'em out!" If YOU weren't willing to Do Something About It before civilization reached whatever tipping point made you throw your hands up and decide "That's it! Now it's murder time!" then YOU were never interested in sorting 'em out, you were only interested in killing 'em.

I've seen this going around. These people are so fucking stupid.

From Children's Hospital of Philadelphia:
Children who get organ transplants are at higher risk of getting sick from diseases that vaccines prevent, like influenza and chickenpox. And, when children with transplants get sick, they may get sicker than a child who has not had a transplant. This is because after the transplant, their immune system is weak from the medications. The highest risk for illness is in the period right after the transplant, but the risk continues for months to years. Vaccines can help prevent illness and decrease how sick a child becomes if infected. Vaccines may be needed before or after the transplant or both.
I have a feeling these morons have no idea how an organ transplant even works, that the surgeon doesn't just sew in a new heart and it's all done. The patient has to take anti-rejection drugs (likely for the rest of their lives)--drugs made by the same "Big Pharma" that makes the vaccines they hate so much.
While I
a) technically disapprove of what he did as lynchings or murder of high-ups shouldn't be the answer*
b) still am not at all convinced Luigi is anything more than a scapegoat,
this hits a lot closer to what was intended with those words originally than anything Trump has done.

*technically. I can't feel sorry for the guy who died and if there actually was a semi-revolution where a hundred CEOs and right-wing politicians were guillotined, I think I could live with it. Theory vs practice and all that