George Lucas's plans for the sequel trilogy before selling


Staff member

In summary, it had some of the same elements as the current sequels. Questioning fate, destiny, etc. But it would've done it by revealing the Whills, a microscopic species who controlled the Force and fate for their own purposes. Worth noting that these guys are not new. Lucas has had this as his own canon since the early drafts of Star Wars.

It's not entirely dumb. I guess with a competent director, they might pull it off.
Trying to explain the Force with midichlorians and whills takes away from the cool mysticism of it. It's always better not to know. Unless, you have some totally excellent over-arching way to pull the whole series together by explaining it. I like it better that the Force may be more like magic abilities in Harry Potter. I think Lucas forgot about story. There needs to be a compelling narrative and characters that we care about and characters we root against. I am definitely one of the 'bitching fanboys' or whatever he called us.


Staff member
I am so glad Disney bought that shit away from him before he could ruin it even more than he did in the prequels/remasters.

"That's not how the force works!!"