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Hm, decisions decisions. Do I a) Say it's no surprise, given how much of an ass Charlie is...or b) Be empathetic. Low road or high I'm going with the high road.

S'okay, Charlster. We've all been there, man.
Recipe for Charlie Don't Surf Heart

By taking this forgotten muscle and giving it a little love you can have a great range of dishes.

Grilled Charlie Don't Surf Heart
Serves 2 as entree
Serves 4 as appetizer

3 cloves garlic, skin on
12 sprigs of fresh thyme
1.5 cups white wine
1 cup orange juice
Extra-virgin olive oil
1 Charlie Don't Surf heart, trimmed of sinew and gristle and cut into 3 x 3-inch pieces.
Kosher Salt
Fresh ground black pepper

1. In a mortar and pestle, crush the garlic and thyme.
2. In a bowl, mix them with the wine, juice, and a splash of oil; let the flavors blend for 1 hour at room temperature before use.
3. Pour marinade over pieces of beef heart and marinate for 2 hours in the refrigerator. Remove hearts and discard the marinade.
4. Preheat the grill or grill pan. Cooking over high heat is the key to proper carmelization which adds flavor and ensures proper grill marks.
5. Season the hearts with salt and pepper. Grill the hearts to medium-rare, about 3 minutes on each side depending on thickness.
6. Thinly slice the beef heart pieces against the grain and serve them warm. Garnish with a drizzle of olive oil.

(shamelessly stolen from )
Are you sure you're not a couple? I heard you guys hooked up at a Rammstein concert.

Either way Charlie, I'm sure makare wouldn't mind if you gave this guy a call



Are you sure you're not a couple? I heard you guys hooked up at a Rammstein concert.

Either way Charlie, I'm sure makare wouldn't mind if you gave this guy a call

For a good time call... that guy?
Nah, I wasn't dumped. It's just been a really frustrating year. I've been stood up like three times by girls I really liked and just had stuff fizzle and haven't been excited about anyone for a while.


Staff member
Nah, I wasn't dumped. It's just been a really frustrating year. I've been stood up like three times by girls I really liked and just had stuff fizzle and haven't been excited about anyone for a while.
Don't worry man. You'll stumble into one that's slightly less crazy than the rest. They're out there.
There are few things worse than investing a great deal of time and energy into someone, only to have them deploy the friend card, or even simply fail to reciprocate.

I feel for ya, man.
*unknowingly runs in the same direction as HCGLNS*


*shoves them to the ground and keeps running so they take the fall, not me! SUCKER!*


Staff member
Nah, I wasn't dumped. It's just been a really frustrating year. I've been stood up like three times by girls I really liked and just had stuff fizzle and haven't been excited about anyone for a while.
Ah. I see. Life can be pretty lame that way. Eh, don't fret it. Think about it another way. With my kidney disease, I've needed tons of shots/blood taken/biopsy - basically lots of needles. You've had problems cultivating a deep, meaningful relationship with a lady. Not really related or even similar - but the overall point is this: Penetration ain't all that fun no matter who you are. Some folks would rather avoid it if they could.
Sorry, I associate her too much with her typecast character on That 70's show. To me she'll always be annoying-ass Jackie.
Added at: 20:47
Charlie, you just haven't found the right planet yet.

I'll be honest, I truly thought you were... you know.... gay.

I'm dead serious.

There's obviously something going on if you're getting stood up like that, I won't judge though.
Nah, I'm straight as an arrow.

I really don't mind if someone loses interest. It happens! I have lost interest in girls, too. What I haven't done, is set up a date with them, and then cut off all contact.
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