What? laaaaaaaaaaaaamePre-order bonus content for Gamestop, and possibly only in the UK? Ugh.
What? laaaaaaaaaaaaamePre-order bonus content for Gamestop, and possibly only in the UK? Ugh.
No kidding:It may just be the way that the interviewer is framing it, but does anyone else think that this sounds, well, like they put no thought into this whatsoever?
Yeah...“Going into this we knew we wanted to make a statement about the 21st century,” said Marvel editor-in-chief Axel Alonso.
"Spider-Man is arguably the most recognizable superhero on the planet and little kids like my son Tito can relate to him because of the red-and-blue tights,” Alonso said.
Drop the "Black" and you have the new Question. Who used to work with Batman in the Animated Series as Lt. Montoya. So the Question is now a triple-threat-minority... Female/Gay/Hispanic now everyone will love DC's second greatest detective.Hispanic, Black gay super-hero.
Well, that's one of the problems in current pop-culture. Sexuality is considered to be an essential defining characteristic. Media demands that everyone over 13 have a sexual identity and be defined by who they're attracted to, who is attracted to them, who they're dating, who they've kissed, etc. It's an absurdly skewed focus, but such prurient interest is pretty pervasive in pop-culture, for both fictional and non-fictional personalities. With that viewpoint, it's impossible to create a character without answering the gay/straight question. The assumption is that sexuality is an essential check-box in the basic questionnaire, right after "Hero or Villain?".I wish they would create a character, not a stereotype. Develop a character and make his/her sexuality not matter. Good stories/Great Saves... catch the villains. Let the gay/strait decision come up later.
You ever read The Pro? It's not that far off.At least it's not a female black/hispanic, lesbian, single mother, drug addicted, aids infected, rape survivor, Spider man.
Aside from her being female and a single mother, what else of that list defines The Pro, exactly? Yeah, it's a crude, low-brow book, but she's not AIDS infected, a lesbian or a rape survivor.
I heard it was Marty Joe.They renamed Mary Jane to Mark John