Good foods you hate.

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I don't think they use real eggs. I think they use egg beaters or some weird egg substitute.
I've been told that most scrambled eggs at fast food and some other restaurants are powdered eggs. The kicker, remember all those studies that showed that eggs were bad for your cholesterol? Those were done using powdered eggs. The studies done with fresh eggs didn't show the same rise in cholesterol levels.

Joe Johnson

Sushi - unfortunately. I LOVE the idea of it, and it looks so damn cool, but I just don't like it - though I WANT to.


Sushi - unfortunately. I LOVE the idea of it, and it looks so damn cool, but I just don't like it - though I WANT to.

Not even California rolls? I gotta agree to an extent. I can't eat sushi everyday, and I really have to be in the mood for it.
Yeah, pretty much.

I tried horse sashimi last time I went for sushi in the city. Very dark meat, almost purple it was so red. Basically tastes like bitter beef.

Joe Johnson

My point exactly, Vytamindi. It's just so artfully done!
And, it's not awful, I just don't like it. And, no, not even California rolls.

I do like to try it every once in awhile, I'm hoping to acquire a taste someday. Mainly because I have so many friends who just go gagga over it. It'd be nice to share that.


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can't remember the name of the food, is a chinese dish with noodles mixed with vegetables and meats, I used to like and one *BAM* I started to hate it, from a bite to the other just like that.

Similarly, Shrimp, I eat one or too and get sick of it, but the first ones are delicious, doesn't help that I think of them as "sea cockroachs"

Oh, I just hate coconut, there is only one coconut food that I enjoy, that is a kind of cookie sold here, but I don't like it in any of its other forms.

There is a number of regional dishes that I dislike and my family often teases me about it, but It would pointless say them here (I guess)
I could eat sushi every day.

I like it so much, I got my own maki-su (bamboo mat for rolling sushi)..I don't do as well as the pros, but hey

And if you don't like sushi..try candy sushi

That's rice crispy treats, gummy worms and wine gums, wrapped in fruit roll-ups. Chocolate sauce for soy sauce.. it was much tastier than I expected it to be.
I adore good maki, like this local place called Kodo has their own called, surprisingly, Kodomaki. Tempura shrimp, crab, grilled salmon skin and japanese pickles rolled up with an outer layer of avacado and roe. Delicious.
I need to be in the mood to go for sushi, which is good because I go for all you can eat and it's kind of expensive for a meal. Although proportionately cheap for the volume. :D

I basically love sushi but don't want to eat it more than every couple months so as to not get sick of it.
Really, about the only thing I don't like is most white fish. I cannot stand catfish. I'm trying to learn to like fish, because it sounds so good. You always hear pro-chefs describe how delicate and flaky, and fresh tasting fish is, but 99% of the time I've been near fish it smells nasty, and tastes just like it smells. They also say this is a sign of less-than-fresh fish, but honestly the only time I've been around fish that doesn't smell that way is fresh caught or the fish markets at Pike Place, which is such a pain in the ass to get around that I just can't bring myself to go there.

Strangely, the same does not apply to sushi (except that I usually can't stand the texture of raw fish), good tuna, and occasionally salmon and mahi-mahi.

Also, the texture of real bananas kills me. I can handle them in pie form, or pudding form, or bread form, and I love the flavor of bananas so popsicle form kicks much ass, I just can't peel a banana and eat it.

Oh, and the aforementioned evil that is Hershey's chocolate. I am exceptionally pissed that they bought out Scharffen Berger's chocolate and then shut down the plant in Cali, that was some of the best baking chocolate I've ever used (flourless chocolate cake, FTW!).

Aside from that, the only thing I can imagine really hating on the previous list is that boxed mac-and-cheese with tuna. Or any mac and cheese with tuna, really. Tuna casserole is one thing, mac-and-cheese with tuna is an abomination.

Oh, and Krisken's breakfast sandwich sounds amazing.
I stand with the "could eat sushi every damn day" crowd on this one.

That said, I spent a year in Japan, and since I came back, I can't eat the supermarket/crappy generic-Asian restaurant crap that is all over the place in the States, it just doesn't taste right.

I have to look for a much more upscale restaurant to get decent sushi, and I just can't afford to do that most of the time.
Cake! More accuratly, I hate cake frosting. I think it's a US and possibly brittish custom of coating cakes with it. I do occationally make the kind of cake I like (with whipped cream, instead) but never for any kind of special occation, including my own birthday, and here's why...

My sister in law asked me what kind of cake I would like for her to make me (was my first birthday celebrated here). I told her that I wanted one with cream and that I would be happy to either assist her or make it myself if she didn't know how. Well, her voice started to tremble and she asked what everyone else would be eating if there was no real cake. I realized cakes and birthday parties were far more important to her then they ever would be to me. So I quickly said, no worries, just make whatever kind you like. It worked. All signs of cake related distress immediatly disappeared from her face. Phiew!

Luckily, I don't have much of a sweet tooth, so I don't miss cake that much. Only get a craving sometimes in early summer and then I might make one, topped with strawberries.
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