Gratuitous thread, please indulge me.

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Here's the thing...

This Friday is both the very first time I teach a lesson to a classroom ALONE and the very first time I perform in front of people at an actual gig. And I'm kinda shaking in my boots about both even though I've prepared.

Any good vibes, prayers, or well-wishes would be appreciated. And please use this space to report things that are coming up for you that you'd like us to wish you luck on.


Staff member
That's what the little hermano tells me. He's been giggin since he was 17, so this is no big thing for him. Me? I haven't sung in public since 2003. :confused: And that was in a group. I was just one of 12 altos.

Also, thanks. ^_^ That's comforting coming from another one who knows from experience!


As someone who hopes to be a teacher, himself, I wish you nothing but the largest amount of luck I can muster!

You can totally do it, you whacky cajun!


Staff member
Remember, you know more than they do. Don't be afraid to let them know it. Students will run with any rope you give them, even if they're nice or don't mean to. So don't give them any!


Knock 'em dead!

Well, not really. Unless they start getting all uppity, of course.

But still, good luck!
Yay CJ. Gratz.
You don't need luck, you'll do great.
And then we'll all have drinks afterwards.
I should probably go do a pre-emptive bump of the ole drunk thread since I'm working on a bottle of 151.
Good luck, I'm sure you'll do great on both. just make sure to do the right thing at the right time - while your students will probably appreciate your singing and music, I doubt if your audience will be interested in your lecture ;-)
I was gonna find a youtube video of a bunch of people saying, "I believe in you!" but then got distracted by The Darkness

I believe in you, Cajungal!
Best of luck! I bet you'll be great!

Just... don't kick anybody...

I mean, both as a teacher and as a singer, you can inflict them pain in much more refined ways! Xp
My first gig was performing in front of the Houston Association of Acoustic Musicians, so I was doubly nervous...not just performing on a stage, but in front of other musicians. And nobody can pick your work apart like a pro who's already been there and done that.

The week leading up to the performance was nerve-wracking.
The hour leading up to the performance, while we were in the venue but not yet on stage, was even more so. I probably sweated a lifetime of bullets in that hour.

Then, the 2 hour gig itself flew by in an instant, and before I knew it, we were off stage and getting compliments and congratulations. And, unless you're one of those rare people who never get over stage fright, it gets easier every time you do it.

I'm sure you'll knock 'em dead! :D


Staff member
Bhamv, that's awesome.

:D Thanks again, Tin... I'm feeling better now.

Actually I'm not as nervous about the gig itself now as I am about the people who are going to be there. It's going to be this big Christian affair. The film they're debuting is about avoiding the "bottomless pit of sin" or something like that. Maybe it won't be bad, but the more I talk to these guys, the more I'm afraid I might be in a show with some fire and brimstoners. If that turns out to be true, I'm going to just keep my mouth shut; I'm a guest and I'm not about to disrespect what they gathered for. I just didn't get that kind of vibe at first and now I'm blindsided.

Also, last minute set change, my brother made a good bass part for the RHCP song "Porcelain", and I'm singing it. Should be fun! :D
I've been radiating good vibes for the last few weeks already during your frenzied preparation, but hopefully a cold front coming from the north can carry them down to you in time.

Better pump out the GOOD good vibes from now on just to be safe.



Staff member
^_^ That's right, you knew about this before anybody. Well they must have all hit me yesterday, because I had an incredible practice with my brother. And I'm feelin mighty good today. Thanks for all the support and for reminding me not to freak.
Someone suggested the naked thing, but I think they got it wrong. I think you're supposed to imagine that they're all picturing you naked.

Or...or maybe you're supposed to be naked.

You know what, I think it's a good thing I got out of the theater back in high school. Let's just go with good luck.
Best of Luck to you on both.

Don't be afraid to be strict at first. In fact its recommended, since your first impression is what will stick with your students. Be a bit of a hardass and you can always lighten up later, but still have that [Strike]fear[/Strike]respect from your students. However, you can never go the other way. Once a pushover always a pushover.


Staff member
I just finished making my materials for the lesson. We're reviewing words that end in "all." So I'm going to first review all the words with the class, then we're going to play a game. I've written out sentences that I'm going to put in the teacher's pocket board.

Then the kids are going to spell the words out with the foam letters at their desks. When they all have it, I'll choose one per sentence to come up and spell out the answer with the letters in the pocket board.

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